The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and nine, big data to find people

Chu Yao really didn't expect that such a treasure function would be discovered by an unintentional small demand.

Big data looking for someone!

Awesome Klass!

In fact, these data, if you really want to find them, are not difficult to find, and the technical content of realizing them is not very high.

For example, similar "crash database leaks" news often pop up on the Internet.

In the Internet age, personal privacy data protection is scum.

Just go to the dark web, and you can buy millions of personal information for not much money.

A lot of criminal gangs do that.

Then cast the net widely and focus on cultivation.

No blows can come through.

However, these data are messy and difficult to filter.

But for me, what is rare is that Wen Ji will summarize these data in a unified way to form a complete report.

The combination of countless fragmentary clues is a complete character image resume.

Data don't lie.

There are no secrets when it comes to data.

Perhaps, she knows herself better than herself.


Yang Hui's resume can be said to be a typical Xiaobai Fumei route.

His parents are both businessmen, they are not very rich, but they are not very short of money. They belong to a small-bourgeois family with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

She received elite elite education since she was a child. She studied abroad, returned home after graduation, and inherited part of the family business. It went well.

However, from these materials, it can be seen that there is a slight problem.

This woman, queen of the sea.

From this house opening record alone, Chu Yao can see that she has housed with different men with more than double figures in different cities across the country.

so often...

It can't be playing mahjong, right?


People shouldn't be for sale, but they definitely belong to the kind of private life that is more profligate.

This point can also be corroborated from the case card.

On the case card, there were two records of abortion.

And there is a membrane repair.

It's just...perfect.

Before, when eating in front of Jin Tao, he didn't show any bad habits and hobbies at all, it seemed that he wanted a good wife and a good mother.

No wonder.

Since this kind of woman can kill countless men, she must have extremely proficient camouflage skills, and she must have a "unique skill".

Up to the hall, down to the kitchen.

A big meal can be made, and a small skewer can also be grilled.

Can afford a joke, but also can handle business.

This is all practiced.


Looking at these materials, Chu Yao couldn't help but mourn for Jin Tao.

I don't know, does Jin Tao know this?

There is a high probability that you don't know, right?

It is estimated that it was taken down thoroughly and submissively.


Do you want to tell him yourself?

This is really an extremely human question.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yao still decided not to.

See what she has to say tomorrow before making a decision.


After checking Yang Hui, the curiosity in Chu Yao's heart was completely aroused.

Everyone has voyeurism.

Or call it curiosity.

Especially for the people you know, the people around you.

Being able to refrain from looking at your partner's mobile phone is considered a very good quality. Most of the time, the main concern is the risk of being discovered.

But now that there is such an artifact, in the dead of night, Chu Yao will inevitably be tempted.

Do you want to check it out?

Is this still worth considering?

of course yes.

So in the following time, Chu Yao began to explore the mysteries behind human nature, starting with the people he knew, one by one.

For a moment, Chu Yao actually hesitated.

It's like a Pandora's box.

—Are you sure you want to open it and take a look, what's inside?

——What if you see something you don’t want to see?

—What if it was a devil that was unleashed?

—is it sure to be a sane, but possibly miserable, wise man, instead of a blissful, ignorant fool?

But after taking a deep breath, Chu Yao still decided, find out.

Even if you see something that may make you uncomfortable, it is better than being kept in the dark.

Think of it as an internal review.

So, who to start with?

After a moment of silence, Chu Yao chose his first target, Jiang Zhenhua.

Let's start with Lao Jiang first.

I know all of Lao Jiang's personal information, and after inputting it, the results come out quickly.

There are surprises.

This surprise is a little bit exciting.

Jiang Zhenhua, who had been in prison once, was sentenced to three years in prison for economic crimes and insider trading.

Also divorced once.


It was about fifteen years ago, counting the number of times, and it was also when he first started working.

Sure enough, the first pot of gold of capital, primitive accumulation, is more or less bloody.

Of course it's cleared up now.

Chu Yao always felt that Lao Jiang should be an official, and he was also suitable for an official career.

Also asked, why not.

Every time he asked, he just talked about other things.

So now, I get it.

Have a criminal record.

Of course, knowing this information does not affect Lao Jiang's current status in his heart.

He has already been punished for the mistakes he made. After so many years, he has already become a brand new person.

Many successful entrepreneurs have also been imprisoned. The most typical one is Mr. Sun of a certain Rong.


After checking Lao Jiang, he started to check Xiaokui.

The little girl is still young and has just entered university, so her net worth and resume are naturally clean.

However, there are also surprises.

Through her mobile phone number, she crawled to her various network account information, and found some "black history".

This girl actually wrote a small yellow article in a forum space called "Old Ford".

At the moment the account is offline, Chu Yao went up to read a few paragraphs in black, and the sight was inexplicably familiar.

This is so...

Isn't the prototype of the male protagonist Lao Tzu?

I was... yy?

In addition to the basic plot, there are also a lot of scenes in the article, where the humble girl complains and curses in her heart, which is true and sweet but also abusive, which makes Chu Yao dumbfounded.


It hurts a bit.

But after thinking about it, it seems nothing.

Which girl is not pregnant?

Besides, people just write and write, and haven't done anything yet.

Of course, I feel a little bit dark in my heart.

Wait until we meet next time.

Brother must provide you with more materials.

A smile appeared on Chu Yao's face, and then he considered the next search target.


After some hesitation, I chose to search for... Jin Tao.

After all, what this guy hides is really deep. He knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart.


After searching and reading Jin Tao's personal resume, Chu Yao couldn't help but fell silent.

This product!

This product!

Really gentle beast!

From the record of house opening, his number is no less than that of Yang Hui!

And, it started in college!

Simultaneously in three different places, one school, two foreign schools, three-line operation at the same time!

Never rolled over a car!

The character set has always been very stable!

At that time, I was still Ren Siyao's licking dog, and he was already a wolf warrior, and started high-end operations.

However, after work, Jin Tao is relatively clean and self-sufficient.

It can be regarded as reassuring.

It is estimated that it is also due to the nature of the work.

Seeing this, Chu Yao almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

what is this?

The infernal duel between the good sea king and the sea queen?



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