Today's children are well-nourished, grow fast, and grow taller. Lu Lu is 95 square feet tall. Although he has reached the height standard of a three-year-old child, he is still relatively short in the class.

The girl who grabbed the Lu Lu badge was tall, with a forehead higher than Lu Lu's. With a tall ponytail, she was very lean and looked taller.

In contrast, Lu Lu looked much squat, his small face was round and fleshy, like a glutinous rice dumpling.

Lu Lu looked at her Disney badge and was snatched by the little girl and put it on her body. She was anxious and angry. She said loudly, "That's mine! You can't steal my things!"

Lu Lu had never encountered such a situation. She felt that this little girl was too rude.

If she wants a badge, she can tell her well that she still has one at home and can give her one, but she can't grab it without the consent of others.

It is very rude to steal something from others.

Lu Lu was very angry. She stretched out her hand to get back what belonged to her, but she didn't expect the little girl to push her away.

"I said, this is my thing, you want to buy it yourself."

When the little girl finished speaking, she walked to the side, and Lu Lu, who was pushed aside, was extremely wronged.

It was obviously the badge that my brother bought her, and it wasn't the rude child.

Seeing the little girl turned to leave, Lu Lu eagerly wanted to get the badge back, and rushed forward to stop the little girl.

She exclaimed angrily: "Give it back to me!"

Obviously, the little girl didn't care about Lu Lu's anger. She made a relaxed face at Lu Lu, stuck out her tongue and said, "Then you can get it yourself, little dwarf."

The three words "little dwarf" completely angered Lu Lu.

Grabbing her things, pushing her, and saying that she is a little dwarf.

Lu Lu was so angry for the first time after she became a human, she aimed at the little girl's arm and rushed up, biting her fiercely.

At this moment, when Liu Yueqi entered the classroom, she saw her new classmate Shi Jiajia pulling Lu Lu's hair, and Lu Lu biting Shi Jiajia's arm.

Liu Yueqi was very angry, how could this new classmate bully her good friend.

"Don't bully Lulu!!!"

Liu Yueqi yelled, hurriedly rushed over and bit on Shi Jiajia's other arm.

Liu Yueqi's shouts and behavior played a leading role in the class. Soon other children came to help and pushed Shi Jiajia to the ground.

"You must not bully Lulu!"

"Yes, don't bully my good friend!"

Shi Jiajia, who fell down, looked at the group of people in front of her. She felt very wronged. It was herself who was bitten. Why did everyone speak for Lu Lu!

So Shi Jiajia burst into tears.

Shi Jiajia cried, and Liu Yueqi began to cry, which completely induced the lacrimal glands of the children in the class, and then four or five children started crying.

The cries became a continuous stream, but Lu Lu, who was the party involved, had no tears.

She scratched the hair that was scratched by Shi Jiajia in a daze, and looked at the crying friends in confusion.

What's the matter? She was the one who was bullied. She didn't cry. Why is everyone crying?

It seems that she is the only brave child in the small A class.

At this moment, Mr. Liu, who rushed over after hearing the sound, saw that most of the children in a classroom were crying. The only person who was in a normal mood was Lu Lu.

Lu Lu was holding the tissue boxes taken from the shelf, and then walked one by one in front of the crying children and asked them to wipe their noses and tears with the tissues.

Some children just cried and ignored Lu Lu. Lu Lu patted the other person on the shoulder and asked the other person to take a paper. If the other person still ignored her, she would wipe it by herself. She was very sensible, like a little adult.

A kid reacted halfway through crying. He sobbed and asked, "Lulu, why don't you cry?"

"Because I am the bravest child, no brave child can cry."

Lu Lu spoke very seriously and was a little proud. The children who heard this stopped crying and looked at Lu Lu with blurred tears.

Lu Lu handed the paper box over, "Welcome to join the brave kids camp."

So this scene appeared in the classroom. The children who were crying just now rushed to get paper towels in front of Lu Lu, for fear that it would be too late to be brave children.

Teacher Liu was stunned. Lu Lu had a talent for being a kindergarten teacher, so he was so good at coaxing children.

Among the children who were crying just now, most of them have stopped crying, and the remaining few have also murmured a lot, wiping their tears with their sleeves, trying to control their emotions, but the effect of emotion control is not ideal.

Shi Jiajia was the only one who was sitting on the ground, crying very badly.

Teacher Liu hurriedly stepped forward to support Shi Jiajia from the ground to her feet, and gently coaxed: "Jiajia, what's the matter?"

"Lulu, pass the tissue to Teacher Liu, okay?"

Teacher Liu stretched out his hand to pull the tissue in Lu Lu's hand, but he didn't expect that Lu Lu, who had just been clever and sensible just now, helped Teacher Liu calm his classmates, turned his back directly.

"I do not!"

Shi Jiajia was crying so badly that Teacher Liu had no time to care about Lu Lu's abnormal emotions, so she could only coax Shi Jiajia first.

"Jiajia, let's stop crying, OK? As Lu Lu said just now, crying is no longer a brave kid. You have to be like these little friends and be brave kids, OK?"

Shi Jiajia cried harder when she heard Lu Lu's name.

While crying, she pulled up her sleeves.

Teacher Liu saw a row of teeth marks on both arms of the little girl's hands. The teeth marks were bitten through the bottoming shirt. The bite was not deep, but the marks were shallow.

No wonder Shi Jiajia kept crying because she was bullied.

"Jiajia, tell the teacher who bit you?"

Shi Jiajia, who was crying terribly wronged, stopped, stretched out her little finger to Lu Lu, and then pointed to Liu Yueqi.

Teacher Liu knows that there are some mischievous children in the class who occasionally bully classmates, but she never imagined that Lu Lu and Liu Yueqi would bite.

How sensible and well-behaved Lu Lu is, she saw it in her eyes, how could a sweetheart like this bite someone.

And Liu Yueqi was already weak in the class. She has always been inferior and sensitive. Before Lu Lu came to their class, she had been bullied so many times by her classmates, and she had no idea of ​​resisting. She has always been very well-behaved. How can it be possible now? Suddenly bites.

Don't think about it, there must be a reason for this.

Teacher Liu's face was a bit serious, but she didn't speak to Lu Lu in a fierce tone. She just called Lu Lu to her front and asked, "Lulu, did you bite Shi Jiajia?"

Lu Lu nodded when he heard the words, and generously admitted: "It was the deer who bit it."

Lu Lu didn't feel that he had done something wrong. It was Shi Jiajia who snatched her things first and pushed her, saying that she was a little shorty.

Shi Jiajia was too much, she was very angry, so she started talking.

After getting the answer, Teacher Liu turned to Liu Yueqi and asked: "Qiqi, did you bite too?"

Facing the teacher's questioning, Liu Yueqi was not as brave as Lu Lu. She wanted to help Lu Lu at the time, but now she is afraid that the teacher will blame her.

Just being asked this sentence, she had tears in her eyes and grievedly said: "She was the one who bullied Lulu first. She pulled Lulu's hair."

Teacher Liu frowned when she heard this and looked at Shi Jiajia, with a hint of displeasure in her heart.

Shi Jiajia only transferred to the school a week ago. After the transfer, she has not been very gregarious in the class. She can't play with other children. The self-acquaintance with Lu Lu and the attributes of the kid king are completely two extremes.

Uncomfortable children are the biggest headache for teachers in kindergartens. After all, three to five years old are crucial to the formation of children's character. They are not only as simple as looking after the children for their parents, but also shoulder heavy responsibilities.

I didn't expect to fight with the two best children in the class now.

Although it is said that teachers should treat children in the class equally and be fair and just, in fact, people have selfish intentions, and they will subconsciously be more partial and cute, sweet and sensible.

Therefore, even if there is intuitive evidence that Lulu and Liu Yueqi bit Shi Jiajia, Mr. Liu doesn't believe it in his heart.

She asked the other children to sit in their place obediently, called another teacher to look at them, and then led Lu Lu, Liu Yueqi, and Shi Jiajia into the office.

As soon as she entered the office, Shi Jiajia was anxious to speak, but Teacher Liu didn't listen to her first, but turned to ask Lu Lu in a mild manner:

"Lulu, tell the teacher why you want to bite Jiajia?"

Lu Lu glared at Shi Jiajia, with her little hand on her waist, and said angrily: "As soon as I came to the classroom today, she asked me for a Disney badge and gift, but I didn’t know her, and the gift was sent out yesterday, so she gave it to me. I snatched my castle badge, and I asked her to return it to me. Instead of returning it to me, she pushed me and said that I was a little dwarf."

She is not a little shorty. She eats well every day. Aunt Liu said that children who eat well will grow up as tall as adults in the future.

Lu Lu's language skills are not bad, so he explained the process easily.

Teacher Liu summed it up and asked: "So it was Jiajia who grabbed your badge, pushed you, and called you a dwarf. Did you bite her?"

Lu Lu nodded: "Yeah."

"What about Kiki? Why does Kiki bite Jiajia?"

"She bullied Lulu!"

After Teacher Liu asked Liu Yueqi, he finally looked at Shi Jiajia and asked, "Is that what they said? Did you grab the Lulu badge?"

In fact, there is no need to ask, the badge on Shi Jiajia's chest can prove everything.

The Disney badge was distributed to everyone when Lulu came to the kindergarten yesterday, but yesterday Shi Jiajia asked for leave and did not come to the kindergarten, and Lulu did not know her, so naturally he would not prepare gifts for her.

And Teacher Liu clearly remembered that Lulu sent to other classmates all cartoon characters, and only her own was the castle.

So Shi Jiajia must have been snatched from Lu Lu.

The matter is clear, but Teacher Liu still has to guide Shi Jiajia to admit his mistakes.

However, Shi Jiajia didn't think she was wrong.

She said frankly: "But they all have it, and I can't have it by myself."

"Then you can't grab someone else's? It's wrong to grab something, you know?"

"I didn't grab it, Lulu gave it to me."

After Shi Jiajia finished speaking, Lu Lu hurriedly denied: "I didn't give it, I didn't give it."

Lu Lu was afraid that the teacher would believe in Shi Jiajia. As she spoke, she eagerly gestured, trying to restore the situation at the time.

Actually, there is no need to talk about Lu Lu, Teacher Liu has already seen it from Lu Lu.

Lu Lu was wearing a sweater today, and a few pieces of wool were torn out from the pin brooch on the left chest, which showed obvious traces of pulling.

Teacher Liu frowned and looked at Shi Jiajia seriously, and asked: "Jiajia, you can't lie."

"I didn't lie! Anyway, Lulu and Qiqi bit me, but they are not right!" Shi Jiajia not only refused to admit her mistake, but insisted that it was Lu Lu and Liu Yueqi's fault.

Teacher Liu is very speechless. Such a young child learns to **** people and lie and refuse to admit it. He doesn't know how the parents taught him.

"Lulu and Qiqi bit you. They did not do the right thing, but you are wrong. First, you have to admit your mistake, return the badge to Lulu, and apologize to Lulu. When you apologize, the teacher also Will let Lulu and Qiqi apologize to you, understand?"

"I don't." Shi Jiajia tore off the badge on her chest and threw it at Lulu: "Isn't it just a broken badge? Give it back to you."

Upon seeing this, Teacher Liu was so angry that it was difficult to suppress the anger in his heart: "Shi Jiajia!"

If Shi Jiajia were her daughter, she would have slapped and slapped her. This child really has no education at all.

When Lu Lu saw that Shi Jiajia was so rude, she didn't get annoyed, picked up the badge that fell on her feet, pinned it to her chest, and walked to Shi Jiajia.

Just now she listened carefully to what Teacher Liu said. Teacher Liu said that biting is wrong.

She remembered that the uncle had taught him before. After children encountered problems, they should ask adults to help them as soon as possible. They should not swear or beat others. Only bad children would do such things.

Lu Lu thought, biting people is the same as swearing and hitting people. They are both wrong. Only bad kids would do this.

Shi Jiajia is a bad boy, she can't be like Shi Jiajia.

So Lu Lu walked to Shi Jiajia and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't bite you just now."

The teacher said that it doesn't matter if you do something wrong, but you must make corrections and apologize in time, so you are still a good boy.

Now she apologized, and she became a good boy again.

Lu Lu apologized and said seriously: "Shi Jiajia, it's time for you to say sorry to me now!"

"Only those who have done something wrong say sorry, and I'm not wrong, I won't!"

Shi Jiajia turned her face proudly, ignoring Lu Lu at all.

Lu Lu looked at Teacher Liu asking for help, "Mr. Liu, Shi Jiajia doesn't tell me I'm sorry, I won't forgive her!"

Teacher Liu turned over the monitor of the classroom and looked at it carefully from beginning to end.

During the whole process, Lu Lu did not lie at all, but Shi Jiajia shirked his responsibility, and refused to admit the lies.

This has involved a person's character problem, which is very serious, and parents must be notified to be present.

So Teacher Liu called the parents of both parties.

At the beginning, it was Joey who sent Lu Lu to the kindergarten. After that, Lu Lu's custody rights came to Lu Hongyu, but Lu Lu still lives in Song Heran's house and Aunt Liu is responsible for going to and from school. The contact information in the kindergarten has not changed.

When Joey received the call, she was recording an indoor variety show with Song Heran. She was watching the upcoming show crew. She didn’t want to tell Song Heran about it, so she arranged for Li Feifei to go to the kindergarten. Thinking of Song Heran's reaction after knowing the incident, he told the truth.

Sure enough, Song Heran picked off the wheat as soon as he heard half of the words.

"That little girl doesn't have a father or mother, no one teaches, right? Push her even if you don't talk about robbing Lulu."

As soon as the picture of Lulu being pushed down appeared in Song Heran's mind, his anger went straight to the top of his head, and he could say anything bad.

Joey hurriedly stopped Song Heran and said, "Don't worry, Lulu was not injured. She also bit the other person. This is not a big problem. I or Feifei will go, and you should work first."

"No, I have to go. Lulu is not a kid who has no one to support her. It's not that anyone can bully her casually."

Song Heran was so anxious that he didn't even have time to remove the show set props he was wearing.

Joey knew Song Heran's character. She knew Song Heran had to go. She couldn't persuade him anymore, so she had to explain and communicate with the program team.

Fortunately, the program group is Song Heran's old partner, and it is easy to talk. In the first half of this show, Song Heran only has one shot, so you can make up the recording later without delaying the progress.

After explaining clearly to the program team, Joey also hurried to the kindergarten.

Song Heran was impatient and valued Lulu. Lulu was bullied for his temper, and he might have conflicts with the other's parents.

On the way to the kindergarten, Mr. Liu exported the surveillance video and sent it to the three parents.

Song Heran was sitting in the car, watching the video of Lu Lu being bullied by the other party, and clenched his fists furiously.

The studio where Song Heran recorded the program was far away, and Shi Jiajia's mother arrived at the kindergarten first.

She came to the office, looked at the three children sitting in the office and the teacher, and hurriedly put her daughter in her arms and checked her arms.

The child was weak, and he was biting through the sweater. At this moment, the tooth mark has almost disappeared, and only a little trace is vaguely visible.

Jiajia's mother asked eagerly: "Jiajia, is your arm still hurting?"

As soon as Shi Jiajia saw her mother's dry tears welled up again, she grievedly hugged her mother's arm and said, "It hurts."

This "pain" completely ignited Jiajia's mother's anger. After she gave Lu Lu an angry look, she looked at Teacher Liu and asked: "Mr. Liu, how does your kindergarten care about your children? How can you let your children bite? "

Faced with this overwhelming questioning, Teacher Liu understood the reason why Shi Jiajia developed such a personality.

With such an indiscriminate mother, it is strange that the child can learn well.

She said: "Mother Jiajia, I do have a responsibility for this matter. I didn't discover the children's conflicts in time, but the first thing we should solve is Jiajia's problem."

"Jiajia grabbed things from her classmates, pushed her classmates, and scolded her classmates for being short. These are all wrong behaviors, which are not conducive to Jiajia's growth. We must correct them in time.

When Lu Lu heard this, he said in agreement: "Yes, Jiajia has to apologize to me, otherwise she will always be a bad boy."

Jiajia’s mother heard Lu Lu’s childish voice and said impatiently: “Speaking of an adult, what do you think you are kidding in, do you have any education?”

Jiajia's mother is over forty years old, her looks and dress are very rich and noble, and she has an aura that is not easy to mess with.

Lu Lu looked at Jiajia’s mother, feeling a little frightened, but she still mustered up the courage to retort, “But this was originally a child’s matter.”

Lu Lu didn't understand, why can't children intervene in children's affairs?

Jiajia's mother choked, and for a while she didn't know how to refute, so she turned her spearhead at Teacher Liu again.

"Isn't it normal for children to fight and fight? How can the problem be as serious as you said."

When Teacher Liu heard this, her expression changed. After being a kindergarten teacher for so many years, she was most afraid of encountering unclear parents of bear children. She always took care of her own children. Whenever something went wrong, she didn’t face it, so she thought it was just a child. Young and ignorant, just playing around.

As everyone knows, how many children grow crooked are because they did not establish the correct view of right and wrong when they were young.

Teacher Liu still patiently said: "Mother Jiajia, I hope you can pay attention to it. This is definitely not as simple as children's jokes."

"I do, pay attention, we must pay attention to it, then how to deal with it now?"

"Mom Jiajia, after Lulu's parents come over, I hope you can persuade Jiajia to apologize to Lulu."

"Apologize? To apologize is to let Lu Lu apologize to Jiajia, right? Look at what these girls bite Jiajia into?"

"Mother Jiajia, I understand how you feel sorry for your daughter, but I hope you can be sensible. Shi Jiajia made a mistake in this matter first. She should apologize to Lulu first."

Jiajia's mother was immediately unhappy when she heard this.

She raised Shi Jiajia's arm and retorted: "Jiajia grabbed Lulu's thing and pushed her, but she was not injured. It was Jiajia who was injured and bitten..."

"So as long as you are not injured, you are not injured, right?"

A crisp man's voice interrupted Jiajia's mother.

Several people in the office looked towards the door and all showed unexpected expressions.

When Lu Lu saw his brother, he immediately rushed over and hugged him.

Song Heran took Lu Lu's hand and walked to the woman. He glared at him and repeated what he said just now: "As long as there is no injury, it is not considered hurt, is it?"

Jiajia's mother obviously didn't expect Lu Lu's parents to be celebrities, and they are still well-known celebrities.

She stuttered for a while, "What do you mean? What do you want to do?"

Song Heran raised his eyebrows, took out his mobile phone and opened the surveillance video sent to him by the teacher, and said, "Don't do anything, I just don't think you are right. I want the public to help with the evaluation, what do you think?"

Jiajia's mother certainly knew that her daughter did something wrong, but she did not want her daughter to apologize and bow her head. She felt that as long as she bowed her head, her daughter would be laughed at in class in the future.

But if Song Heran posted the video to the Internet and allowed netizens to participate, it would not be a simple apology.

Jiajia's mother immediately changed her attitude and poked her daughter in the back, "Jiajia, apologize to Lu Lu!"

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