The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Three hundred and twenty-six, boyfriend, come on!

eleven o'clock at night.

Chu Yao lazily lay on the lazy sofa on the balcony, poured a glass of beer, Jiang Lingyun peeled the shrimp, and fed it to her mouth like a little maid.

Heaven is a good reincarnation.

Although this behavior was a bit excessive, it was still basically within her acceptable range.

if only……

As long as Chu Yao doesn't deliberately bite or suck his fingers.

Bad...bad guy.


The phone rang quietly. Looking at the caller ID, it was Rebs calling.

Chu Yao connected casually.

"Mr. Lei, hello."

We have been communicating continuously for the past few days, and now there should be results.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to call at this point.

"Well, you haven't slept yet, let's talk a little bit."

Rebus's tone was brisk, and he sounded in a good mood.

"No, you said, are you done?"

"Yeah, just finished supper with Mr. Huang from Ningde, and the cooperation plan is basically finalized. They will offer one billion yuan, accounting for 12% of the shares. Using our application technology, combined with Ningde's foundation, we will provide an exclusive customized battery solution. Ningde provides 30% of the laboratory and data open access."

"This project must come up with a mature application-oriented solution within 18 months. Otherwise, Ningde will withdraw its shares. I signed a VAM with them. If it fails, there will be one billion VAM compensation."

Rebs elaborated.

This plan of "borrowing a chicken to lay an egg" was something that Chu Yao had talked to him before, and it had already been confirmed.

Now that Ningde has nodded, naturally there is no problem at all.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Lei."

"When will the agreement be signed?"

Chu Yao said with a smile.

"Tomorrow, make it as soon as possible, and I will send you the itinerary."

"At that time, you have to come to the magic city. The main open here is the magic city laboratory, which is also the most advanced laboratory in the world."

Magic City?

Chu Yao frowned slightly, feeling a little tormented, but still nodded.

"no problem."

"Then see you tomorrow."

This matter has been completely settled, and Chu Yao has also taken a reassurance in his heart.

Chatted with him a few more words, hung up the phone, and Chu Yao took a big gulp of beer.

The heart is cool and the heart is flying.

Double happiness.

The variety show is online!

Automobile contract!

This is the focus of my busy work during this time, and both of them have achieved staged achievements today, and they are really in a good mood.

With the endorsement of the Yu family and myself, plus capital and technology, I leveraged Xiaomi.

And use Xiaomi as a platform to leverage the Ningde era.

Although it is only a limited cooperation, this step can be regarded as a steady step forward.

The next step is to come up with a little bit of technology for monetization.

Although it also tests the operation.

But it's not that hard anymore.

After all, there are already two more partners on the chariot.

Even if their technicians see something, this technology is not from the right track, but driven by common interests, they will maintain a united front.

Thinking back again and again, and confirming that there is no problem, Chu Yao was completely relieved.

Next, there is only one thing left - do it!

"Open a bottle of red wine."

Chu Yao said with a smile.

Jiang Lingyun glanced at him and nodded slightly. She also heard the content of the phone call just now.

And there is honor.

This is a great thing.

Coupled with the huge arbitrage from the Yu family's stock market, it can already be seen faintly that a new commercial aircraft carrier is about to take shape.

Pengcheng has a Meiye platform, Didu has a media company, Xiaomi has a high-tech car maker, a wonderful laboratory with talent reserves, and a lot of funds.

The short-term, mid-line, and long-term layouts have all been opened.

Next, just wait for time to ferment.

As long as there are no major problems with the strategy, then...


The oak cork was carefully taken out with a crisp sound, the scarlet wine flowed into the transparent goblet, and the charming colors shone under the light.

The aroma of the wine is slightly sour, and the atmosphere is very good.

"I felt like I was witnessing and experiencing the birth of a miracle."

"I was lucky. At the cusp of the times, I met a fast-growing company with a wise boss who was a bit scumbag."

"Mr. Chu, here's a toast to you."

Although there were only two of them, Jiang Lingyun still said the toast very formally.

Very ceremonial gesture.

Chu Yao smiled, said nothing, raised his glass, and touched her with a ding.

Shaking the wine slightly, thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking?"

Jiang Lingyun moved a deer-shaped soft stool, sat down opposite the coffee table, looked at Chu Yao intently, and seeing that he was out of his mind, she couldn't help asking softly.

In addition to the growth of the company, she can also clearly feel the growth of this man.

Although Chu Yao's consistent nature is "scumbag", "playful", and "lusty", but... this does not hinder his other shining points.

No one is a saint.

The flaws do not conceal the virtues.


"Come on, drink."

Chu Yao shook his head and smiled, didn't tell her about his secret and subtle emotions, raised his glass again and drank it down.

Jiang Lingyun didn't say anything, but Chu Yao could see the undisguised adoration in her eyes.

It is clear.

The two met cup by cup, casually chatting about the past.

The recent development of Qifeng Technology, those people I knew in the past, and what happened in the past...

The atmosphere became more and more warm.


After answering the phone call, Jiang Lingyun's face changed suddenly. She quickly turned on the phone, opened Weibo, glanced at it, and then handed the phone to Chu Yao with complicated eyes.


what's the situation?

After taking a look, Chu Yao himself was a little stunned, and his eyes gradually became dignified.

It's Weibo.

The promotion of the variety show has started today, and money has been spent on the list.

But there were uncontrollable factors.

Xiao Chuling.

This Tsinghua school flower-level girl forwarded the program's official Weibo and each candidate's personal Weibo in a kind of "good faith".

At the same time, a Weibo post by herself became the core of this public opinion.

——[Take this opportunity to make an official announcement, hee hee, a Chu Yao. Boyfriend, come on, I will always be your little fan girl. 】

Then... it exploded.

The real world is a completely divided world. In theory, it is almost impossible for Xiao Chuling and Yu Meiren to have any intersection.

But on the Internet, all voices will not be buried.

Although the number of fans between her and Poppy is several orders of magnitude different, she also has a certain number of fans.

On an open platform like Weibo, it is like a spark that ignites the chain of transmission, and instantly explodes with power that is almost out of control.

The fans of Meiren Yu would also like the CP of Chu Yao and Meiren Yu, but now a third party suddenly appeared, and disputes, arguments and entanglements inevitably arose.

Mars spread more and more.

Until... the fire was raging.

Chu Yao was surprised.

Really surprised.

Unexpectedly, in such a way, possibly the most severe Shura field ever erupted.

"President Chu, what should we do now?"

Jiang Lingyun realized the seriousness of this matter.

Chu Yao's "politically incorrect" behavior is definitely a devastating disaster in a place like Weibo, where female users occupy the absolute right to speak.

Even if...

Even if...

Yu Meiren and Xiao Chuling don't mind, but netizens definitely do.

Once it breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chu Yao couldn't help lighting a cigarette, and puffed out the smoke.

At this moment, there are only two sentences in my mind.

The first sentence - fire cannot be contained in paper.

The second sentence - come out to hang out, you will have to pay back sooner or later.

How happy I was when I was happy, how troublesome it is to deal with the aftermath now.

"Why don't you help me ask Mr. Cao of Weibo, how much does it cost to acquire Weibo?"

Chu Yao faintly said a word.

Jiang Lingyun: ...

I can't laugh or cry.

What time is it, you still have the mind to joke around!



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