The entire planet Mars seemed to have come to life again, and the volcanoes that had been dormant for who knows how many years began to erupt one after another.

These eruptions also have their own characteristics, that is, the closer the volcano is to Mount Olympus, the more intense the activity.

However, all the volcanoes on Mars have been affected to a greater or lesser extent. As time goes by, the geological activities of the impact have spread, and even the polar volcanoes that are the farthest away and theoretically least affected have begun to pop up. Hot smoke.

The gas erupted from the volcano is naturally not a beneficial gas.

Hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and volcanic gases dominated by these gases have covered the world.

Today's Mars has become even more unsuitable for human activities than before, because the acidic substances in the air have greatly increased, and spacesuits designed for vacuum environments no longer meet the requirements.

But the benefit is also great, that is, the atmospheric pressure on Mars has increased significantly. The lowest place on the surface already has 50% of the atmospheric pressure of Blue Star.

Although such atmospheric pressure is still not enough for people to survive comfortably, this is just the beginning. The atmospheric environment of Mars in the future will definitely be almost the same as that of Blue Star.

Even after so long, the live broadcast is still on, and the number of people following it has never dropped below one billion.

After all, this is the first time that humans have seen a large asteroid impact a planet since the comet was captured by Jupiter in the last century and had a shocking impact.

The impact of comet Shoemaker-Levi 9 in 1994 was discovered too late, although the Hubble Space Telescope, Galileo probe, and travelers were already 6 billion kilometers away from Jupiter. No. 2, all paid attention to this collision.

However, because the impact occurred on the back side of Jupiter, it is actually difficult to see with the naked eye on the blue star. It can only be observed indirectly. All photos are taken in this way.

In fact, as the vacuum cleaner of the solar system, Jupiter encounters far more collisions every year than imagined. This is also the reason why Blue Star encounters much fewer collisions than theoretically.

After No. 1 and No. 2 released 11605, they drove back to the spacecraft repair station located at the Lagrange point of the Martian Sun.

This huge building complex, known as the Mars Station, is still under construction. All future spacecraft coming from the Blue Star direction will first park here.

Then it will enter Mars through the ferry spacecraft.

Although the docking function has not been highlighted yet, due to the lack of metal materials, the shipyard originally designed here has not had time to officially operate. However, the maintenance of passing spacecraft and the addition of nuclear fuel have been officially put into operation.

Multi-layer solar panels covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers provide enough energy here.

There is no obstruction, and there is no distinction between day and night. The solar energy converted by these solar panels is a steady stream, turned into spiritual energy, and then compressed using some method, it becomes a mottled and gorgeous industrial spiritual stone.

The reason why it is an industrial spirit stone is because the transparent chaotic energy mixed in it is the natural enemy of cultivators and cannot be used for cultivation at all.

However, ordinary spirit stones need to be filtered through a certain compound before injecting spiritual energy. Although the steps are not complicated and the compound is not difficult to find, it does require the participation of the practitioner's spiritual consciousness.

Even if Yang Qing creates an artificial weapon spirit that can be used as a substitute, even the artificial weapon spirit still has its own limits.

Moreover, the number of artificial weapon spirits that Yang Qing successfully created was not as high as expected.

As for the spaceship's spirit stone furnace, there is no essential difference between ordinary spirit stones and industrial spirit stones.

Although it cannot utilize chaotic energy, it has no effect on it.

The decay rate of chaotic energy is even faster than the disappearance rate of spiritual energy, so there is no impact on the environment.

The most important thing is that after compression under certain conditions, the energy density of industrial spirit stones can even exceed that of intermediate spirit stones.

You must know that the intermediate spirit stones used by Yang Qing for cultivation require the use of several extremely precious materials, which are extremely precious at least in the known solar system.

Therefore, there are not many intermediate spiritual stones available in the entire Moon Palace base, and facilities such as artificial wombs are also included, which are indispensable consumption.

The emergence of industrial spirit stones at least allows those places that do not need to come into contact with people to use industrial spirit stones directly, which is equivalent to saving resources.

However, no matter how high the energy density of industrial spiritual stones is, there will always be times when they are exhausted. The efficiency of the spiritual stone furnace is actually much higher than that of a nuclear reactor. The only drawback is probably that replenishing spiritual stones is not that convenient, right?

Therefore, it is more suitable for short-distance ferry spacecraft, and even future transportation vehicles on Mars can also be driven by industrial spirit stones. Only then can it be considered truly pollution-free and zero-emission.

Of course, Mars in the future must be a spiritual planet full of aura, and all the things that can appear in the fantasy world will definitely appear.

Until there is no way to eliminate that kind of transparent energy, Yang Qing is not planning to vigorously promote industrial spirit stones on Mars.

Because no one knows what kind of impact this kind of transparent energy will have once the stock increases.

No. 1 and No. 2 drove into the vacuum dock and floated steadily in the center of the dock. The entire dock was in a state of weightlessness.

In fact, during normal space travel, the entire journey is in a state of weightlessness, and there is no such feeling as if you are on a blue star.

Because in the entire Mars station, as well as in the dock and other places, the gravity can be controlled at any time, from zero point one to ten, to facilitate the detection of its whole body and the transportation of components.

Here you can see a robot at any time, wearing special adsorption shoes, holding a part that is much heavier than itself, walking freely in this space without up, down, left, and right.

The maintenance time for No. 1 and No. 2 was two months. Two months later, after replacing some parts and re-injecting nuclear fuel, they embarked on their journey to the asteroid belt again.

Their target this time is an asteroid numbered 60012, which is slightly larger than 11065 and has a diameter of about 1.5 kilometers.

Although the size is much larger, the mass of the two satellites is almost the same.

The reason is that there is a large amount of water ice on this asteroid, causing its mass to be much lower than imagined.

Water is something that is extremely scarce on Mars. Maybe there was water on early Mars. After all, when we look at the surface of Mars now, there are actually traces of water flow everywhere.

But whether it is an asteroid impact or a natural disaster, there is no trace of water ice on Mars now, at least on the surface.

Water is the source of life. Without the existence of water, it is impossible for Blue Star to become the only living planet in the solar system.

Therefore, any asteroid containing water is a priority target.

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