The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and seventy-four, what color are the underpants?

was named.


Chu Yao felt a little bit pained.

The debt ratio is low, and it is not a good thing not to borrow money from the bank.

The debt ratio does not represent the strength of the company.

High and low, can not explain any problems.

The reason why I have never had a bank loan is mainly because I find it troublesome.

I can't spend all the money I got from swiping, so I can go to the bank to borrow money when I have nothing to do?

You have to pay interest on it!

On the contrary, banks often ask themselves to borrow money to complete some storage tasks, or occasionally there is a shortage of money, such as fund lending.

However, at this moment, almost everyone was looking at him, looking at the expectant eyes of the old professor, Chu Yao naturally did not hesitate, got up and went to the podium.

Stand still.

"Maybe it's because I live a relatively simple life. I am very economical in food, clothing, housing and transportation, and I never spend a lot of money, so I really don't spend much money."

Chu Yao made a joke first.

Naturally, there was a burst of laughter.

How much do these cost?

The first level of financial freedom.

"You are quite humorous. Come on, tell me, what kind of consideration is it based on?"

The boss asked the question seriously, while looking at Chu Yao curiously.

is really curious.

Such a large-scale company with such a low asset-liability ratio can hardly be called rare among all companies in the country, but the only one in the shit of scorpions.

You know, even cash cows like Huawei, or Laoganma, or even giants like Ali and Penguin will definitely borrow money from the bank.

Not for lack of money.

but because,

To make full use of capital leverage, to do something bigger.

From this perspective, the absence of bank loans may not be a good thing for the company.

In fact...

This kind of situation generally exists in small and micro enterprises whose operating conditions are not very good, but even for small and micro enterprises, the reason is not that they do not want to borrow, but that they cannot borrow.

So at this moment, he vaguely feels that this is a unique "economic phenomenon" that is worth discussing and studying.


"Actually, there is still a loan."

"At the beginning, when I bought the company's first headquarters building, I borrowed 1 billion, and of course I have paid it off now. When I needed emergency financing, I also moved around and borrowed 10 billion. , of course it was paid off later.”

"So it's not that I haven't borrowed it, it's just that most of the time I don't need it. Although there is a large credit line, the company rarely uses it."

"I basically admit that this is because our company's financial level is relatively low, and the capital utilization rate is also low. We are better at practicing internal skills. When the company is on the right track and starts to generate positive cash flow, coupled with the fact that it is now listed, it will be even better. There is no need for a bank loan."

Chu Yao said neither humble nor overbearing.

It is inevitable to feel emotional in my heart.

It was the first time to borrow money from the bank, the one billion yuan, why didn't I have such thoughts?

——If you make a profit, you own it; if you lose it, it belongs to the bank.

But now, I don't have this thought at all. I'm so rich that I can't spend it all.

Chu Yao's words made almost everyone in the class look complicated for a while.

Especially real estate companies.

In the back row, Sun Xiang stared at the stage with burning eyes. His expression and eyes were extremely speechless. No matter what Chu Yao said, it sounded like Versailles in his ears.

So fucking annoying!


"Can you tell me about how much cash reserves you have now?"

The boss asked again, with a kind and kind expression on his face.

However, Chu Yao reckoned that he must be digging a hole for himself, hesitated for a while, and said: "Not much, life is quite tense."

Chu Yao would definitely not say the exact amount.

In fact, I don't even know how much money I have now.

At this moment, I can roughly calculate in my head, and the liquidity that can be used at any time is estimated to be at the level of 100 billion, including US stocks.

I was a little taken aback by this number.

The boss glanced at Chu Yao and couldn't help laughing out loud.

By the way, he explained: "Have you seen that, those who really make a fortune in silence are all like this. Only those who are bluffing, afraid that others will think they have no money, will say that the company has 300 billion in liquidity in the account."

There was another slight laugh in the classroom.

This is Xu Dao's previous operation, and now he is being ridiculed on the spot, maybe this big guy is not dealing with that one.

However, many people couldn't laugh at all.

How is this just a matter of belt Xu alone?

To put it bluntly, many large companies borrow most of their money from banks.

Once the financial environment tightens, it will be a blessing in disguise.


"Okay, excuse me, Mr. Chu, please go back to your seat, let's talk after we come down."

After asking two questions, he also realized that Chu Yao seemed to be a little resistant to this kind of topic, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Just using this gimmick, today's lessons and topics are naturally introduced.

Open the courseware, and a table of average asset-liability ratios of various industries appears on the screen.

Real estate naturally topped the list, reaching more than 80%.

Architectural decoration followed with 75%.

Automobile, iron and steel, machinery, electronics, chemical industry, agriculture and other industries, basically around 50%.

The lowest rate is around 30%-40% for tertiary industries such as the Internet, media, food and beverage, or industries that are themselves cash cows.

This is a macroscopic economic data table, which is not useful for actual operations, but it is useful for increasing knowledge and broadening horizons.

Following his explanation, Chu Yao also listened with gusto.

This one has a high level of practical operation, extremely rich theory, and is very good at combining, and the speech is down-to-earth, humorous, and the quality of the course can be said to be quite high.


"So what is your company's cash reserves? (curious) (curious)"

While listening to the class, the phone vibrated. Chu Yao glanced at it and saw that Qin Shengnan, who had just joined, had sent himself a message.

Chu Yao: "Then I'll ask you a question too."

Her: "Huh?"

Chu Yao: "What color underwear are you wearing today?"

After one question round, she suddenly stopped talking.

I wanted to take advantage of my gender to ask some sensitive topics, but I didn't expect that Chu Yao would play a hooligan, point the needle at Maimang, and instead be molested.

Moreover, I can't say anything, after all, I asked the sensitive question first.

Isn't this kind of question asking how much money a company makes is equivalent to asking what color a person's underwear is?


Blood loss.

Pensive man!


A class, one and a half hours passed quickly, and Chu Yao still felt a little unfinished.

But now that get out of class is over, it's hard to say anything else.


Soon Chu Yao received a message from the "counselor", that is, the coordinating staff on the organizer's side: "Mr. Chu, please excuse me, Mr. Qian asked if you have time at noon, and if so, I would like to invite you You have lunch together."




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