The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Four hundred and three, Jiang is still hot

After Chu Yao finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited patiently for Jiang Zhenhua's reaction.

The reason why there was a saying "I'm sorry" before is because at the beginning of the establishment of the Meiye platform, Lao Jiang had been promised to let him have full control.

Guaranteed his CEO position within five years.

And now...

The introduction of new uncertain factors may lead to changes in control rights.

Although in terms of equity behavior, there is a high probability that the benefits will increase—even if the equity share is diluted, as the plate becomes larger, more will definitely be distributed.

But Lao Jiang did this not just for money.

He has long been financially free.

I just want to do something that "can leave something to this world".

"The core of this matter is how the relationship between you and Yu is. When it is sweet, the people below can talk about it anyway, but if there is a quarrel, it will be turbulent."

After taking a sip of tea, Jiang Zhenhua said in a deep voice.

Equity is of course the biggest.

If the two industries merged, Chu Yao and Yu Meiren would have to compete. The relationship between the two would become the key to harmony within the company.

It's... very uncommercial.

But, that's business.

The rise of many family businesses is often due to the fact that the company's internal executives are all members of the same family, and they can use their energy in one place.

However, the decline and demise of many family businesses is often due to conflicts of interest within the family, breaking bones and connecting tendons, cutting and resolving chaos, and finally dragging to death.

"On the contrary, I think the core point is not with me, but with you."

"You can straighten everything out, cook raw rice and cook rice, I can do anything."

"If you can't stand it, I can't do it either."

Chu Yao glanced at him and said with a smile.

Jiang Zhenhua was silent for a while,

Also nod.

This angle... is also correct.

"It's true, business is much easier than women."

If I can straighten out all kinds of personnel relationships on "Huamei", then to Yu Meiren, it doesn't matter who works for her.

It's all about making money anyway.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Zhenhua asked again: "Is there such a possibility...she is killing someone with a knife?"

Meiren Yu has only recently entered the Yu family.

Internal relationships may not have been straightened out.

If the objective situation is a mess internally, outsiders are brought in to cleanse dissidents in the name of cooperation, this possibility is not small.

This word...

Chu Yao's eyes moved slightly.

It can be regarded as a wake-up call for myself.

To be honest, I really didn't expect this.

Poppy herself didn't mention this part, but she did say that the pressure was very high.

Perhaps there are considerations in this regard, but it is not stated clearly.

"It's possible."

"Even if it's not possible, it can be possible."

Chu Yao spoke, so he felt that this matter became more and more interesting.

What is it like?

It's like a training ground.

One is a fast-growing high-quality company, and the other is an extremely stable mature company. Colliding with each other is like a war for the actual controllers behind it.

The core of war is profit.

It is also a continuation of "politics".

"This is actually a good thing for us. Nowadays, online traffic is getting more and more expensive. If there are gorgeous offline outlets as a support, it will be even more powerful. It was originally planned to be listed in five years. If the merger is successful, it may take two years. possible."

"What we need to solve is the current company's valuation problem. If the valuation is too low, the right to speak will inevitably be affected."

Hearing Chu Yao's answer, Jiang Zhenhua had already begun to think about practical matters.

His thinking was always clear.

It is inevitable to do this, and there is no way to resist.

After all, it is the will of the two major shareholders, so think carefully about how to do it well.

"Go on."

Chu Yao served him tea and water.


Undervaluation is a big problem.

Unless the AB share structure is adopted, the control of the company can be guaranteed, but... why do people agree?

Even if you get married, you have to be right.

Not to mention the integration of the two companies, one with a valuation of tens of billions and the other with a valuation of hundreds of billions. The huge gap in the middle is difficult to bridge even with the most exquisite system design.

Moreover, it will directly affect... interests.

In the history of business, there are also classic cases of snakes swallowing whales. For example, Geely's acquisition of Volvo has achieved great success.

But in this case, most of the time the debt is acquired together.

The current operating situation of Huami is relatively good, and there is no debt, but the operating cost is very high, and there is no growth trend, almost at the critical point of loss and profit.

But even so, a hungry and skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.

"Do a valuation."

"Introduce several new strategic investors, and start with the valuation first. Anyway, the numbers are empty, and there are a lot of venture capital institutions that are willing to do the business of carrying people in a sedan chair."

Jiang Zhenhua said in a deep voice, looking at Chu Yao's face while speaking.

Valuation means...

For example, if a company originally worth 10 billion yuan has to have an investment institution that thinks you are worth 20 billion yuan and is willing to spend 2 billion yuan to buy your 10% equity, then you are worth 20 billion yuan.

This situation is especially common in high-growth Internet companies.

Of course, other investors are not fools and will definitely do due diligence, but this kind of "self-promotion" behavior will inevitably affect the fair valuation after due diligence to a greater or lesser extent.

This kind of behavior cannot be regarded as commercial immorality.

normal circumstances.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.

If you think it's expensive, you don't have to buy it.

And no one put a knife to your neck.

However, for Chu Yao, he was worried that Chu Yao would not be able to explain to the beauty.

There are suspicions of sitting on the ground and raising prices.


"I know Zhang Lei from Gaolin Capital, and I can ask him to do it."

"As for Yu, you don't have to worry. From the perspective of capital operation, this is a good thing. If she is missing, I will supply her from other places."

Chu Yao nodded quickly and gave a solution.

There must be checks and balances between companies.

As for myself and her in private, it's easy to talk about.

Even if you give her extra money.

It is more reasonable and easy to operate by separating private actions from corporate actions.

"I remember you told me before that there is another investor named Tang Xin who also invested in many companies on this track?"

"Is it possible that we can also take over these idle resources?"

"The more cards you have in your hand, the more room you have for maneuvering."

Chu Yao agreed, and Jiang Zhenhua naturally had no worries, and took advantage of the situation to propose more points for resource integration.

Chu Yao had told him about this before.

But I haven't paid much attention to it.

Mainly because it hasn't reached that level yet.

But now, since we want to do it, let's make it bigger.

Chu Yao took a deep look at him and breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to say that talking to Lao Jiang is neat.

The thinking is very clear.

The big picture is good.

No ink at all.

"Put this on me. I'll go to Tang Xin right away to see how much this assets package is worth."



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