The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and thirty-five, there is a mine at home


Chu Yao was in a state of bewilderment the first time he was prompted by the system.

Speaking of Versailles, I really didn't expect this. I just wanted to spend money purely to build a tourist area and country music, similar to the emperor's summer resort.

But unexpectedly, the system did something for itself again.

At this moment, there is only one sentence in my mind-our motherland has a vast land and abundant resources.


Come here.

Then find out.

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[Superior asset package (worth 600 points)]

This is the price, 60 billion, which is quite expensive, but considering the value of lithium, it is worth the price.

Besides, points are nothing more than a string of numbers to him.

There is no doubt that lithium is an important raw material for new energy batteries, and it can even be said to be the core raw material.

Get a general idea of ​​the current market conditions...

At present, the largest lithium mine in China is in Yichun, with proven reserves of 2.6 million tons, accounting for one-half of the country and one-fifth of the world.

Seeing this data and comparing it again, Chu Yao was pleasantly surprised and shocked.

This is no longer just a bonanza, but a super bonanza.

This undiscovered lithium mine has an output of 2 million tons, which is only a little less than that of 260, and its value is immeasurable!

Even with his current strength, it might be extremely hot to swallow it.

It might even break your stomach.

Seriously speaking, once a mineral deposit of this size is discovered, it will reach the sky in an instant. It is a reserve that can be related to specific related industries in the country!

Look at the details again...

The one in Yichun, relying on this rich mine, has formed a complete industrial chain, three listed companies, two academician research stations for lithium battery new energy, and twelve national research centers.

Meat, too fatty.

Take a deep breath and quickly calm yourself down.

Chu Yao quickly made a decision.

This mountain, own bag.

How to develop, let's put it in the back for the time being, let's talk about enclosing the land first.

As long as the mine is not being dug, it will always be there. First, enclose the land, and even if it needs to be developed in the future, there is no need to bypass yourself.

"President Chu, what's the matter?"

The car had already stopped steadily at the parking area at the foot of the mountain. Seeing that Chu Yao was fascinated, he seemed to be thinking about something, Wei Zhiguo asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, let's go, get out of the car."

Chu Yao, whose thoughts were interrupted, got out of the car with a calm face, ready to take a good look.

The most important thing at present is to determine the exact location of the mine and what other obstacles are nearby.

Wei Zhiguo told himself before that there used to be a developer in this place, but it was a mess, and various disputes over property rights had to be dealt with in the early stage.

So a few people got out of the car.

I found a gazebo,

Wei Zhiguo took out the full map with a more accurate scale.

The entire Phoenix Mountain, or the Phoenix Mountain Range, has a total of 17 connected main peaks. The highest altitude is 1,700 meters, and the lowest is 450 meters. It is not very majestic, but it is long enough.

This height is actually a bit embarrassing.

There are many mountains at this altitude in China. If there is no special scenery, whether it is natural or humanistic, it will not be famous for it.

Otherwise, it would not be Chu Yao's turn.

If the innate foundation is not enough, then the secondary development will be added the day after tomorrow.

In all fairness, the previous developer has done a lot of work. The roads have been repaired, the reservoir has been repaired, the electricity has been connected, the villas are in the best location, and there are still some scattered commercial businesses and homestays on the mountain. .

However, it is basically in a state of desolation now.

"This villa complex is not an illegal building, it is a decent building land, and there is absolutely no problem with the policy."

"Didn't there used to be an arsenal in the mountains? The villa area was the living area of ​​the troops before, not basic farmland. Later, after the troops withdrew, the local government reclaimed it. The nature of the land has always been special construction land."

"This is quite rare in China, and it can even be said to be out of print. After 12 years, villas will not be allowed to be built in this natural landscape."

Wei Zhiguo was very clear about the situation here, and told Chu Yao one by one.

A villa in the mountains must be a good thing.

Especially after 12 years.

When the policy was not strictly prohibited in the past, not many people cared.

With the rapid economic development in recent years and the rapid development of tourism, this type of real estate is becoming more and more popular.

"The previous developer, what is the specific situation? How much money do you owe?"

Chu Yao looked at the map, asked casually, and compared it with the location of the lithium mine given by the system.

This mine is very deep.

It is basically below the mountain range, with a depth of about 1,200 meters, and the width covers the entire range of the mountain range. It is very difficult to mine, which is also the main reason why it can be hidden until now.

"They are like this. They invested 150 million yuan in the early stage, and the bank loan was 450 million yuan. The total is 600 million yuan. It was a key project in the city at that time."

"However, after the former secretary was transferred, the developer encountered a little problem with funds, and the relationship with the bank was also a little unhappy."

"When the annual repayment was originally agreed, it would be repaid first and then loaned. The developer found two real estate companies to act as a bridge, and took the equity of this project as collateral, and first repaid the bank loan of 200 million yuan, and then, Banks are no longer issuing loans.”

"The three parties were arguing before, and the municipal government organized and coordinated several times, but none of them came to a satisfactory solution. A developer that provided bridge funds closed down in the past two years, and the boss jumped off the building. Of course, the reason for the closure is not the main reason. It is because of the money, but this part of the debt is also one of the reasons. This debt is still hanging."

"In addition, some owners who have already bought houses have also sued the developer and demanded a refund, but where do they have money?"

"At present, the equity is a bit confusing. However, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of money. I can assure you that with a maximum of 300 million yuan, the property rights of the entire project can be completely clarified. Secretary Wang told me that the city government will take the lead and find The creditors of all parties should be dealt with at a discount, absolutely clean."

Wei Zhiguo explained the whole story clearly, without any concealment.

Three hundred million is not too much in Chu Yao's opinion.

But for the local area, it is already a huge sum of money.

What's more, 300 million is just the beginning, and the subsequent development will cost a lot of money.

Therefore, no one came to take the offer.

Many real estate projects are like this, not to mention in places like Chucheng, even in the imperial capital, Pengcheng, or even first-tier cities like Shanghai, it is not uncommon to see unfinished buildings.

"Three hundred million is not a lot of money."

"Let's go, go up the mountain and see what kind of scenery can be produced by throwing my 300 million yuan down."

Chu Yao said very easily, and walked towards the trail up the mountain.

The people behind hurriedly followed.

Sisters Yan Mengsi and Yan Mengyao took out their sun hats from their bags and put them on, looked at Chu Yao's figure in front of them, looked at each other, and stuck out their tongues.

so rich!

Suddenly I thought of the famous sentence in the Chinese textbook - Gou Fugui, don't forget each other.

Right now, isn't this the truest portrayal?




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