The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and sixty five, good work

Chu Yao can't accept it himself, but it doesn't mean that other people can't accept it either.

After following the lady at the front desk to enter the door, Chu Yao quickly understood the essence of tonight's game.

it's actually really easy.

Send each man a girl, and send each girl a man. Tonight you will be a CP. The premise is that in this kind of pseudo-intimacy, the man must behave as a "manservant" and be gentle enough. Attentive enough, considerate enough.

To put it bluntly, it is licking.

Everyone licks the dog.

Of course, just play.

Therefore, both men and women have more game experience.

How many people usually want to lick but have no way.

At this moment, there are about a dozen pairs on the field, and they have already started to move around freely. A table for drinking, a table for playing board games, a table for playing chess, and a table for playing King of Glory in a row. Boring scene.

Judging from the situation at the scene, both men and women are good-looking, probably carefully selected by Zhong Xiaoling, who belong to the "core seed users" of this store.

Really had fun tonight.

Seeing someone coming in, among the crowd, Zhong Xiaoling immediately stood up, walked towards the door quickly, and took Chu Yao's arm with a smile.

The smile is like a flower, with a bit of innocence.

There was a booing in the crowd.

Those who come here often know that Luming Mansion is owned by Chu Yao, but they don't know that this well-known flower shop proprietress has such a deep relationship.

"Who is this?"

"Chu Yao, Boss Chu, this building belongs to people."

"Hey, I'm so stupid, so rich, how many hands are so handsome."

"Keep your fucking voice down so no one can hear you."


Someone was whispering, but after strengthening his body, Chu Yao could hear clearly even amidst the noise.

"what are you playing?"

"Drinking? Board games? Or something else?"

Zhong Xiaoling asked with a smile, feeling like a host. She is in a good mood at the moment, especially her vanity, which has been greatly satisfied.

This is the joy of Big Brother Pong.

Be honored in the crowd and become the most shining woman.

Even just once.

"I'm drinking, I'm not interested in anything else."

Chu Yao entered the game happily, without airs at all, and seemed extraordinarily approachable. After all, everyone is here, so let's have fun.

"Ling'er, will I be punished for being late?"

As soon as she sat down, a girl with a typical internet celebrity face next to her snickered and teased Zhong Xiaoling, and pointed her finger at Chu Yao.

This is also a normal rule.

Chu Yao glanced at her with a smile. She had a low-cut sling with navel exposed. She probably didn't even wear a bra. She looked like a playful girl.

Of course, you do have the capital to love to play, at least seven points.

"Drink it,

Come, come, thank you all for coming, a glass for everyone, and a drink. "

I have been revived with full blood, drinking some wine is not a problem at all, just like drinking water, it is not a problem at all.

Chu Yao's bold and playful attitude shocked everyone.

One cup per person?

Ten people present, if this round goes on, won't they have to eat almost half a catty?

"What are you doing? Lie to drink, drink less, just one glass."

Zhong Xiaoling subconsciously said that she was very protective, and lightly pinched the outside of her best friend's thigh by the way.

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, don't joke with your Brother Chu.

Why can't you understand the situation?

"It's okay, you have to enjoy yourself to the fullest in life, drink as you want."

Chu Yao stopped her, and immediately began to pour wine. A 700ml bottle of Hennessy cognac and a small transparent cup in the cup holder were instantly full.

"Let's start with you, what's your name?"

Chu Yao picked up a cup and looked at Zhong Xiaoling, the sister who started the fire first.

"Yi Yi, come on, cheers."

She also raised her glass.

touched one.

So the next one.

Chu Yao raised his glass for the second time.

In all fairness, this scene is still a bit exaggerated.

Under normal circumstances, if it is a business banquet, this kind of toasting in circles is properly treated by Party B.

But now, Chu Yao is definitely not "Party B", but he is showing a kind of arrogance of a big brother.

Bold and informal.

After one lap, after drinking ten small cups, Chu Yao's face remained unchanged.

A group of people were dumbfounded.

It's real.

This feeling was about the same as when Chu Yao saw Lu Qifeng drinking for the first time.

Basically a dimensionality reduction blow.

Surprisingly easy to use.

The whole audience looked sideways at him.

"What game were you playing just now?"

Chu Yao asked again with a smile, after a round of drinking, he was already the well-deserved core of the field, and it was not because of the halo of status.

Even the few men on the court who looked to be in their thirties, and maybe not worth much, obediently tucked their tails.

It doesn't matter what kind of Ferrari or Porsche you drive, what kind of green water ghosts you wear, compared with this one, it's really nothing.

The key is that people are still open.

"truth or Dare."

"Hey, this game is traditional enough, okay, come on, let's continue."

So the game starts again.

According to the rules, Chu Yao started to sit in the manor, and appointed anyone who was telling the truth or taking risks. If he felt that it was too much and he couldn't play, he would drink.

If the degree of completion is high, the dealer drinks.

very fair.

Looking around, the first target, of course, is the suspender girl.

"Choose how you want to die, the truth or the big risk?"

Chu Yao raised his eyebrows, but still looked at her with a smile.

Not bad at all.

But the body leaned forward slightly, showing a sense of oppression.

"Scare me, don't be afraid, come on, big adventure."

This girl is also a tiger, obviously the kind who can let go, and directly locks in high-level gameplay, which makes the CP man sitting next to her smile a little.

I have to say that the mood of the men present is still a little delicate.

One is envy, jealousy and hatred. This kind of animal-level boss steals all the limelight as soon as he comes up.

Secondly, there is also a feeling of learning, seeing how the boss plays.

After all, none of the girls at the scene were of low rank.

"Are you sure? Big adventure?"

Chu Yao tilted his head and asked.

"come on."

She hooked her fingers.

"That's okay, I'll give you a simple one first, call it a paragraph, one minute is enough, the kind that needs to be panting, sexy and charming, post it in the activity group."

Chu Yao directly marked down the road.

I'm stupid!

Hearing this, the audience immediately exploded.

A little... a little ruthless.

Just play so hard when you come up?

Yiyi is obviously a little confused, brother, you are a real society, you can play freely, but "let go" and "open" are two completely different words.

But, they have reached this level, how can they shrink back?

Gritting his teeth, he took out his phone, brewed his emotions, and started to speak.

As a result, an indescribable voice sounded in full view.

"Awesome! Great work!"

"Then I'll finish this cup."

Chu Yao picked up a glass of wine with a smile and drank it down.

Everyone else laughed like crazy.

Although Yiyi was going all out, she couldn't help but blushed a little at the moment, licked her lips, tightly grasped Zhong Xiaoling's hand, and glared at Chu Yao.

"stop laughing!"

"You wait for me! Wait until it's my turn to sit on the bank!"




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