Mars today is completely different from the past.

Because of the introduction of a large number of comets, the water content in the entire Mars is very close to the proportion of blue stars.

In other words, Mars in the future will also be a planet with oceans occupying most of the surface.

In fact, the current Martian ocean has already taken shape, and it has been raining continuously for several years. Heavy rainstorms all over the world have also immersed the entire Martian continent in a vast ocean, except for some highlands.

Because of the continuous impacts over the years, countless dust particles have been splashed up, and because of the increase in pressure in the Martian atmosphere, they have been suspended directly in the sky, making the dust cloud on Mars extremely thick, reaching a thickness of sixty or seventy kilometers. many.

Not only in the atmosphere of Mars, but also in the outer space of Mars, dust particles that exceeded the first cosmic speed produced by the impact have already spread.

There are also small meteorites with diameters ranging from more than ten meters to tens of meters.

Generally speaking, they all fall on Mars, the fragments formed after the asteroids are torn apart by the gravity of Mars.

However, there are also fragments that were struck from Mars, but because the initial escape velocity was not enough, they stayed in the universe near Mars and became a group of new satellites.

In fact, with this frequency of impacts, the entire surrounding Mars should have turned into chaos long ago, almost like a rocky earth-like planet that suddenly turned into a gaseous planet.

Its mass may not change much, but due to the expansion of the sunlight-reflecting surface, it seems that its volume may increase hundreds of times, becoming a new gas planet in the solar system.

However, the twelve platforms at the nodes around Mars have long predicted that this situation will happen.

Although these platforms have nuclear fusion as energy source, this is actually only a backup. The main energy source is solar panels with an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

After all, the sun is the core of the entire solar system. The energy it emits, even if it intercepts only one part in a billion, is enough to surpass all the fusion reactors on the moon.

These solar panels have two functions. One is normal solar power generation.

The other is to emit sunlight into Mars to heat Mars.

Of course, the main purpose is to emit sunlight to heat Mars, which will affect part of the power generation efficiency.

For example, the surface of the solar panel will be designed to be very smooth, silvery white to the mirror surface, just like a mirror of silver mirror reaction, fixed on a layer of carbon allotrope film that can withstand the cold and radiation of the universe. later.

This form of battery packaging is obviously not the most efficient one.

For example, in order to accurately reflect sunlight to the surface of Mars, it is inevitable that sunlight cannot shine directly on the panel, and the efficiency of power generation will naturally decrease.

However, all of this can be achieved by increasing the battery panel area. Initially, the battery panel area of ​​each node was only a few dozen square kilometers.

More than ten years have passed since then, and the area has increased to 300 square kilometers.

With the end of Mars' weight gain, the solar panel area of ​​nodes can be increased to thousands or even tens of thousands of square kilometers without taking into account the trajectory of incoming meteorites.

Whether solar panels reflect sunlight or generate photovoltaic power, the most important thing is that sunlight needs to shine on the panels.

When the weight of Mars was initially increased, the impact of these dusts was naturally taken into consideration.

Although the node is in a high orbit, the impact of a large number of asteroid impacts will definitely not be limited to the low orbit region of Mars.

Therefore, when they were originally designed, they also assumed the task of collecting various dust near the orbit.

As we said before, in addition to reflecting light and increasing gravity on Mars, these node platforms also have the task of adding a magnetic field to Mars.

The function of the magnetic field is naturally to allow the solar wind, which can directly enter the Martian atmosphere, to bypass Mars far away.

Electromagnetic fields, electric fields and magnetic fields are always difficult to separate. Therefore, metal components near the platform will inevitably generate a certain amount of induced current due to changes in the magnetic field.

With current, there is an electric field, and the number of metals that can generate electrostatic fields at nodes is huge.

When these dusts come near the nodes, they will naturally be attracted by static electricity.

So up to now, although the dust is still thick in the synchronous orbit range that exceeds the height of the Martian atmosphere, in high orbit, it has basically shown the original appearance of the universe.

As a price, the total mass of dust particles collected on each node platform can reach dozens of tons every month.

In order to remove dust near Mars and ensure that sunlight can enter Mars smoothly, the Moon Palace Base will launch more than one million dust-collecting satellites above the Kármán line in the Martian atmosphere in the future to clear out a clear space.

These collected things are naturally not waste.

Although these things are mainly composed of water or some light elements, they are extremely common on any planet.

However, in a universe where matter is extremely scarce, these things are actually extremely precious. Yang Qing's choice is to transport them to the moon to make up for the mass consumed by extensive development over the years.

For Blue Star, the moon is both a burden and a protector.

Because the existence of the moon slows down the rotation speed of the blue star and consumes a lot of internal energy, it may greatly reduce the time the blue star can survive.

On the other hand, because of the existence of the moon, the earth's core begins to move periodically under their joint influence, thus forming a strong and stable magnetic field.

Without the existence of a magnetic field, life may still be produced on the blue star, but intelligent life like humans would have almost no chance of being born.

For example, it is very similar to Blue Star, but there is no such satellite, and its magnetic field is almost negligible, turning it into a high-temperature hell, or only the legendary silicon-based creatures can exist.

On the other Mars, the thin atmosphere was almost blown away by the solar wind, turning it into a lifeless desert.

The same example is Titan, the only satellite in the solar system with a magnetic field.

Although it does not have a satellite like the moon, the tidal effects brought by Saturn are far above the Earth-Moon system. This is why it may be the most likely planet in the solar system, other than blue stars, to give birth to life.

Because it still has a possibly living core.

Our eyes leave the outer space of Mars, which is becoming clearer, and enter the spacecraft that has penetrated deep into the atmosphere and has completely lost its trace.

His spiritual consciousness scanned the work logs of the past ten years. Yang Qing recorded everything in his mind, and then deduced it in his mind to see if there was anything missing.

The dust cloud, which was still a little bright, turned completely dark.

Here, there is no light at all, but it doesn't seem particularly dark.

Because here, from time to time, there will be large lightnings that are tens of kilometers long and more than tens of meters wide, piercing the darkness of the dust cloud, melting all the dust on the road, leaving a clear track.

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