Before Chen Xiangxiang came to power, standing under the spotlight, her whole person seemed to glow, even just looking at people was pleasing to the eye.

But now, the whole person looks dull and dull, the face with many layers of foundation is still as white as a ghost, and the makeup looks dirty and old.

Especially after singing and sweating, this feeling is even worse.

He Jiangfeng recalled how Yan Xi sang on stage. Her suffocating face often made people ignore her singing.

However, the singing is also impeccable, and it will not make people forget her beauty.

The whole person has a strong sense of existence, but it is not too hot, like a warm night pearl, people can't ignore it, and their hearts are dumped.

Chen Xiangxiang used to be very dazzling and radiant. Especially the wet eyes like a weak deer, people can't help but feel pity.

How come you have become such a ghost now?

The immortal energy disappeared completely, and his eyes were still wet, but they would not hit his heart and stimulate his desire for protection.

He Jiangfeng frowned and thought, probably because Yan Xizhuyu was in front, so it affected his perception of Chen Xiangxiang?

It is impossible for a person's appearance to drop so badly overnight, it must be an illusion.


Chen Xiangxiang waited for the judges' evaluation after singing. She felt that her performance this time was better than ever.

I really did my best and put all the singing skills I learned into use.

However, the score given by the public judges was the lowest in the audience. Chen Xiangxiang looked at the big screen in disbelief, how could it be possible!

She bit her lower lip subconsciously, and looked at the professional judges seat with her eyes eager for words.

If the professional judges do not exercise their privileges, she is likely to be eliminated.

He Jiangfeng did not respond immediately.

On the contrary, Xiao Yun picked up the microphone first, with a serious expression, "Why has your singing level dropped so much? Are you seriously singing?"

"I've always been serious, you can disagree with my singing, but you can't question my attitude." Chen Xiangxiang pursed her lower lip, her tone was soft and weak, but her words were hard.

She felt that since Xiao Yun had friendship with Yan Xi, he must have been bought by Yan Xi.

It was obvious that Xiao Yun had never spoken harshly to himself before, but Yan Xi changed her attitude as soon as she arrived. Is this enough to explain anything?

People who are nice to capital don't deserve her respect.

The judges were stunned. Looking at Chen Xiangxiang, they felt as if she had changed.

She used to be a dark horse that they admired and admired, even the harsh Xiao Yun said that she sang with aura.

And anyone with eyes can see it,

Xiao Yun hates that iron cannot become steel, and regrets talents.

Chen Xiangxiang's tone was resentful. Does this mean that the other party's words are unfair?

When He Jiangfeng picked up the microphone, he felt annoyed. Chen Xiangxiang was a player he highly recommended! It doesn't matter if he is criticized, he is really optimistic about the talent and talent of the other party.

The ghost knows that although he is romantic, he has always been serious about music, and anyone with musical talent deserves his respect.

"But you just sang, so I don't feel any professional level. Are you taking the stage as if you were there?"

Chen Xiangxiang's face was instantly pale, and her whole body was shaky!

Until she was asked to step down, she still couldn't react and looked lost.


In the audience, fans looked at Chen Xiangxiang who stepped off the stage, and Liang Zhixuan was very distressed.

It must be what Yan Xi did again!

Why won't let go of Chen Xiangxiang? Must be jealous, really shameless.

And Chen Xiangxiang's makeup is really wrong. She was so radiant before and her skin was breakable. This time, she was also pitted by the makeup artist.

Although the level of singing has dropped a little, who knows if the microphone or the ear return is passive.

He must expose this matter, and never allow his goddess to be bullied like this!


Yan Xi took the first place, and she didn't have any nostalgia at all. After singing, she was ready to leave.

The producer blocked the door and rubbed his hands together, "Don't you really think about getting a few more episodes? After all, you sing so well, and the audience will definitely like it."

Yan Xi shook her head firmly, "Sorry, I don't have time."

Although the producer regrets, he also knows that the other party is not something he can invite, so he can only give up.

The two chatted for a while, and Xiao Yun came over to say hello again. She was more concerned about the few words He Jiangfeng just said, and her expression was a little anxious.

"You said that Chen Xiangxiang's songs were all written by Qingcheng?"

Yan Xi nodded. She came to participate in this show to get close to Xiao Yun.

"This is my mother's writing notes, you should recognize her handwriting." Yan Xi handed over the notebook in her hand.

This is what she found in Yan Qingcheng's relics after she was discharged from the hospital. It was discarded by Yan Qingcheng as a waste manuscript, but it has been kept for so many years.

Yan Xi kept thinking about why these songs were so amazing, so deep, intense, and moving, why they should be discarded, and they didn't even have a name.

When she was young, she saw Yan Qingcheng send an email to Xiao Yun, and she naturally knew that Qingshan was her mother's pseudonym, but this matter still needed Xiao Yun's cooperation to expose it.

Xiao Yun took the notebook and stroked the words on it, his eyes filled with tears for a moment, "Yes, this is Qingcheng's handwriting."

After a pause, he snorted coldly, "I just said why Chen Xiangxiang's creative style is so weird. It turns out that she adapted Qingcheng's tunes and lyrics, otherwise she would definitely not be able to hide it from me."

He Jiangfeng and Xia Yanan rushed over, and when they heard this, they were stunned.

The newcomer who was originally optimistic about the amazing talent turned out to be stealing other people's original songs, how can this be tolerated.

"But... Qingshan's songs are also very lyrical love songs." He Jiangfeng frowned, still a little suspicious.

These songs are so resolute and full of hope, and they don't match the warm style of the past.

Xiao Yun, "Did you think the songs that Qingcheng wrote were love songs? No, they were songs she wrote to her own children, and warmth is just right."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yun frowned. She was called the Queen of Love Songs. In fact, the few famous songs in her early years were really not, but the world had to misunderstand her.

Based on market considerations, the record company did not agree with her clarifying that it was written by Qingshan to her daughter, but at most it only explained that it was written to the loved one in her life.

Everyone was surprised, was that so? The palace-level love song that swept the major charts several times turned out to be just the deepest love a mother gave her children.

No wonder Xiao Yun said that it might be more complete and suitable for Yan Xi to sing.

This is the party.

"Actually, a lot of human emotions are common, and if they can arouse emotional resonance, it is a good work." Xiao Yun's face was not very good-looking, "I must clarify this matter!"

How much I admired Chen Xiangxiang before, how disappointed I am now.

Yan Xi, "Thank you for standing up. I have appointed a lawyer and will sue Chen Xiangxiang soon."

There was no objection or persuasion at the scene. Chen Xiangxiang was despicable and shameless, and Yan Xi's prosecution was also using legal weapons to protect herself.

The rich and powerful lady tore up the script of Bai Yueguang https://

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