As time went by, more and more professionals discovered this loophole and began to ask some very complicated and difficult questions.

However, contrary to their expectations, Xiao Ai also knew these things very well and explained them very clearly.

So they started to ask some unsolved problems, and Xiao Ai was able to answer them, which was really surprising.

However, this kind of taking advantage was quickly discovered by Xiao Ai, and she immediately made a rule that here, you can only ask questions about Mars, but not answer other irrelevant things.

Under the gaze of billions of eyes, asteroid No. 11605 has appeared in the sky of Mars.

It's just that it's a little far away from the sun. Although there are less than four hours left before the collision, looking from here, it is still just a small dot with a faint luster. If it is not pointed out specifically, there is no way it can interact with the universe. stars to distinguish.

Although at this time, its flight speed is only less than 20 kilometers per second, which is far lower than Mars' 24.3 kilometers per second, but there is a crossover in its flight orbit, and it will collide with Mars in about four hours.

If there is no collision this time, it will cross the orbit of Mars and enter the inner solar system, never having a chance to join Mars.

But this does not mean that it will become a brand new wandering asteroid. There is another barrier, which is the moon. When necessary, Yang Qing will cut it directly in space to become a supplement to the moon.

In the past few years, with the launch of various large platforms and spacecrafts, the moon has lost at least one million tons of mass.

This mass is certainly a drop in the bucket for the entire moon, but it is not good news for the entire Earth-Moon system.

The moon is originally moving away from the blue star at a speed of a few centimeters per year. The lighter the mass, the faster the separation speed will be.

Although the moon is far away, it is actually good news for Blue Star. The tidal activity caused by the moon will be much reduced, further reducing the danger of sea navigation.

It will also reduce geological disasters such as earthquakes, which can be said to be of great benefit.

However, it cannot be said that it is harmless.

Because of the existence of the moon, the tidal movements caused not only affect the oceans on the surface, but also have a great impact on the magma under the earth's crust and even the mantle and core.

Even the geomagnetic field caused by the movement of the earth's core has a lot to do with the moon.

However, Venus, which has almost the same mass as Blue Star, has almost no magnetic field. Even Mars has a weak magnetic field that is almost non-existent.

The disappearance of Venus' magnetic field may be related to its too slow rotation, but the rotation speed of Mars is not lower than that of the Blue Star.

The biggest difference between them and Blue Star is that they do not have a satellite large enough.

Venus has no satellites, and the two satellites of Mars are just two meteorites.

Therefore, in the future, Yang Qing will definitely send back the mass dug from the moon, and increase it by the way to reduce the moon's escape speed.

Three hours passed very quickly. This was also the first time that Yang Qing fully opened the facilities on Mars. Although there were many inaccessible restricted areas, these twelve large platforms alone were enough for Blue Star people to visit.

To be honest, apart from the function of adding gravity to Mars, these twelve platforms actually do not have much technical content except for their size.

Although in space, being large is also a technical ability, but these can at least be explored, and Blue Star can do it with its own abilities.

As for warming the planet by reflecting sunlight, this is an idea that was proposed in the last century. In the past few years, China even planned to launch a reflector to provide night lighting for residents in Sichuan, Sichuan and other places.

However, as global warming intensifies, what needs to be considered is not increasing the brightness of the Blue Star, but cooling it, so this matter gradually disappeared.

In fact, the astronomical system of Blue Star has always been a mystery. Some people say that in the future, as the greenhouse effect intensifies and Antarctic glaciers melt, coastal areas around the world will be flooded by rising seawater.

Some people also say that Blue Star will enter the Little Ice Age in the future, and the global temperature will drop by five to ten degrees.

In the final analysis, it is because the recorded climate change of Blue Star is too short. Compared with the climate change of Blue Star, which can easily last for hundreds of thousands of years, there is no comparison at all.

Meteorology is, after all, an empirical science. Without sufficient data, there is no way to build a complete model.

Soon, the monitor placed on Mars could clearly see the outline of the asteroid.

By this time, the entire asteroid had been affected by the gravity of Mars, and its speed was slowly increasing, but its flight trajectory had already moved closer to Mars.

The two towing spaceships were opening the traction ropes, completely detached, suddenly accelerated, and flew towards the distance.

The traction rope, which was already in a loose state, was pulled back by the force of contraction, but there was no tendency to fall down. Instead, it continued to maintain its original state, curled up lazily, like a spring. It stretched out again, but the front end was attracted by the gravity of Mars and tilted in the direction of Mars.

Xiao Ai has already calculated the future collision location, which is Olympus Mons at 18.65 degrees north latitude and 226.2 degrees east longitude on Mars.

Olympus Mons is not only the highest mountain on Mars, it is also considered the highest peak on several major planets and satellites similar in size to Mars.

It is 21,117 meters high, more than twice as high as Mount Everest. It is a typical volcano group and the largest volcano group in the solar system.

This time 11605 will collide with it. No one knows what will happen then. After all, if it collides with it at a relative speed of several thousand meters per second, it is unknown whether it will ignite it again. .

From the first perspective of the fixed camera on the asteroid, it finally tilted and rushed into the atmosphere of Mars.

The atmosphere of Mars is extremely thin and its deceleration ability is extremely poor. However, the irregular stars flying at high speed still shattered after encountering the resistance of the air.

11605 friction in the air generated huge heat. The water and other volatile substances inside expanded and immediately fell apart. In addition, it could not withstand the gravity of Mars and kept peeling off the loose rocks on its body. It completely decomposed into several larger ones. Large meteorite chunks.

After all, there is still too little air on Mars. The friction of the air alone cannot cause the asteroid to start burning. As it flies, it emits gray-white smoke that is pushed behind by the air, and crashes towards Olympus.

With a bang, the asteroid hit the mountainside of Mount Olympus, and several large fragments hit there almost at the same time.

Although the sound of the impact could not be heard at all in space, the sensors and seismometers deployed on Mars clearly received the sound of the impact.

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