The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 371 Barbara's Perseverance!

"I thought about my previous experiences carefully and figured out a lot of things."

Barbara sat up straight and said word by word,

"From the first time we met to now, we have met seven times in total. Every time you make me feel refreshed, I am really happy to be with you, but after calming down, everything is different."

"You are very good to me, but this kind of goodness is not the kind between lovers. You let me choose, but you never considered what I wanted, let alone make a commitment, and you never said that you liked words like that."

"Perhaps, what you want is not me, but my ability, or something else."

Luke smiled helplessly, "Your imagination is too rich to talk nonsense about such things."

"Don't lie to me."

Barbara put her hand on Luke's heart, "Aunt Sarah told me that your heart beats faster when you are in love with someone, but your heart is cold."

"Goodbye, Luke, I'll remember you."

The girl sniffed Luke's forehead and turned to leave.

As the footsteps faded away, Luke's eyes drifted.

"Ava, is my heart rate normal?"

"Yes, it's smooth, and you're in good health."

Luke got up and walked to the balcony and said solemnly,

"When does a person's heart beat faster?"

"Nervousness, pleasure, excitement, excitement, fear, exercise, having sex, and meeting someone you like are the medical definitions."


Lukemo sighed. At this moment, he really wanted to go back to the eighteen-year-old in his previous life and experience what it was like to have a fast heartbeat.

"Master, do you want to call Miss Gordon back?"

"no need."

Luke took out his mobile phone and sent Dio a text message. After half an hour, Dio and his group of ten appeared outside the villa.

Luke glanced at the cut in the armor and smiled,

"Have a fight?"



"How does it feel?"

Dio said without hesitation, "The claws are as powerful as the rumors. The incision on my body is what they left, but the price they paid is extremely painful."

"That's good."

Luke nodded slightly and stepped out.

So much foreplay, it's time to wrap up.

After tonight, the owls will be history, and everything they have will be Luke's trophy, whether it's gold, silver, jewelry, or amber gold.


After leaving the sea view villa, Barbara did not go home, but came to her secret base, took out the armor presented by Luke and put it on her body, and traveled through the city like a ghost with the help of the night.

Soon, she came to the martial arts hall and found Richard Long.

"Master, wake up, I have something to ask for your help."

Richard opened his eyes in a state of meditation, and the light flowed in his eyes, then disappeared, looked Barbara up and down, frowned and said,

"Power armor?"

"Do you know that too?"

Richard shook his head slightly, "People who practice martial arts should not rely on foreign objects. If you want to make a decision, you must focus on the power of your body. You can't go far with the help of foreign objects."

The girl smiled awkwardly and whispered,

"Don't train me. Now is not the time to train people. What's going on with my request."

Richard looked at her fixedly, "Now even if you wear power armor, you may not be the opponent of Sharp Claws. There is only one dead end to enter. Are you sure you want to go?"

Barbara nodded heavily, "Yes."


"I like a person, but that guy is a bastard. I suspect that the purpose of his approach to me is the court of owls. He must go into the underground labyrinth to see if he can find something in it."

Richard stood up and said as he walked,

"I warned you before not to have too many entanglements with Luke Xiao, you are not the same."

Barbara asked in surprise, "You know his past?"

"I didn't know it at first, but I found out later that Luke Xiao is just the name on his certificate. He also has another title: Young Master Xiao."

"You should have heard this name."

Glancing at the girl, Richard continued,

"There is a gang of young masters in Haibin City. The owner of the gang is called Young Master Xiao. I spent a period of time in Haibin City five years ago and heard a lot of legends about him. This young master Xiao never went to school for a day since he was a child. The strange thing is that he has knowledge no less than that of a top scientist when he is less than ten years old. He is a genius, the kind he was born with. At the age of eleven, he left the family and founded the Young Master Gang, and at the age of fourteen, he unified half of the seaside city. , to become a well-deserved underworld boss."

"Too many people died during that time. There was a joke at the time: Why do sharks in the Pacific always eat people, because Master Xiao threw too many corpses into the sea."

Barbara clenched her fists. "These are true."

Richard said solemnly, "What you see is only the side he wants you to see, how can the darkness hidden behind you tell you, but this young master Xiao is different from other gang bosses, he doesn't like drugs , it can be said to be disgusted. During the reunification of the seaside city, he used drugs as bait many times to cooperate with the police to destroy one enemy after another. During this period, he also used various methods to get acquainted with the high-level police circles, so that the young master's gang could be unimpeded between black and white. "

"In the past few years, many sheriffs and chiefs have become friends of Luke Xiao, and they are also happy to see the Young Master Gang unify the underground forces. Compared with the vicious traditional gangs, the Young Master Gang seems very different. They do not bully the weak, Instead of forcing bad guys to become prostitutes, they make rules and abide by them, and integrate and manage all gray industries (casinos, nightclubs, discos, strip clubs, etc.) , even the then-governor had to come out and give him a platform."

Speaking of which, he shook his head slightly, as if he was sighing,

"I don't want to ask about the two of you, but as a master, I have to tell you something. It's not a good thing to be with him. You can break it if you can."

Barbara lowered her head. The teacher's words caused a huge psychological impact on her. She never thought that the boy who looked slightly immature would have such a terrible past.

Master Xiao!

Master help!

The leader of the underworld who kills without blinking an eye, has a deep sense of government, and has ruthless means.

No wonder his father keeps rejecting him, the original root is here.

"Are you going now?"

The girl opened her mouth and seemed to be struggling. Seeing this, Richard shook his head helplessly and said softly,

"Come with me, I'll take you to the entrance."

The two left the martial arts hall one after the other, ran east along the street, and stopped when they reached a garbage transfer station outside the suburbs.

"The people from the Court of Owls disappeared here, the entrance is in the warehouse, the last time I ask you, do you really want to go in?"

"Yes, I must find out."

"Okay, I hope you return safely."

Richard is not a long-winded person. Seeing Barbara's firm expression, he stopped talking nonsense and turned to leave.

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