The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Six hundred and three, caring for the boss plan

Chu Yao stayed in the manor.

Although the small achievement of Xinniannian has not been achieved yet, more ways to play are still unlocked. The sisters seem to have reached a subtle tacit understanding, and it is only a matter of time before the ultimate experience.

Mainly New Year holidays.

Both of them don't have to go to work, so they have a lot of time to spend, grind, get together.

After playing like crazy for two days without any shame, Chu Yao came out to relax.


The seven-day annual holiday has not yet ended, and the whole city is shrouded in a joyous atmosphere.

Fireworks and firecrackers have not been completely banned in Chu City until now, and red confetti can be seen in the streets and alleys, as well as in the garbage dumps.

Passing by a street corner, Chu Yao casually parked his car on the side of the road, and with a thought, he walked into the depths of the alley.

This place belongs to the very old city, Xinghua Lane.

On the left is a textile factory, and on the right is a residential area.

However, the textile factory has been closed for a long time, and now it seems to be occupied by rags and piles of messy things.

And in front of the residential area on the right, the tube building has long been dilapidated and out of shape.

Looking at all the familiar things, Chu Yao walked into the depths of the alley, walking slowly, recalling countless past events in his mind.

The memories that have been dusted by the long river of time come to mind bit by bit, as if forming double overlapping shadows.

A timid little boy, wearing a slightly larger white T-shirt, shorts, and a pair of mended gymnastics shoes, walked from the depths of the alley, with black and white clear eyes, full of fear and curiosity about the unknown world outside.

Following in the footsteps of "him", Chu Yao walked to the end of the alley.

Turn left.

An apricot tree that dries up in winter, the old tree is strong, maybe it is not completely dead, and new buds will sprout in the next spring.

There are ashes left by burning incense in front of the tree, and a red cloth is still tied to the trunk.

This tree was once a very beautiful and sweet memory when I was a child.

The golden apricots fall naturally from the tree and are very sweet. Even the almonds inside are very fragrant after breaking the hard shell.

That taste, to Chu Yao now, is like Zhu Yuanzhang's emerald and white jade soup.

Vegetables are still vegetables, tofu is still tofu, and apricots are still apricots, but the embarrassment and happiness at that time are no longer there.

There are couplets pasted on the iron gate.

The first couplet is: Compassion and affection are like nectar to nourish the world.

The second line is: Great love without boundaries is like the spring breeze warming the heart.

Hengpi: What is good will be rewarded.

Standing at the door, Chu Yao hesitated and pushed the door open.

I remember that I came here myself after graduating from university. At that time, it was closed and there was no one there.

The old man in the yard that he cared about the most is gone.

At that time, I felt lost, but I also felt that it was a good thing. There were fewer and fewer children who were abandoned.

The closure of the orphanage is naturally a good thing.

And now...

It seems that there is someone again?

with doubts,

Chu Yao pushed the door open, and the scene in front of him made him want to laugh.

Very warm picture.

In the huge courtyard, although it is still paved with green bricks, it is very smooth and clean.

There are two rows of bamboo and rattan chairs on the left and right, and the winter sun shines into the yard. There are two rows of old people sitting respectively, the one on the left is the old man, and the one on the right is the old lady.

Inexplicably, there is a sense of sight of sitting in a row and eating fruit.

In the middle, there are two lazy big fat cats.

Hearing the sound of the door, the nearest old man turned his head to look, showing his cracked teeth and smiling like a child.

It seemed that a noise was heard, and at the same time, the front door opened, a girl with ponytails, wearing rubber gloves, holding a mop and a dustpan in her hands, smiling steamily, looking at Chu Yao.

"You are... Chu Yao?"

After the slight surprise in her eyes, she immediately cried out in surprise, quickly put down the things in her hands, and walked over quickly.

In fact, she is not very good-looking, her eyes are slightly slanted, but her figure is very plump, with a strong enthusiasm and simplicity.

Chu Yao vaguely felt that she looked familiar, as if, or should be, her childhood playmate, a child in the orphanage.

But not quite sure.

Because the time is too long, the memory has long been blurred, and it is completely out of touch.

Chu Yao nodded and smiled, "It's me."

The woman said: "Oh, you are a rare guest, why are you here? Where is Miss Xi? Didn't she come with you?"


Miss Xi?

Which Miss Xi?

"You mean Xi Yue?"

Chu Yao asked casually.

"That's right, it's Xi Yue. She rebuilt the place last year and repaired it. The plumbing, electricity, heating, etc. are all done. She said it was your intention."

"There are no children around here. The young people have gone out to work, and only the elderly are left. It happened that the community was planning to build a nursing home, so it became a nursing home."

"I'm working as a nurse here now, big boss, do you still know me?"

She explained in Mandarin with a local dialect flavor, then looked at Chu Yao with a smile, and asked teasingly.

Chu Yao: ...

I was a little stunned for a while.

An indescribable itching, from the tailbone to the back of the head, goose bumps all over the body.

A little... moved.

Of course not because of this woman, but because of Xi Yue.

"Hahaha, I really can't remember, are you?"

Chu Yao rubbed his nose and asked with some embarrassment.

She also couldn't help laughing out loud: "I know you definitely don't remember, but it's normal, you have a lot of past events, I'm Huahua, the one who snatched your glass marbles when I was a child. I even bit you!"

Chu Yao: ...

He said that he remembered it, but in his heart, he really didn't remember it.

It seems that I have selectively forgotten that this most unpleasant memory has been deleted by the brain partition, leaving only some extremely fragmented fragments.

Chu Yao chatted with her here for a while and learned about her life experience.

She came out of the orphanage, dropped out of junior high school, went to the south to work for two years, saved some money, met a man from the same town, got married, gave birth to a child, and lived nearby.

Last year, I heard about job recruitment. In order to subsidize the family and also for some kind of feelings, I came here to work as a full-time nurse.

It is also a happy and stable life.

After staying all afternoon, before leaving, Chu Yao went outside to buy a red envelope, took the money, gave it to the old man, and left a double copy for Huahua by the way.

Then leave.

After returning to the manor, Xi Yue was called over immediately.

To be honest, along the way, Chu Yao was thinking about this matter, and her instinct was to judge her motives, but after thinking about it, in the end, only her sweetness and tenderness remained, her caring and delicate.

"Welfare home, what do you mean?"

Chu Yao looked at her thoughtfully.

Xi Yue pursed her lips slightly, and was a little surprised for a while: "Ah? You know?"

Chu Yao knocked on the table: "Are you trying to pick on me? I admit, this time I really broke my defense."

Xi Yue: ...

Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, took half a step back in a pretentious manner, and said with a smile: "President Chu, don't do this, I am doing good deeds, you can't repay your kindness with revenge!"




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