The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Three hundred and seventy-five, on the line

Chu Yao's attitude is sincere, his language is upright, and his posture is very positive.

However, the three of them were silent.

As the host who has interviewed countless business giants, Chen Weihong felt that this young man was really mature and sophisticated.

At least what I said just now is worthy of the words "decorate thinking and firm principles".

Of course, it will take time to observe whether what is done is the same as what is said.


Zhang Manyuan had a standard, quiet and sweet smile on her face, and looked at Chu Yao with pure eyes.

But she silently judged in her heart that this man is definitely a speculator.

Very speculative.

Very chicken thief.

The ability to talk nonsense when seeing people, and talking nonsense when seeing ghosts, has already reached perfection.

What he said just now can be said to have captured the essence of official accent, and he even expressed his literary talent, but there was no sincerity in it.

Subjectively, she has concluded that it is absolutely impossible for a super rich man like Chu Yao to think so.

After all, he himself is part of the vested interests.


Qin Ou took a deep look at Chu Yao, and after the silence, he was clearing his mind at the moment, and couldn't help asking: "Does Mr. Chu think that his previous income is legal income or illegal income?"

This topic is somewhat provocative.

It is indeed provocative.

One is for the effect of the program, the other is for personal design, and the third is because I really want to ridicule.


This person licked, shameless.

Chu Yao glanced at him: "Professor Qin majored in economics, right? Did he also study law? I suggest that you need to be more cautious in your wording. For example, you can ask: Do you think there is any legal risk in the benefits of digital currency?" ?”

First fight.

Resent without mercy.

I got up just now to promote the correct values, not to be angry with you, a beast.

After saying this, Qin Ou's expression changed slightly.

However, Chu Yao didn't give him a chance to interrupt, and continued: "I don't know much about the law, I know a little bit. My idea is that in the civil field, you can do anything without prohibition, which is also the core of civil law. One of the principles."

"Even if digital currency does have legal risks, it is not illegal until there are no formal legal provisions. After the formal legal provisions are issued, there should at least be a process of withdrawal."

"After all, the law must maintain order, but it cannot be punished without teaching."

After these words, Qin Ou was speechless.

The eyes of the two hosts lit up slightly.

Chen Weihong already had a certain "appreciation" for Chu Yao, and when he said this, his appreciation became even stronger.

A very understanding, very transparent person.

Although he is not an expert, he can explain this matter in plain language at once.

As for Zhang Manyuan, she also changed slightly at the moment.

He is so smart.

Really smart.

Both thinking and language are fast to the extreme, and the logic is extremely meticulous, well-founded and convincing.

"Mr. Chu thinks that the economic field can be done without the law's prohibition?"

She couldn't help but ask again.

These words have some absolute meaning.

Chu Yao looked at her with a smile, with a very good attitude, and didn't care about the thorns at all, talking and laughing happily: "Of course, in many fields of the market economy, there are situations where chaos occurs when one is released, and death occurs when one is caught. This is an objective situation. Transferred by subjective will."

"Regulation and compliance are of course necessary, but the exploration of the frontier of the market is also necessary. The former has its own more intelligent and insightful people to regulate with visible hands, but to explore the frontier, I think it is every enterprise It's the family's job."

"The vitality of the private economy comes from this."

Chu Yao had never said these words to anyone before.

Now speaking in front of the country's top media, I feel a bit of carefree feeling, and at the same time, I also feel a bit of accumulation.

This is part of what I have learned, seen, thought, and accumulated so far.

"it is good!"

Qin Ou couldn't help shouting hello.


This sudden change in attitude made Chu Yao a little puzzled for a while.

Can't help but glance at him.

Qin Ou said with a smile: "Seek common ground while reserving differences. On this point of view, I agree with you very much. Each of us performs his own duties. We must break through and manage."



This professor is still a little level.

It is estimated that it is the kind that is not right about people.

The two guests reached a consensus, and the two hosts looked at each other, and became inexplicably excited.

This interview is wonderful.

Really wonderful.

Even they themselves felt like a window was being opened in front of them.

Chu Yao is very young.

Because he is young and promising, he is very energetic and sincere, unlike those entrepreneurs who are forty or even fifty years old, who only want to speak steadily and leak nothing.

As for Chu Yao, he not only takes care of his stability, but also has his own style.


"This question is almost over, let's look at the next question."

——"Mr. Chu, you are twenty-seven years old, you did not rely on inheritance, you started from scratch, and you are worth tens of billions. It can be said that you have achieved great success in the worldly sense. Can you comment on what young people of your age are doing now? Lying in parallel?”

Looking at the second question, Chu Yao was speechless.

Very fucking speechless.

Another sending proposition.

I didn't expect the official media to be so sharp.

Sure enough, sharp means deep.

It's just that this question is really difficult to answer.


Doesn't seem politically correct?


Then when the interview gets out, I will definitely be called a dog by the netizens.

You can't do this kind of thing yourself.

Still have to find a cool angle.

"Frankly speaking, a year ago, when I didn't make a fortune, I only had a salary of 6,000 yuan a month. Except for rent, transportation, and daily expenses, I could hardly save any money, just like many people."

"At that time, I believed in a principle, even if life circumstances changed later, I still firmly believed in this principle."

"That is... If you are successful, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone. I work honestly, do not break the law, do not provoke troubles, quietly accumulate energy, and lay down to prepare for take-off. I think what I have done That's right."

"This is the value. As for the methodology, I can also talk about it, that is, exercise well, read more books, civilized spirit, and brutal physique, and then leave everything to time."

"In addition, I call on us to strengthen the supervision of the implementation of the "Labor Law" and the restriction of capital power?"

"Frankly speaking, my company also has overtime, but there is no meaningless overtime, and there must be overtime pay for overtime."

Chu Yao said frankly and gently, and gave an answer that he thought was perfect, and also posted a wave of advertisements by the way.

Looking at the expressions and eyes of the three, Chu Yao couldn't help but smile.

Right now, this place is mine.

This is my show.




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