He reached out and patted Lingling, who was trying to pounce on him, away.

"My body is so dirty, why don't you come here after you clean it up?"

Yang Qing cursed.

"It's Meow!"

Lingling replied blankly, and then she saw the large white gray stains after she touched the ceiling.

Although it is not so conspicuous on her white hair, they all have sharp eyes and it is impossible not to notice this.

A flash of luster flashed, and Lingling's body suddenly became smooth and beautiful.

After being a little demon for so long, it has even learned how to speak. It has almost mastered several simple spells.

However, this still cannot get rid of the tragic experience of having to take a bath every half month.

Although Lingling's hair always looks so smooth and she doesn't have any feline smell, her mother stubbornly believes that it is not clean if it is not washed with water.

Therefore, Lingling, who has no affinity for water by nature, is forced to accept the ravages of her mother.

Perhaps this is the trouble with the more sensible people. Those who are more stupid can tear and bite people at will, but Lingling does not dare, because although this family loves her, if it bites and scratches people at will, then it will definitely not have its own Good fruit to eat.

Looking at Lingling who had become clean, Yang Qing stretched out his hand and it jumped directly onto Yang Qing's shoulder, meowing and rubbing on Yang Qing's face.

"I know, little greedy cat, I can't live without you!"

Yang Qing smiled and cursed, then reached out and took out a large piece of crab meat from his storage bag, along with a large piece of crab legs.


When Lingling saw it, her eyes lit up and she ran towards her small dining table with crab meat in her mouth.

Ever since Yang Qing passed the tribulation last time, went home to rest for a day, and brought some mutated seafood to it, Lingling has been obsessed with such delicious food. It's just that the quantity is limited and it has been eaten long ago, so it can't forget these.

Yang Qing looked at Lingling who was devouring the food, and felt a little unbearable towards the little guy. After all, even if it becomes a demon, Mao's lifespan cannot be compared with that of humans. If its cultivation level cannot be broken through, it can only live up to thirty years. Six years, which is a little more than twice the lifespan of a normal cat.

But to make it progress quickly, an environment rich in spiritual energy is the best. However, due to the situation at home, he can't take it to the moon yet.

No one knew about the establishment of the moon base, his identity being exposed, and the country's reaction.

From ancient times to the present, the ruling class of China has had a crazy desire to control the country, and this reached its peak in the late Qing Dynasty. They would rather work with friends than domestic slaves. Such words can be said out loud.

The current China is obviously not comparable to the past China, but once some coincidence occurs and Yang Qing's actions are considered a provocation, some kind of harm may be done to his family. At that time, it is Lingling's timing to take action.

As long as there is a slight delay, the flying saucer waiting in the sky will be able to take them to the sky and escape from here.

This is considered an insurance policy, and Yang Qing doesn't think it will reach this point, because the biggest beneficiary of Yang Qing's establishment of the Moon Palace base is China.

Because Yang Qing has never been a self-respecting person, he also hopes that more and more people can participate in the construction of the Moon Palace, even if most of them are not spiritual enough and cannot practice.

However, living in an environment full of aura can promote physical and mental redevelopment. They should continue to study the basic science on Blue Star.

With Xiao Ai's existence, most of the secrets on Blue Star are no longer secrets. Those scientific research results developed by foreign research institutions, universities, and laboratories have long been copied by Xiao Ai.

These people can freely browse this scientific and technological knowledge on the moon. With the existence of translation software, this knowledge will also be translated into Chinese without any reading difficulties.

Domestically, we don’t have to face other people’s blockades. We have to study things that others have already studied from scratch.

Therefore, since the 21st century, China, a backward country, has invested a lot of money in repetitive research, so the gradual stagnation of science and technology can be traced.

Yang Qing made a small storage bag for Lingling, like a bell, hanging in front of her neck.

As Yang Qing's cultivation progresses, the technology for refining storage bags is also steadily improving. Although it looks small on the outside, the space inside is more than sixty cubic meters in size.

Here Yang Qing packed hundreds of kilograms of high-quality seafood for Lingling, as well as a large number of spiritual stones for daily practice.

After Lingling finished eating and wiped her mouth, she jumped into Yang Qing's arms again, talking to him awkwardly and acting coquettishly.

For a creature that has just learned to speak, having to talk to itself every day is actually a great torture.

Mom and dad are mortals after all, and I'm afraid they still can't accept the fact that their own cat can speak human language, so in front of them, Lingling can still only meow.

So once Yang Qing came back, he immediately became the person he talked to, and he couldn't bear to be separated.

In the evening, my parents drove off from get off work and spotted Yang Qing. They didn't show any surprise at all. They even bought a lot of vegetables on the way home.

The family had a lively meal and chatted, as if Yang Qing had been staying at home and never left.

This is also a kind of magic. When Yang Qing leaves tomorrow, his parents will not even feel parting.

Of course, even with the magic, Yang Qing has no intention of going out. Although even if he goes out, under the control of Xiao Ai, the cameras all over the sky will not be able to capture his figure, but the only thing she cannot control is people's eyes. .

Time passed quickly, and a night had passed in the blink of an eye. When Yang Qing woke up and pushed away the big cat pressing on him, he heard the busyness of his parents.

Yang Qing got up and came downstairs. He saw the old couple had gotten up early and started making bread and dumplings.

Perhaps under the influence of the spell, they had no intention of asking about the reason why Yang Qing returned, but Yang Qing's words about leaving for a while still aroused their concerns.

Yang Qing washed his hands and stepped forward to help make dumplings.

"Qingzi, are you coming back from celebrating the New Year?"

Mom asked expectantly.

Although Yang Qing had not returned home for two consecutive years, the possibility of not returning home this year made her even more worried.

Looking at the earnest eyes of his parents, Yang Qing nodded firmly.

"Come back, I will definitely come back!"

Anyway, even if the talks break down, his parents will not be greatly affected. Even if they are under surveillance, Yang Qing can still come back quietly and spend a lively New Year with them.

After eating dumplings, Yang Qing said goodbye to his family one by one, then resolutely walked onto the balcony, disappearing into the morning light in the eyes of his family.

The flying saucer sped along, and in less than ten minutes, it had arrived in front of the building of Honghuang Technology.

Still walking down from the roof, Yang Qing stopped in front of Zhao Yuxi's office.

At this moment, a woman wearing neat work clothes and sneakers opened the door and walked out. The two people looked at each other.

"Are you ready?"

Yang Qing can send out his spiritual consciousness at any time to observe everything around him, but Zhao Yuxi cannot, so even Yang Qing was surprised by the tacit understanding between the two.

"Okay, I'll bring my bag!"

Yang Qing followed her in and saw that she was a little nervous and was at a loss to choose the items she needed to bring.

"Just bring them all, since we don't have a per capita limit anyway."

Yang Qing took out a person from his storage bag. He was not wearing any clothes. He could not be said to be exactly the same as Zhao Yuxi. She could only say that even she could not find the difference between the two.

"Why don't you dress her?"

Zhao Yuxi turned around and saw this scene, her face flushed with shame, and she hurriedly pushed Yang Qing out.

Yang Qing shook his head helplessly, isn't it just a woman's body? He's tired of seeing it already, okay?

Zhao Yuxi covered her beating heart, and after a while she looked at the puppet prepared for her, and looked around her curiously.

At this time, except for its consciousness, the puppet is almost the same as a living person. It is standing there, its chest is rising and falling weakly, and together with the chest, it is trembling slightly. If it were not for closing its eyes, it would be completely indistinguishable from the real person. the difference.

She touched the puppet's skin curiously. It was smooth and tender, and seemed to be better than her own skin. A warmth was transferred directly to her hands.

Isn't it made by real people? Such thoughts suddenly flashed through Zhao Yuxi's mind, and she couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

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