The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Five hundred and twelve, star trading

“The Richest Man Starts in a Relationship ()”

Chu Yao didn't want to think too much about business ethics anymore. There was no need for that. Since it was a pure jungle society, he would follow the rules of the jungle.

If you are strong, you will be awesome.

If you can't play, you are willing to gamble and admit defeat.

Besides, I am not a good thing either.

Wanting to cheat Xia Longzheng, this idea didn't come up just now, but it was there from the beginning, wanting to pick up cheap, want to pick up leaks, but now this idea is more intense.

"I can give you two billion, what can you give me? Don't talk about what is there, what is the interest, the handling fee, I care about that?"

"When the money I threw out has not yet been recovered, you can quote a price and I will give you three chances."

Chu Yao suddenly leaned forward, with a very oppressive posture, and his tone revealed a metallic texture, cold and businesslike.

Xia Changzheng originally meant to borrow.

Just use it and pay it back.

Chu Yao doesn't give him the opportunity to "borrow" now, let him "ask", and by the way, let's talk about what he can "sell" to himself.

This attitude can be said to be very domineering.

It really reveals a legendary aura of domineering.

This thing, if you have money, will really exist.

Chu Yao's attitude was crisp and sonorous, which obviously surprised Xia Changzheng slightly.

In all fairness, if it is "borrowing", he really has the absolute initiative.

However, if it was a sale, Chu Yao still took part of the initiative.

Of course, for such a large amount of real money to be poured down, it is inevitable to be active and strong, but he is already unavoidably weighing it in his heart.

It seems that Chu Yao must still be interested in the silver carriage.


"Pfft... You're quoting this whole price. To be honest, it really makes me feel a little uncomfortable. The price of stocks is uncertain. You have your valuation, and I have mine. Let's discuss a fair price?"

Xia Changzheng couldn't help but said with a smile.

Generally speaking, I am still happy.

It's just that more details need to be considered now, every penny is money, let's see what can be discussed.

Chu Yao glanced at him.

"I don't want stocks. As for what you want, you can think about it."

Talking like this is very easy to get beaten.

However, Chu Yao's mentality is full of peace and love at the moment, I will play with you with two billion, what's wrong with pretending to beep?

Xia Changzheng: ...

Feeling that prehistoric power, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, but he didn't say much. The young man was full of energy and didn't argue with him. After thinking about it, he immediately picked up a pen and paper.

"Star? Do you want it? Now there are three first-tier, eight second-tier, and twenty or so third-tier. The talent pool pyramid is estimated to have a thousand people. Make a list and tell me who you like."

Xia Changzheng looked up at Chu Yao.

Talents, or stars, can also be called idols, and they can be regarded as one of the important assets of entertainment companies.

Just assets.

Chu Yao also laughed out loud: "Damn, it's the same as the black slave trade. I don't want people. I don't like those in your company. You give me Xia Die's management and management rights."

Xia Changzheng: ...

"Okay, here you are."

He was only silent for a few seconds, and he agreed!


This... made Chu Yao feel a little bit surprised, you are so shameless, are you selling your own daughter?

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. This is called cross-cultivation. I'll be your biological father, and you will be your godfather. Why not do it? If you have a daughter, you will always be bullied by others. I think it's pretty good to be rich and have such a handsome boy."

Chu Yao: ...


This wave did not flash.

Still overestimate the moral level of this kind of businessman.

"Also, I want the right to operate the virtual idols of all the stars under your company. Key artists can give money, but the signing time needs to be longer."

The right to operate virtual idols?

this noun,

Xia Changzheng was stunned for a moment, and was inexplicably shocked for a while.

He naturally knows about this stuff, virtual idols, Vtuber, animation and digitization of specific star images, or simply original virtual idols.

There are many advantages, cheap, mass-produced, there is no negative news, and the house will not collapse. As long as the popularity is cultivated, the commercial value will be extremely stable, and the follow-up potential will be great.

The disadvantage is that there is still a lack of a mature development model, the technology is not perfect, and the market has not yet been truly educated.

He didn't expect that Chu Yao had such a far-sighted vision that he could see these things.

"What do you want that thing for?"

"This is not a small amount of work, and the price will definitely not be very low, but it's hard to say what can be produced. Moreover, the commercial value of the avatar, whether it is endorsement or popularity, may be different from my own. There is a certain conflict of commercial value, and there is still a certain degree of legal risk in it.”

Xia Changzheng shied away immediately, this was a businessman's instinct, and realizing what Chu Yao wanted, he naturally took the opportunity to make a move.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, if you don't give it, you don't talk about it."

"What risk can there be? You have lived for so long, don't you know that the risk in an industry is the most likely arbitrage opportunity?"

"If I can completely figure out this business model, then in another twenty years, I will be the one and only father in the entertainment industry, and you scumbags will all be swept into the dustbin of history."

Chu Yao scolded with a smile, naturally with a bit of threat and sincerity.

Reason, that's the reason.

See what everyone thinks.

No one is a fool, and it is impossible to deceive him.

It is absolutely impossible to buy high at a low price.

However, this does not prevent him from drawing cakes.

This is the best way to deal with this kind of person.

Cake, hope, confidence in the future, no one doesn't like this, even if they are aware of the risk, they will be blinded by greed and desire, and willingly enter the market.

"Well, yes, what's the price?"

Hearing Chu Yao's words, Xia Changzheng's eyes lit up a little, and he still had a probing tone, looking at Chu Yao's meaning.

"Lao Xia, you are really unhappy. I want to criticize you very much. It's like he got prostatitis, ticking, ticking. What's the matter with you and me? Is this thing worth money now? You Even if you give it to me, what's the matter?"

Chu Yao still scolded with a smile.

Xia Changzheng: ...

wry smile.

Naturally, he knew that Chu Yao was joking half-truth, but it was also a bargaining gesture.

Too thief.

"These are really not worth much, but you can get some of them. How about this? I pay all the cost here. How about the operating rights dividend? You get 80%, and I want 20%."

Xia Changzheng quickly thought of a way to deal with it, and said so.

Chu Yao was so angry that he picked up a book and threw it at him.

"Get out! Go! Go! Get out now!"

"I don't want to play with you anymore!"

Xia Changzheng took the book with a smile, as if good friends were arguing, "Don't, don't, let's discuss it again, nine, one. You nine, I one."

He still felt that he should get involved, even if it was only 10%.

Chu Yao's sharp Adam's apple twitched for a while, and his tired eyes just curled his lips.

"Okay, I'll give you 10%, your food looks really ugly!"

"But you have to sign an agreement with me. Only you can hold it, and you can't transfer it to a third party. Or you can let Xia Die hold it directly. Damn, I don't trust you."

What Chu Yao said is as true as it is.

You work with people.

Always give someone something sweet first.

Moreover, it must appear that you are at a disadvantage and let others feel that you have made a profit.



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