The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and eighty-two, crit

“The Richest Man Starts in a Relationship ()”

It was already dark.

Chu Yao sat on the sofa, as quiet as a chicken, but scratched his hair from time to time, and his slightly irritable eyes showed that his mood was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

What happened during the day, when faced with Jiang Zhenhua, seemed calm.

But in fact, I still feel a little pressure in my heart.

Even, more than a trace.

In particular, I haven't come up with a perfect "code solution" so far, so that I feel an indescribable shake in my heart.

——Or, forget it?

I have no shortage of money for a long time, why do I still work so hard?

Money is enough to spend in eight lifetimes, is such a victory or defeat really meaningful?

This idea popped up in my heart, and I tried to suppress it, but the more I suppressed it, it was like a piao, whirling and popping out from every corner of my heart.

So I became more and more irritable.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yao opened the system panel, ready to do something else, divert his attention, and adjust his mood by the way.

The first thing that comes to mind is the one - "Pet Card."

After I came back from Tokyo, I didn’t pay much attention to it. At first, I decided to give it a try. After I tried it, I felt that it was a bit too evil, so I left it aside.

It's like a "corner where conscience is condemned", every time my thoughts turn here, I will subconsciously avoid it and don't think about it.

Thinking about it now...

Chu Yao suddenly felt that, in fact, such a "state of hesitation" was still happening in his body until now.

Although not as frequent as before, the hesitant things are getting closer and closer to the core of human nature.

So go.

Still like that.

Shakespeare's human nature problem, the unchanging core.

Sometimes, this kind of thinking is actually a kind of overthinking.

Totally unnecessary.

Take a deep breath.

After a moment of silence, Chu Yao released a message in the pet card.

——Sell your Ali stocks.

The function of the pet card has not been clearly confirmed, and Chu Yao is not sure whether such instructions can be carried out 100%.

So, after issuing the order, he silently watched everything that happened.



In a luxurious ward, Sun Zhengyi was lying weakly on the bed. Ever since he had a sudden sharp pain in his head in the Tianzheng Club last time, and after he fell into a coma, he woke up and felt a voice in his head constantly hovering.

From morning to night, there was no pause.

It was only after injecting tranquilizers and sleeping ingredients that he could sleep peacefully.

If it weren't for the years of business career and the extremely strong willpower, he would have already suffered a nervous breakdown by now.

This kind of inhuman torture is really beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

He also found almost all the well-known doctors he could find around the world to check his physical condition in detail, but he still found nothing.

There is no cause.

And now...

That weird and mechanical voice echoed in his mind again.

Every muscle in his body tensed up, almost instinctively, wanting to take out his phone and arrange for the trading department of his group company to do it.


Self-will is forcibly resisting.

His whole body was twitching, his forehead was sweating, and the veins on his arms were bursting out, as if he was fighting against an indescribable existence in the void.

This game has been going on for a long time.

In the end, in order to avoid a complete collapse of his spiritual will, he still chose to surrender.

Sell ​​it and sell it.

At least……

Get past your eyes first.

Money is more important than life.


At this time, through the induction of the pet card, Chu Yao already knew that his command had taken effect.

There is a great pleasure in my heart, which is quite evil, but it is really cool.

As a major shareholder of US stocks holding many tradable shares of Ali, Softbank's sell-off,

It will definitely set off a huge wave in the capital market, and deal a terrible blow to Ali's stock price.

And at the same time...

I have already arranged for "Wen Ji" to short Ali in the capital market at the same time.

This kind of transaction is equivalent to "inside information", and it is an iron insider, so it is absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money.


Dirty tricks.

It's a bit shameless, but definitely useful.

After arranging these things, Chu Yao felt the pressure in his heart dissipate a little.

Turning on the phone, I looked around social media again. Yesterday's article, the popularity is still fermenting, and it still ranks in various hot search lists.

This level of heat cannot be suppressed.

However, the level of Ali's public relations department is true and first-class, and it has already responded.

Great response.

is a statement.

To the article on the Internet, I gave a positive, direct and sincere response, showing an attitude of accepting criticism with an open mind, and encouraging if there is any correction.

There is no doubt that such an attitude can win the favor of the public.

At the end of the article, a corresponding counterattack was also made.

——We humbly accept all reasonable criticisms, but we strongly condemn malicious slander, slander that obviously exceeds the limit, and Porcelain marketing, and reserve the right to take legal measures.

In addition to this statement, at the same time, some dirty information about himself, Tang Yan, and the two companies also broke out on the Internet.

Such a strategy is a very clever public relations strategy.

— Stir the water first.

First pull the opponent's level to the same level as yourself, and then defeat him with rich experience.

There is no doubt that their current public relations strategy has achieved initial results.

At least from the current public opinion, the shock of that article is no longer so great, and all kinds of different voices are beginning to emerge.

There must be sailors among them, but there will also be real voices.

Entered a stalemate again.


Looking at these silently, Chu Yao was expressionless.

At the same time, the trace of guilt that was still in my heart completely disappeared without a trace.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful enemy.

Moreover, now I have no room to back down.

"If you can announce your resignation within three days, I will fully agree to all your conditions."

Chu Yao took another deep breath, sent Jiang Fan a message, and waited patiently for a reply.

After a while.

Just waiting for a reply.

——"Three days is definitely impossible, the time is too tight. Has something urgent happened?"

Jiang Fan expressed his position very seriously.

Chu Yao: "Just three days, if it doesn't work, forget it."

Chu Yao took a step forward.

Now is the stage of momentum.

If you want to play, you have to play all the cards, and show your muscles first.

Concentrate all your strength in one fell swoop, taking advantage of the fact that the stock price will definitely drop sharply at the close of trading tomorrow morning, coupled with the amplification effect of public opinion on the Internet, and various actions of yourself at the Internet conference...

If there was Jiang Fan's backstab, then this battle would be almost perfect.

Definitely hurt them.



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