The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and sixty-three, blessing or curse?

I... grass!

Chu Yao immediately jumped up excitedly, clenched his fists, and screamed excitedly.

In a state of incoherent speech, I can only use the word classic to express my inner feelings at this moment.

"Show me quickly, the camera is a little closer, how is Jingjing?"

When I came back to my senses, I reorganized the language.

"Even if you still have a conscience, you still know how to ask her, now, let's see."

Poppy switched the camera, and Gao Jing's slightly pale face appeared. Although she had just given birth, she didn't look tired, and she could sit up on the bed. Looking at the two babies who were being examined by the doctor, her eyes were full of tears. warmth.

"Honey, you've worked hard."

Chu Yao subconsciously said.

Inexplicably, when he said the word "wife", he felt a little guilty.

Looking back from the bottom of my heart, part of the reason why I chose to come to Chucheng was because I didn't know how to face Gao Jing.

Similar to the relaxation of running away from home.

However, now, it's like an arrow.

"It's not very hard. I exercised well and didn't suffer. Are you on the plane?"

"Well, I'll be there in about two hours."

"Okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the road, don't worry, the two little ones can't run away, and think about their names by the way."

Gao Jing laughed and joked.

I thought of a few names before, but I haven't been completely sure about them. Now that the goods have been unloaded, it's time to decide.

Chu Yao nodded.

The plane suddenly bumped, there was a cloud in front, the signal was unstable, the video was stuck for a moment, and then cut off.

At this time.

Only then did Chu Yao suddenly realize that in his mind, the system produced a notification sound again.

Congratulations to the host, successfully possessing the next generation]

New features open]

You have obtained the function of system migration and inheritance. You can designate and inherit this system to any child of direct blood. After the system is migrated, it will completely disappear from you.]

Note: This function will not affect the effect of rewards obtained]


This? ? ?


Chu Yao was completely stunned.

For a moment, I felt goosebumps all over my body, and a chill rose from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai.

Indescribable feeling.

Not very happy, but... inexplicable fear.

Logically speaking, this should be a good thing.

But... why do you feel afraid?

After thinking for a while, Chu Yao felt that it was, and would worry about passing on the "dilemma" that happened to him to the next generation.

It's really hard to say, is this a blessing from the system, or a curse?

After being silent for a while, Chu Yao continued to take deep breaths, but gradually calmed down.

The main reason is that I am already rich enough, and with my own "ability", I can give the next generation superior conditions, and I don't need the system anymore.

Saying "curse" is a bit like picking up the bowl to eat and putting down the bowl to scold mother.

However, there is one thing to say, this system is really considerate.

Chu Yao faintly had this idea, let's stop here, and it will not be passed on to the next generation.


At this moment, I remembered that the system rewarded a skill before, called "Gene Reproduction and Inheritance", which can "empower" a baby and become a child prodigy in minutes.

Do you want to use it?

Inexplicably, Chu Yao began to worry about gains and losses, and was entangled.

Two villains in my mind.

One is called the beloved son of parents, and the plan is far-reaching.

The other is that you can't deprive him or her of the right to choose, he or she doesn't know anything, what if you give him or her the way she chooses, and he or she doesn't like it?

Until the plane landed and returned home, I still hadn't made up my mind.

Don't worry, let's take a look.


Back home, Chu Yao was also a little lucky to see Gao Jing and Yu Meiren, as well as the previous resident doctor and nanny.

Fortunately, they have been raising them.

Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.

Gao Jing gave birth at home, if there was no one at home, something might happen.

Haosheng thanked them a lot,

Remember to send a big red envelope later.

Next, it was a happy and warm time for the family of four, and even Poppy went out tactfully.

"How do you feel now?"

Holding Gao Jing's hand in one hand, Chu Yao knelt in front of the bed, looking at the two dolls who had already fallen asleep, her heart was peaceful, and suddenly felt that nothing else was important.

"It's pretty good, I feel relieved, I don't want to be in confinement."

Gao Jing smiled and said softly, the last half of the sentence was a little coquettish, and it felt like she was back in love.


Chu Yao asked sincerely.

"If there's anything wrong with it, it's fine. Of course, I won't kill myself. Just don't stay bored at home all the time."

"Okay, I'll ask the doctor later."

Chu Yao said it safely, and subconsciously reached out to touch her stomach, but Gao Jing flinched obviously.

Dodging posture, very serious.

"Stay still, ugly, ugly, wrinkled."

Chu Yao took a look at her, sniffed, and was silent for a moment. Thousands of words, turned into a sentence of "Thanks for your hard work." Life and death are also important.

Both death and rebirth are a mirror, which suddenly allows people to clearly see everything in their hearts.

"Not hard."

"No pain, no gain."

Gao Jing said with a smile, driving invisible.

Chu Yao: ...

He also couldn't help laughing out loud, and added: "It's two points."

The two looked at each other, smiling together.

Gao Jing smiled again and said, "Have you decided on the name? Think about the characters in advance, and then arrange them one by one."

This is a bit of a joke.

To tease Chu Yao that there are still people outside and children.

However, although I definitely haven't completely let go of it in my heart, but now, this matter can be brought to the surface.

Nothing decent or not.

Do it, say it.

Chu Yao licked his face with a "very high emotional intelligence" and smiled, "How to arrange? The clouds and cranes are as high as the sky? The dragon soars all over the world?"

Gao Jing: ...

"I can go to you!"

"Don't make me laugh, I'm afraid my smile will burst and it will hurt."

Chu Yao: ...

I was speechless for a moment.

It seems, it seems, after becoming a mother, her size has grown a lot in an instant, all kinds of nasty words.

"Now I suddenly feel that life is so long. I used to read fairy tales, saying that after the prince and princess got married, they lived a happy life. But how to be happy? I kept thinking on the plane, how should I raise, How to educate your children."

"In the past, it seemed that my identity was always fixed as a teenager. Even... even that, it was still the role of a boyfriend. I didn't have the concept of husband and father, but now I suddenly have it, which makes me feel a lot of pressure."

Chu Yao spoke the deepest words in his heart.

Gao Jing took a deep look at him, nodded, and seemed to sympathize and said, "I think it's so long, too."

"You know, I read a book some time ago. The book said that the meaning of the existence of genes is to continue the next generation, so after a woman gives birth, she will age rapidly. That is to say, just from the perspective of genes, when a daughter , the matrix has no value of existence.”

Chu Yao glared at her.

"What crooked theory?"

He retorted a sentence, but he also said with empathy: "Let's do it and cherish it."



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