The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and seventeen, worth 40 billion


Chu Yao sat idly, and Fu Sheng stole half a day's leisure, and by the way, took a good inventory of his recent status.

During this period of time, they have been advancing furiously, from Pengcheng, to the imperial capital, and then back to Pengcheng.

A lot of projects have been done, thousands of threads, one needle, basically continuous rotation.

The results can be called remarkable.

Meiye, Variety Show Entertainment, Xiaomi Car Manufacturing, Wonderful Technology Lab...

All sectors are already thriving seedlings and have entered a positive development track.

Some seek fame, others seek profit.

There are cash cows and long-term development.

There are high-tech and traditional industries.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, it's very comfortable.


Cash flow on hand...

Up to this stage, it mainly comes from the capital market.

In the domestic financial market, relying on Tang Xin's two operations of "Defending the Yu Family" and "International Bulk Materials and Grain", the profits exceeded tens of billions.

In the U.S. stock market, thanks to Wen Ji's operation, the current accumulated income has exceeded four billion... US dollars.

The absolute income is more than domestic.

It is mainly due to the level of operation, the maturity of the capital market, trading restrictions and the Fed's large release of water.


Suddenly, as soon as he turned around, he found himself standing at a very high height.

If you really want to calculate carefully, you should have your own place in the top 1000 of Forbes in the world.

And the financial situation is extremely good, the cash reserve is extremely rich, and there is a strong upward momentum.

The real impact on life is - I haven't used the system to swipe money for a long time.

The system is not as fast as the capital market.

It's outrageous.'s normal.

Like, reality is often more magical than fiction.

Because it doesn't need any logical support.

At present, the points cannot be spent at all, and all of them are accumulated.

Taking a look at the system panel, the current accumulated points: 341 points.

Where did you get so many points?

I can't even remember clearly.

After looking through the points income and expenditure records, it becomes clear that they are usually piecemeal, and hundreds of millions of tens of millions are transferred to women.


Do I call tens of millions or hundreds of millions fragmented?


It really is.

Really... small goals.

With less than this level of wealth, I really can't understand Lao Wang's calmness when he said this.

Of course, there is still a certain gap between my current total assets and Lao Wang.


Looking at the system panel, Chu Yao was about to make a centralized exchange.

Money is yours only when you spend it.

The same goes for points.

With more and more asset packages, Chu Yao himself felt that the curse he had put on himself before was becoming more and more lax.

Money is the guts of a man.

This sentence applies at any time.

The current consumption of points by myself is mainly concentrated in three pieces.


Add some to the body.

and skill exchange.

However, they were all prudent and restrained, and they didn't rush all of a sudden.

Even practical skills are only exchanged for mathematics and airplane driving.

The lottery draw basically maintains a daily draw, and the small draw is in a happy state.

Add points to the body, let alone.

This is limited by the objective rules of the system, and only one point can be added every week.

I have now increased to 62, and the changes in appearance and figure are gradual, which is completely different from before.

Now even if he throws away the halo of wealth and walks in the crowd, he can be called an eight-point handsome guy.

It feels a bit thick and thin.


Browsing through the skill list, Chu Yao looked for something he was interested in.

The first thing that comes to mind is the real problem.


I have been hesitating and wandering about finding a bodyguard.

I will think of some very weird questions.

for example:

——Engage such a man or a few men with super strength and follow him closely. What if he offends them one day, or they are bribed, or they become mad and turn back on him?

Do it, really can't do it.

Even if you find the bodyguards of the Yu family, perhaps their loyalty can be guaranteed, but there will also be the problem of being "monitored" in their lives.

Do these bodyguards regard themselves as the highest authority? Or is the Yu family the first choice?

These are inevitable troubles.

After all, other people are hell.

So, snap it up, work hard, and be self-reliant.

The exchange point is practical.

——Fighting skills, martial arts style of play.

Protect yourself.

However, this matter, when you think about it carefully, still has a lot to pay attention to.

Now is not compared to the era of cold weapons.

In the era of cold weapons, in hand-to-hand combat, the one with the highest skill wins. Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Baji, etc. can fight and resist.

Now, that's clearly not enough.

More is the need for a "military literacy."

A holistic solution to emergencies.

For example... being pointed at by a gun, hit by a car, secretly attacked, poisoned, etc.

After encountering these situations, how to protect yourself and how to prevent them.

After careful consideration, Chu Yao directly exchanged a whole set of skill packs.

The skill pack includes all the knowledge and skills of the three types.

First, personal skills and tactics.

Modern fighting, martial arts techniques, cold weapons and firearms proficiency.

Mainly solve daily problems.

Second, master the common sense of survival.

The main study case is the 683 amazing methods used by the FBI to assassinate Castro.

In order to deal with emergencies of a certain type.

Third, be proficient in medical common sense.

In case of an accident, on the premise that he is not dead, he can deal with his injuries in time.

So, almost foolproof.

If this is not safe, it is really the death of me.

Accept fate.

The skills in these three fields, including many detailed branches, were all exchanged, and a total of 420 points were used.

Four hundred and two billion.

Chu Yao still paid some more by transferring money to make up all of them.

Expensive is a bit expensive.

However, using these money and points to exchange for a strong sense of security is still very worthwhile.

After all, points have almost no cost to themselves.

But there is only one life.

After the exchange, I feel happy.

This is a whole new field.

With a sharp blade in his body, his murderous intentions are self-inflicted, so that Chu Yao is now a little bit eager to fight with "Master Ma Baoguo" to experience the magical skill of "receiving hair".

If there are rivers and lakes, I don't know what level of master I am in the rivers and lakes now?

Can it reach the level of an international top killer or a top agent?

In this way, thinking a little bit, his eyes moved slightly, and suddenly he saw the sword hanging on the office wall.

So a person came to mind logically.

Jiang Qingzhu.

At present, the hyaluronic acid factory is in operation, and it has not yet been officially put into production, but it will be soon.

She is a heroine-style person, and she has always done things vigorously and resolutely.

Thinking of it, Chu Yao directly dialed her number.

Connect immediately.

"President Chu, please speak."

Jiang Qingzhu said in a deep voice, his voice was slightly hoarse, but quite magnetic.

"What happened to your throat?"

Chu Yao asked with concern.

"Cough...Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. I just had a lot of meetings recently and talked too much, so I got a little angry. Please tell me if you have anything to do."

"If you are not busy, come to my place and discuss with you."


What are you competing for?

Jiang Qingzhu was a little surprised, thinking about it, but Chu Yao had already hung up the phone.



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