The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and twenty-five, a good start

Male god aura...

What is it?

Chu Yao used it for the first time, and he had never studied it before.

The system panel is just a small thing operated by mind. After it is turned on, there is no special feeling, but subconsciously, it seems that there is something different.

It's like changing into a new suit, the very coquettish kind, walking in the crowd feels like the most beautiful boy, the kind with halo.

As for the girl...

In an instant, Chu Yao felt that her face seemed to be reddened by the naked eye, from her ears to her chin, red in white, like a young but very good-looking peach.

"What's the smell?"

"Hey, your perfume smells so good, what brand is it?"

As if to cover up some embarrassment, Jiang Xiaokui suddenly spoke.


Chu Yao was slightly stunned, and suddenly came to his senses that this might be a special effect brought by the male god's halo, the smell, and he simply smiled and said: "Body fragrance, I usually massage with essential oils a lot, and it tastes marinated."


Still smell good!

Jiang Xiaokui instinctively thought so in her heart, but for some reason she couldn't say what she wanted to say. She was a little pleased by the scent, and continued to change the subject: "Then...then why didn't I smell it just now?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

Chu Yao asked calmly.

The pro-test is effective.

There is a kind of... uh, a feeling of flat push that is invincible.

how to say?

This little girl must have had a certain liking for her before, but she spoke in that kind of manner, arrogantly, which is quite normal for a little girl who has just grown up, after all, she has her own little pride, no matter how I like it, and the posture is not too humble.

But as soon as the halo came out, the irritable little wild cat instantly turned into a gentle puppy.

The voice has changed, if there is a three-point sweetness.

Immediate results.

When asked back by Chu Yao, she didn't speak, she lowered her head and continued to walk. She felt a little weird in her heart, her whole body was hot, and she didn't know what was going on. She touched her forehead, but she didn't have a fever. I felt my heartbeat speeding up inexplicably.

Suddenly remembered Chu Yao's question just now.

"My grade point this year is the third in the whole department."

A little proud tone.

The third place in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University is definitely a very high grade. In such an environment where there are so many strong people, it is difficult to get the top three.

"Wow, so good, my god, my god."

It is worth encouraging a child to achieve good grades, and Chu Yao would not say "why didn't he get the first place" to spoil the scenery. Education, more encouragement and less criticism.

After being praised by Chu Yao, she still blushed and flicked her ponytail: "I'm not a master, I'm far behind you, no matter how good my studies are, why don't I work for you when I come out?"

The tone gradually became sweeter.

It's like the sweet feeling that comes from "making a connection".

"Well, not bad, very enlightened."

Chu Yao smiled and nodded.

Walking and chatting, we have already arrived, the distance is really not far, because of the walking posture, walking left and right, along the way, for a few minutes, Chu Yao only used the aura of the male god, and hadn't had time to use the eyes of the expression.

The morning tea shop on the first day of the new year, even at this point, is already crowded with people.

It seems that this store is indeed very famous, and there are many old customers, who have formed user habits.

enter the door.

Sit down wherever you want.

After ordering a pot of tea and seven or eight refreshments, while waiting for the food to be served, Chu Yao looked at her with a smile.

Look straight in the eye.

It is inevitable that I feel a little nervous and anxious, but at the same time I feel stimulated and excited.

It's not really evil.

It's just a technical itch.

Jiang Xiaokui was a little nonchalant at first, a little afraid to look at such eyes, but couldn't help it, and looked up at each other.

Looking at it, accidentally fell into it.

I just could his eyes be so clear and clean and beautiful?

In the clear black and white eyes, there seems to be a sea of ​​stars and a romantic peach blossom.

Chu Yao also carefully observed her reaction, blushing, breathing slightly short of breath from the road until now, his pupils dilated slightly, and his eyelashes trembled occasionally...

These are all signs of interest.

The micro-expressions and micro-reactions of the body are the most honest. Even if the heart can control it, the bioelectricity of the body cannot be controlled.


Suddenly, for unknown reasons, Jiang Xiaokui let out a soft cry, stood up abruptly, and ran towards the inside in a little haste.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

After walking a few steps, she turned back again, explained a little at a loss, grabbed her mobile phone, and walked in small steps again.

It quickly disappeared from sight.

Chu Yao was quite puzzled.

What is this?

Urinary urgency?

Tea and snacks were served one after another, and a few minutes later, a message from Jiang Xiaokui was suddenly received on the phone.

"Uncle, can you do me a favor? (Poor) (Poor)"

"What's the matter?"

Chu Yao replied in seconds, slightly surprised, but seemed to have thought of something vaguely, but he was not sure.

" my aunt came here suddenly, can you help me buy a m towel?"

Chu Yao: ...

Indescribable feeling.

Even felt a little burst.

It's not because of yourself, is it?


To be precise, it wouldn't be because of her male god aura, or affectionate eyes, that caused her to have some physiological hormonal reactions, right?

"Okay, what brand do you want?"

"Why is it all here, didn't you prepare it yourself?"

First agree, and then seem to care unintentionally, and ask for specific reasons.

Jiang Xiaokui replied quickly: "ABC's daily-use model, the one in purple packaging is fine."

"Usually very punctual. Normally, it should be the day after tomorrow. Maybe it's because the Chinese New Year is too happy, so it's ahead of time."

Seeing such a reason, Chu Yao replied yes, and went out to act as a courier temporarily.

In the process of buying, I was also emotional.

too strong.

This special skill is really ridiculously strong, and it is inexplicably scientific.

I remember reading an article called "Love and Chemistry" before. Human emotions and emotions, to put it bluntly, are all biological signals and hormone secretion in the cerebral cortex. It seems that this skill is also based on the same principle.

Once the skill is activated, the chemistry begins.

After buying something, stand at the door of the bathroom and find a waitress to hand it in.

Return to your seat by yourself.

A few minutes later, Jiang Xiaokui came out again.

It is estimated that psychological construction has been done, or it may be out of the influence of the halo, in short, the person is completely calm.

Of course, compared to the initial state, it is still much more well-behaved.

"Thank you, uh...sorry for bothering you."

Jiang Xiaokui is very sincerely grateful, compared to the previous flailing teeth and claws, and the unconventional state affected by the halo, now she is docile under normal circumstances.

"It's okay."

"It's normal."

"It can be regarded as a good start to the new year."

Chu Yao said with a casual smile, holding a piece of butter bun between his chopsticks.




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