The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and sixty, is number zero online today?

How expensive is it to be a tech lab?

The answer is - endless burning.

Chu Yao's budget environment here is more relaxed. Basically, as long as you want it, you will give it, and there is no upper limit.

The money came from Jiang Lingyun's channel, and she was in charge of finance and auditing.

Of course, there will also be dedicated staff internally to do this. In the process of cooperating with universities and enterprises, Chu Jinyu is also responsible for part of the financial and personnel communication and supervision.

Some miscellaneous.

But not messy.

From its establishment to now, it has been nearly five months, less than half a year.

However, including recruiting manpower, purchasing equipment, adding laboratories, and renting other laboratories, the total cost is 1.5 billion.

It can be said that money is like water.

However, Chu Yao looked at the proportions, among which personnel expenditures accounted for less than 3% of all expenditures.

This number... seems a bit strange.

At present, the number of researchers in Qipa Technology Laboratory has already exceeded 500 through open recruitment in the past few months.

According to their monthly salary standard, the monthly salary expenditure will not be less than 100 million.

Over the past few months, it took only such a small salary cost, less than 50 million, which is really very little.

Judging from the consolidated financial report, the actual situation is like this. As for the reason and more details, Chu Yao does not know.

Now that it's here, we still need to do a detailed investigation to get a thorough understanding.


This is just a small doubt, not the point at all.

What matters is... results.

In all fairness, Chu Yao has not had very strong expectations until now. After all, he has just started, and it has only been half a year, so he can't see anything.

This must be a career that requires long-term investment to see returns.

The definition of "long-term" is at least in years, five years, ten years, or even more.


Security measures in the laboratory are strict.

From the security guard at the elevator entrance, it can be seen that the standing posture is not loose, but straight as a gun, looking like an active soldier.

Although he didn't hold a gun in his hand, he was armed with two batons in his hand.

There are six cameras visible to the naked eye, covering every angle without any dead spots.

Chu Yao yelled in the Xueba group, @Everyone, asked who was there, came out to pick him up, and after some correspondence in the group, the students who were on duty today from the laboratory's academic committee came over.


Chu Yao then saw a typical-looking boy who was dressed like a man of science and engineering.

Nearly 1.8 meters tall, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and a plaid shirt, he has a rather muscular figure and a very calm demeanor, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hi, Mr. Chu, I'm Fang Yi, I happen to be on duty today, please come in."

He swiped the access control card,

After verifying the iris and fingerprints, and applying for all permissions, and after helping Chu Yao to verify, he entered the door.

The entire process took about ten minutes, which made Chu Yao a little excited for no reason.

It seems... a little sci-fi.

This formalization of systems and processes is of course a good thing.

Objectively, it also reflects their own qualities.

You know, this wonderful science and technology laboratory, I basically stocked it all the way, except for giving money, I didn't pay too much attention and participation.

Looking at it now, it already has a shape.

not bad.

"Who made this thing?"

Chu Yao asked casually.

Fang Yi replied solemnly: "We developed it ourselves, including building modules, communication modules, face verification modules, data comparison modules, intelligent algorithm modules, and system redundancy backup modules. The number of developers was thirteen people, and it took Twenty-seven days. Item number: 0027."


Hearing this, a wonderful sense of pride arises spontaneously.

For an undergraduate scum like Chu Yao who can't be regarded as a science and engineering student, this kind of thing sounds like a dick, but it is actually quite dick.

Self-development, adequate food and clothing.

"What are the considerations for not adopting a mature solution on the market?"

Chu Yao thought for a while, then asked with a smile.

"The first is the safety factor, the second is the cost factor, the third is personalized customization, and the fourth is for team cohesion. At first, everyone needs to practice their hands. The fifth is commercialization."

"At present, we have applied for a patent for this technology, and have licensed the technology to two commercial companies, charging a certain percentage of fees every year. However, the current base is still small, and the monthly profit is only a few hundred thousand."

"The main reason is that the promotion of the business aspect has not been done very carefully. Most of the students just made a wave of friendly promotion and caught a few customers casually."

"Uh...Of course, there are also some subjective factors. Most technicians prefer creative work, and are correspondingly less enthusiastic about commercialization."

Chu Yao was quite satisfied with the efficiency of this communication.

Ask yourself a question, start with a start, and people will answer all the questions you may be able to ask.

Moreover, it is relatively rational, objective and comprehensive.

Chu Yao followed him all the way.

From what I can see, it looks like a large library, or a coffee shop.

A small number of laboratories are closed.

Most of the venues and personnel are in a state of thinking, brainstorming, and communicating.

In a row of sleeping cabins that can accommodate a single person, there are also several great gods who are catching up on sleep.

A very comfortable state and temperament.

"There are not many permanent people here. Except for some work that must be done offline and in the laboratory, most of the work that can be done online is online, and a considerable number of students are distributed all over the country, following projects and research. Walk."

"We have also developed a set of online OA system and encrypted chat software. We have @you in the group before, but you have never joined the line. The number is reserved for you, number 0."

Fang Yi gave a general introduction, and reminded Chu Yao friendly by the way.

Chu Yao: ...

Can't help laughing twice.

I really don't pay much attention to this side, and I haven't read many group news.

It is mainly this group of people who chat in depth and with various technical terms at every turn.

I have only exchanged mathematics so far, and I really don't understand most of the coping-level topics.

"Okay, I'll be online later."

Seeing Chu Yao's smile, Fang Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "They have set up a special group in the internal forum, and check in regularly every day. The topic of check in is... Is No. 0 online today?"

"If you want to go online, there will definitely be a wave of sensation."

Chu Yao: ...

Ha ha ha ha.

Laugh again.

Compared with the level of intelligence and academics, self-appointment is not as good as this group of people.

However, the feeling now is also very wonderful.

What's wrong with my IQ?

Why can't you sit on the bench?

Brother has money ability.




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