The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and eighty-seven, he gave too much

Everything will happen (jian) (fan) (wai).

Chu Yao stayed with her in Shanghai for a few days.

On the first day, I felt unwell and stayed in the hotel to rest.

The next day, I stayed up late and slept too late, got up late, and continued to catch up on sleep.

On the third day, my legs were weak and I didn't want to go out.


"My dark circles are coming out!"

On the fourth day, looking at the mirror, she said shyly and angrily, with a coquettish voice, Chu Yao's goosebumps were about to pop out.

As for the voice, she really didn't say anything.

Both sensual and visual.

She is called Mei.

"Then what should I do? But the skin seems to be better."

Chu Yao smiled and said that he was wearing a nightgown at the moment, concentrating on reading a piece of information about Deutsche Bank.

It was only two days before we went to Xiangjiang to meet there.

Hearing Chu Yao's words, Xia Die blushed again and made a guttural sound like "um...".

this man...

this man...

It's outrageous.

I really don't know where he got such a strong animal nature.

No wonder so many women are needed.

"Are you going to work?"

Lie on Chu Yao's back from behind, leaning close to his ear, and said very delicately.

Chu Yao said casually: "Well, I will go to Xiangjiang in two days and meet a foreign bank."

"What about me? What should I do?"

Now is the time when the glue is like paint, and I can't accept the separation for a while.

"You... go to filming, let me know which film you want to film, and I will arrange it."

Chu Yao's tone of understatement.

"Is it that easy? They might have already set the schedule."

"Change it after it's decided. The female lead can also be changed, and the director can also be changed. Okay, you choose yourself, and I will take care of it."

Chu Yao said dotingly, he has the demeanor of the father of the patron.

"What if I offend people in the circle? Will I be hacked?"

Still a little worried.

Chu Yao: "I'm not dead yet."


I was a little moved by this overbearing.

He gave too much.


Not trapped by women, life suddenly enters various simple modes.

That afternoon, Chu Yao left Shanghai, and before leaving, he went to Zhongxin Bank to hold a meeting.

Regarding the issue of the license plate, I have already contacted Mr. Qian.

Mr. Qian said that he wanted to do research and research, and he would arrange for a few people to come here to do a detailed research to help the company meet the standards, and then apply for it.

He said so, so it should be 80% stable.

It wasn't such a big deal.

Chu Yao and Han Feng reported the matter, and amidst the flattery, they took advantage of the opportunity to call Guan Ju'er in Pengcheng, planning to transfer her here.

She has almost passed all kinds of financial certificates.

Guan Juer is also a good boy, very diligent and eager to learn.

The route Chu Yao arranged for her was to become a financial supervisor first, accumulate experience, and then follow the path of deputy director, director, and vice president of finance to rise up.

Women, as long as you have something to do, you won't make trouble.

Such an arrangement was naturally what she wished for.

Ever since Gao Jing called her to Xiangmihu's house and had dinner together last time, she was always a little on tenterhooks.

It would be nice to change cities now.

Chu Yao bought her another house in Modu, but it was not Tangchen Yipin, but COFCO Haijing No. 1, which was no less luxurious than Tangchen, mainly because it was closer to the company, just go downstairs and go out.


two days later.


Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Before a formal meeting, Chu Yao first had a meal with Qiao Yongjun, President of Asia Pacific Region of Deutsche Global Bank. He is Chinese and easy to communicate with.

Chu Yao checked the detailed information.

Deutsche Bank is a very interesting company. It can be regarded as a relatively powerful company among international capitals, and it is also a courageous company.

It's amazing that...

Chu Yao discovered that there seemed to be one or several red veins among the shareholders behind the bank.

For example, President Joe's predecessor, who was also Chinese, was introduced as a national key special talent, and directly served as the vice president of the Universe Bank from the position of the president of the Asia Pacific region of Deutsche Bank.

This kind of mobilization, and the various contexts behind it, are enough to make people think of many things and have a lot of imagination.

It can be said that the teeth are intertwined, there is me in you, and you in me.

in addition……

at the same time……

The bank is also very courageous.

Last year, many media outlets in the beautiful country reported that Deutsche Bank was suspected of helping global criminal organizations to launder money, which was a very serious crime.

There is no real punishment.

Chu Yao was indifferent to this.

After all, things like public opinion have always been a fig leaf for interests and power.

Moreover, although the enemy of the enemy may not be a friend, there may be some basis for cooperation.

In the final analysis, what moves people is never ideology and standpoint, but interests.

The meal is very simple.

For reasons of confidentiality, it was only done inside the room.

Except for two people, there is no one else.

Qiao Yongjun is nearly fifty years old, tall and burly, a bit rough like a German. Chu Yao only knew that he has a quarter of the Germanic gene after exchanging pleasantries with him.

Before the meeting, Chu Yao also asked Wen Ji to use the power of the system to investigate this person's social relations to the bottom.

At this moment, in his own eyes, he is almost a transparent person.

There are no secrets.

Chu Yao knew more about him than his wife.

On the dining table, dishes were served one after another. The main dish was Wellington steak, and the beautiful view of Victoria Harbor was outside the window. They chatted while eating.

Qiao Yongjun didn't know why Chu Yao was looking for him, there was no sign at all.

However, because of Chu Yao's social status, he seemed extraordinarily polite.

After all, although he is the president, he is just a worker, and Chu Yao is a real boss, the helm of a business empire, and a boss worth hundreds of billions.

So, while exchanging pleasantries, I also tried.

Chu Yao also made false claims with him first.

"I established a company in Paris, the main nature of which is a research institute and a laboratory. This is an extension of domestic projects. It is mainly based on the prohibition of some technologies and instruments. Some conditions cannot be met in China."

Chu Yao first raised a less important point.

Qiao Yongjun moved his hand holding the steak slightly, and let it go, realizing that the topic is coming soon.

"Yes, the current international situation is not very good, and it is quite tense. However, scientific research, all over the world, should not be restricted by these."

He said.

Chu Yao was very satisfied with his attitude.

After thinking about it, he said, "Mr. Qiao, you are a banker, and I have a question for you."

He stretched out his hand: "Please speak."

"If I have 20 billion US dollars in overseas assets, how should I allocate them, which is more reasonable and safe?"

Chu Yao asked with a smile.

Qiao Yongjun's eyes narrowed immediately.

20 billion, US dollars.

What is the concept of this number?

Deutsche Bank has developed for more than 100 years, and the total assets at its disposal are nearly 800 billion U.S. dollars, but it belongs to all shareholders. Last year, the global turnover of the entire group was 42 billion U.S. dollars.

20 billion, almost the net profit for the whole year.

Unexpectedly, there are... so many?




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