The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Three hundred and sixty-three, villain priest

Chapter 365 The Villainous Priest

Looking at his daughter, and then at Chu Yao, brother Zheng stroked his bald forehead, his weather-beaten face was expressionless.

He was still smiling at first, but now he froze.


He asked, in a very calm tone.

This kind of reaction made Gao Jing a little surprised. She originally thought that her father would be very excited, even ecstatic.

After all, when he was taking care of him before, he often urged him, asking when he was going to get married, when he was going to have a baby, and other topics.

But now, when things are imminent, how could there be such a reaction?


Gao Jing nodded and looked at his face: "Are you unhappy?"

"Don't talk about the happy question first, answer a few questions. Chu Yao, you come here too."

Brother Zheng straightened his back with some effort, and sat upright, as if he was about to lecture.


Chu Yao took a deep breath and walked beside him, feeling a little nervous for some reason.

Indescribably nervous.

"Get a stool, both of you sit."

Bringing two stools over, Brother Zheng touched one with both hands, in a very... very strange posture, as if he was going to give an empowerment.

"Hey, as for your father, he was not a good person all his life, but your mother, although she passed away early, I will always remember what she said to me on the day she married me."

"Today, I will speak to you both."

"This is from a secret book in the family, and I have never told it to anyone else."

Brother Zheng's tone was serious, revealing an extreme seriousness.

Gao Jing nodded.

Chu Yao also nodded.

It feels suddenly a little more solemn.

He forcibly created a church-like aura.

"Well, in your mother's opinion, there are three keys to a happy marriage, and none of them is indispensable."

Brother Zheng stretched out three fingers, as if he was explaining the secrets of exercises, and then paused for a moment, watching the two people's reactions.

Chu Yao and Gao Jing looked at each other, a little confused for a moment.

Is there really a trick?

I was quite curious.

"One, passion. Passion is very important. When you see this person, you have no desire, and you don't even want to have sex with her. It's very boring. So passion is very important. Now, after you get tired of traditional games, you can Play some new tricks, new places, new characters."

Chu Yao:? ? ?

Gao Jing: ...

Dad drives in a serious manner, and his lethality is quite large, especially if he is an elder.

Premarital sex ed classes?

"About eating secretly, hey, have you ever eaten secretly?"

Brother Zheng suddenly looked at Chu Yao and interrogated him severely.

Chu Yao: ...

The corners of his mouth twitched and he shook his head.

"No, boss, I'm very simple."

Brother Zheng stared at Chu Yao for a few seconds, then looked at Gao Jing: "Daughter, have you ever been through?"

Gao Jing also curled her lips, and couldn't help but glance at Chu Yao.

"No, I'm very specific."

Brother Zheng nodded and continued to talk.

"Hey, I'm single-minded now, but I won't be sure in the future. I will continue to talk about stealing, remember, men, after stealing, when they return home, they will treat their wives extra well, because they know what they did wrong. Well, I want to make up for it. But as for women, once they steal food, after returning home, they will find that their husbands don’t like it no matter what, and they only want to be sweet with their lover."

There's nothing wrong with that...

Chu Yao and Gao Jing looked at each other again, speechless.

Don't say it, it's kind of fucking reasonable.

Really, the truth.

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether you steal food or not, if you get together and leave, if you still love, continue to love, if you can bear it, continue to be together, if you can't bear it, then break up, don't quarrel, let alone fight, let alone love killing, dismemberment, and dismemberment , cutting your dick, etc. Be a law-abiding citizen, you are still young, don’t walk on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.”

Chu Yao: ...I couldn't help it, I laughed out loud.

Gao Jing also couldn't laugh or cry.

"Dad, what are you talking about!"

"Hey, what I told you is the truth, don't laugh, listen carefully."

Brother Zheng glared at her, then continued to extend his second finger.

"After the passion, there is intimacy. The person sleeping next to you is also a human being. He also has emotions, emotions, and six desires. He also makes mistakes. To be tolerant, to understand, to be considerate, to eat and drink with him, and to and starve with him."

"When he is happy, be happy with him; when he is sad, comfort his wounded heart."

"A good husband and wife are like brothers, sharing the blessings and sharing the difficulties."

At this moment, Chu Yao felt that Brother Zheng's shiny forehead was shining with the brilliance of wisdom.

This is someone who came here.

Also understand people.

"Three, promise."

"Then, promises are not made on the lips, but in the heart."

"Life is not always easy, but no matter what happens, you two have to commit, unconditionally, without reservation, to love each other, protect each other, respect each other, trust each other, and make progress together and grow together."

Gao Jing nodded slightly.

Chu Yao lowered his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, she knew where Gao Jing's character came from.

Although brother Zheng may not be a good person and has done many bad and wrong things, but in the field of love and marriage, he is definitely a winner in life.

Skill points are full.


A well-behaved villain, who forcibly made the feeling of a priest.

"After I finish speaking, who agrees? Who opposes?"

Passion, intimacy, and commitment. After the three o'clock speech, a smile appeared on Brother Zheng's face, which was very complete, and he pretended to beep quietly.

Both Chu Yao and Gao Jing couldn't help laughing.



"You are the biggest, you have the final say."

"Okay, from now on, I announce that you two can be together, and you will be husband and wife from now on. Oh, do you want to give red envelopes?"

"Daughter, please borrow two hundred yuan from Dad first."

The painting style suddenly changed, and he suddenly became funny.

Gao Jing laughed silly.

Still have this kind of operation?

However, the sense of ritual is still important.

I took two pieces of Grandpa Mao out, but there was no special red envelope at home, and I couldn't find it after searching through the box.

Brother Zheng: "If you can't find it, you don't need to look for it. You didn't say it earlier. I didn't prepare for it so suddenly. Otherwise, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Come, take a kitchen knife and a piece of cloth, and I will put some blood on it." Hong, I'll help you out."

The sturdy mess.

"Dad, you are enough!"

Gao Jing glared at him, feeling lactic acid, and finally rummaged through the box to find a red silk scarf, cut it open, and it became two pieces of red cloth, which could be regarded as red envelopes.

Brother Zheng wrapped it up carefully, moving slowly, revealing a pious energy, using a special technique to wrap the soft and thin cloth into a delicate cloth red envelope.

The movements are not very proficient, and the package was wrong several times during the period, which is not so perfect.

So start over again, until the package is tight and perfect.

Then he stretched out his hand and looked at the two with a smile.

One per person.

"Be happy."

he said with a smile.



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