The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and twelve, the business model of breaking a leg

Chu Yao changed clothes one after another.

In the process of changing clothes, it is inevitable that Yang Hui will be patted, groping, and eating tofu in the attitude of an "airport security officer".

But the scale is grasped at the boundary of "as if doing business, but also seems to be provocative".

It's so fucking coquettish.

If he hadn't known about this empress, Chu Yao guessed that he would have acted like a thief.

But since it is a haunted house, forget it.


"Mr. Chu, you have a great figure."

When changing shirts, this slightly ambiguous atmosphere was pushed to the peak.

The main reason is that Chu Yao took off his shirt and exposed his upper body. The chest and abdominal muscles with extremely clear lines and edges outlined a figure like a sexy male model. Yang Hui subconsciously licked her lips and said with a smile.

The two little beauties next to him who were helping to change clothes also had reddish faces.

Which woman can resist such a figure?

It looks very cool.

To the touch, it must be more refreshing.

"Is it great? You can watch it, but don't touch it."

Chu Yao joked with a smile, and put on a white shirt again.

I have to say that the design and quality of this clothing is indeed quite good.

I have also worn a lot of high-end goods, from high-end to big brands in the market, I have worn them all, and I can feel the general feeling of whether the clothes are good or not.

"This dress is really nice."

The upper body of the clothes, a word of praise.

Yang Hui nodded with a smile, and introduced: "Of course, the quality must be excellent. The mother-of-pearl buckle, 140 pieces, is the royal designer of Turnbull. The fabric of this piece is called sea-island cotton, which is the rarest fabric budd in the world. The production cost is more than two hundred dollars."

"This is one of the highest grades,

Subordinate fabrics, as well as silk and long-staple cotton, we have raw material origins in northern Xinjiang and Suzhou and Hangzhou. "

She is like a treasure.

Chu Yao didn't understand these specific parameters very well, but he didn't understand them, and at the same time he was slightly surprised.

The surprise is that people are indeed making products with their heart.

However, if the marketing of this kind of stockpiling, which is almost regardless of cost, is not in place, to be honest, it will be a disaster.

Most ordinary consumers can't afford such high-end consumption at all.

The cost price is more than 1,000 yuan, so the selling price must be at least five times?

Even if there is a high-end market, how many pieces can be sold in that year?

Regarding this question, Chu Yao thought about it for a while, but couldn't come up with a good answer. After trying on the clothes, he asked with a smile, "The cost is quite high, isn't it?"

this question...

Yang Hui smiled and told the two little girls to keep their things and leave.

Only then did he speak slowly.

"Without regard to cost."

"At least the high-end product line is not considered. As for the low-end product line, the cost is similar to ordinary products."

"However, this must be a profitable business. What's the matter, President Chu wants to invest?"

She turned against the general.

Chu Yao looked at her with a smile.

"Money is not a problem, and it doesn't matter where you invest. However, I am still curious. How can this be a sure-fire business? To be honest, I don't understand it very well. Please give me some pointers from Mr. Yang."

The eyes of the two met in mid-air.

looking at each other.

After more than ten seconds, Yang Hui was the first to blink, and took a sip of tea from the teacup.

"In fact, the company's main profit model in this market is franchising. For a franchise store, depending on the city level and location, the franchise fee will range from one million to ten million."


Chu Yao frowned slightly.

Isn't this just cutting leeks?

But no matter how stupid leek is, it can be clearly seen that this business is not easy to do.

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out for a cigarette, but he glanced at her, considering that the lady was in front of him, he still didn't smoke, and withdrew his hand halfway.

But Yang Hui noticed this small movement, but she took the initiative to reach out, took out one first, and then took the fire with a smile.

First light it for Chu Yao, and then light one for himself, very skillful.

Don't say it, it's really so fancy.

"How to guarantee the interests of franchisees?"

Chu Yao continued to ask.

The interest was completely hooked.

The most plump leeks often need to be harvested in a very aggressive way, but let's see what she can say.

Still looking forward to it.

No matter whether it is Neptune or Queen of the Sea, no matter how corrupt their private life is, sometimes they have to admit that these people have their own uniqueness.

He (she) has a clear understanding of "human nature".

They have high EQ and IQ.

They are bold, cautious and shameless.

These are very good qualities for business.

"For the interests of franchisees, those who wish to take the bait, let me give you a typical example, take your friend, Han Feng, if I solemnly recommend this business to him, do you think he will join?"

"I'm not cutting leeks, I'm just sharing benefits and risks. It's a good thing for the headquarters and franchisees."

"As far as the whole store is concerned, the high initial cost is a high point, but if we insist on building the brand, there is still a lot of room for profit in the later stage. After detailed calculations, we have found that if the operation is good, we can pay back the cost in at most five years. Even if the operation No, there will be an exit mechanism, and the loss will not be great. If you want to quit, someone will take over later. In this society, there is never a shortage of people who can cover a large number of high-end contacts."

"Is five thousand yuan a shirt expensive? Expensive. But how many people can afford it? A lot."

Yang Hui said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chu Yao froze for a moment.

Can you not be shocked?

It's such a fun time!

The depth of the water, if you think about it carefully, is extremely scary.

The most important thing is that, if you think about it deeply, this line of thinking can actually run through logically.


It's just... indescribable.

"You are playing with fire!"

Chu Yao stared straight at her.

I don’t know if there is such a business model before, but at least it’s the first time I’ve heard of it and seen it for the first time. It’s really an eye-opening feeling.

Yang Hui laughed out loud.

"What are you talking about? I am a serious businessman. How difficult it is to do business now. I have spent a lot of thought on researching this model."

"Yes, you did put a lot of thought into it. With the resources and conditions you have, you have put so much effort into it. Then we ordinary businessmen are really hard to mess around with."

"Where is it, you are a business genius. I often hear Lao Jin mentioning you at home, and I admire you very much. It is conceivable that the difficulty of starting a business from scratch is much better than that of my family."

Chu Yao: ...

The two entered the business mutual blow mode.

It's just that when Chu Yao spoke, he still had a vaguely critical and critical attitude, but Yang Hui didn't change his face, and took it all in.

If Chu Yao is the "endorsement" for this disk, then the safety and stability of the platform can be raised to another level.

However, until lunch time, Chu Yao never let go of the endorsement matter.

She expressly hinted in various ways that Chu Yao was just talking about other things, and didn't answer at all.



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