The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and ninety-seven, the involution between women

Hello, teachers?

Soul communication?


Chu Yao's small words made people laugh and cry, but at least for now, everyone felt a little more peaceful in their hearts, and their curiosity began to outweigh their nervousness.

What is he going to do with all this?

"Come on, let's warm up the scene first, now I ask a question, you raise your hands."

"Those who still love me...raise your hand."

Chu Yao was completely desperate. Anyway, on the plane, no one knew. Whether it was embarrassment or embarrassment, it didn't matter. He saw everything through, that's all.

Let's play a few warm-up games first, to get a clear idea of ​​everyone's position and status.

At least the stance on the surface.

"Three, two, one!"

Chu Yao counted down, and after some operations, no one raised their hands, not even Guan Juer and Zhong Xiaoling, who Chu Yao thought would most likely raise their hands.

Probably, still in a crowd, be reserved.

"I'm going? Such a failure?" Chu Yao didn't show too much concern, scratched his head, smiled, laughed at himself, and yelled into the walkie-talkie: "Captain, find a mountain to crash to death, I To die with them."


Not funny joke at all.

But some people did laugh out loud.

"Okay, then I'll ask another question."

"Whoever wants to marry me, raise your hand."

Chu Yao continued.

This time, it was not what he expected, clattering, raised a piece, and everyone present raised their little hands.

In contrast, a little speechless.

But... it's okay.

At least honestly.

"What a beautiful thought! Put it down!"

Chu Yao said in a slightly exasperated manner, of course it was deliberately pretending.

The atmosphere is already very tense, there is no need to make the atmosphere more tense, and it's not like life or death.

"So, what you love at all is not me, but my money?"

Chu Yao asked again.

"Not anymore. She still has a figure. It's a good job to be big."

Chu Jinyu made up the knife without any shyness.

Anyway, they are all their own people.

Compared with other women at the moment, she was more prepared and spoke more boldly.


Chu Yao shyly replied to her, then shook hands with her fingers, made a microphone like hand, and handed it to Guan Juer, "Come on, this beautiful lady, you speak first."

Guan Juer: ...

Still blushing.

Looking up at Chu Yao's expression, he took a deep breath, and another deep breath.

"I... I... I..."

He hesitated for a long time, but didn't know what to say. Even after such a long time of experience, his inner strength was still not enough.

"Why are you still stuttering?"

"I ask you,

Am I nice to you? "

She raised her head and nodded without hesitation.

Chu Yao thought for a while and said, "Buying you a house, buying a car, and arranging a job is to treat you well? I can't visit you once a month, and I can't accompany you to eat, go shopping and watch movies. You don't have time to care about it when you are sick You, you miss me at night, you can only use electric toys, okay?"

Guan Juer:! ! !

Break the defense!

Why don't you say anything!

Can this also be said outside?

For a moment, his face became even more blushing to the extreme, his whole body was numb, and he was about to cry.

Don't know how to deal with it at all.


Chu Yao's tone was a little heavy, and he looked very domineering.

"Hey, don't bully other people's little girls, come and ask me."

He Jiahui couldn't stand it any longer, and took the initiative to bring up the topic, with a look of generosity, but she smiled charmingly.

Chu Yao glanced at her, thought for a while, then nodded, and walked towards her.

This one is quite powerful.

After all, in the casino, wandering among all kinds of people, if you haven't suffered a loss, you just fold it into your own hands.

"Love does love, like also does like, hate, also hate."

"If you go bankrupt now, I guess I will support you for a few years, up to five years. If it takes longer, then I can't stand it anymore."

"That's what you said, acquaintance, fate, why are you so serious, boss?"

"What are you going to play today?"

He Jiahui said it frankly, with a bit of rationality, revealing a kind of vicissitudes and justice.

Since it is such a communication, it is better to tell the truth.

With her posture, Chu Yao was about to say something, when she heard Su Yuechan's words.

——"I wish you were bankrupt now. I will support you. If I really support you, I will be able to support you. I will support you for the rest of my life. I can't afford an airplane, but I still have a RV. You can play whatever you want. I will work hard The money is for you. Even if you play with women outside, as long as you don’t get sick, I will serve you as I want when you come back.”

I... Gan?

These words stunned Chu Yao.

Dumbfounded, he looked at her in disbelief.

But I saw that although she said it with a smile, her face was full of seriousness, and there was an unparalleled obsession in her eyes.

The others reacted similarly to Chu Yao, they were all dumbfounded.

Is this called human talk?

As for?

Chu Yao: ...

At this moment, she even faintly felt a kind of introversion, of course it was an introversion between them.

Can't help but sigh with emotion.

Hey, sure enough, it's still... what is it called, clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as old.

And what?

Every time more dogs are slaughtered in righteousness, most of them are scholars who are unwilling.

Su Yuechan was one of the first to follow her, and perhaps the most uneducated person in the audience. The anchor didn't even have a bachelor's degree. Relying on her beauty and tenacity, plus her own support, she has grown to her current popularity.

Usually, many times, especially in bed, she looks very coquettish, but she never expected that she could say such a thing at this time.

In all fairness, Chu Yao was really touched.

Moreover, it can be seen that what she said was not a lie.

It's like when a man says "I only love you in my life", it may not be possible to do it in the future, but when I say this, I have such courage and enthusiasm.

There was complete silence in the cabin.

The others felt a little bit defeated.

Chu Yao himself also quietly had an almost unbelievable idea.

It seems that there is another completely different solution to this game?

——Now I have to compromise for Gao Jing, to give up the whole forest for a big tree, or give up the big tree, right?

I never thought about this kind of thought before, after all, Gao Jing, can she be called "White Moonlight"?

But now, for the first time, there are some slight shakes.

"I can too!"

Seemingly inspired by Su Yuechan's words, Guan Ju'er summoned up all her courage and stood up, her eyes widened, her eyelashes trembling slightly, her eyes were full of tears, and she tried her best not to let go. Falling down, he stared straight at Chu Yao.

Chu Yao: ...

The sharp Adam's apple twitched for a while, and for the first time, it felt a little tense.

Taking a deep breath, and another deep breath, he patted her on the shoulder and told her to sit down first.


Above the head, a 360-degree omni-directional camera with no dead angles installed earlier faithfully recorded all this.




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