The WeChat chat was opened, and piles of messages began to flash on it.

Yang Qing had always ignored these messages, but Xiao Ai suddenly appeared on the screen, and her little hand pointed to a group that he had ignored for a long time.

A group of high school students from Liaoyang No. 1 Middle School.

After going to university, there were fewer high school classmates. Those who lived in the Northeast still wanted to have a party. He could only come back once a year like this, and people who stayed for six or seven days at a time had already stayed away from them. line of sight.

Yang Qing clicked on the group, where there was a lively discussion about something, and the news beeped non-stop.

"Zhang Yuzhu's girl has leukemia, do you know?"

"I heard that it seems to be acute. I stayed in the hospital in Chuncheng for several months after the year, received bone marrow transplantation, and underwent chemotherapy for another three months. When I came back, I thought everything was fine. Unexpectedly, it relapsed last month."

"Ordinary medicines don't work anymore. I heard that the food he feeds his children is imported from abroad. A box costs nearly 10,000 yuan, and the medical insurance doesn't cover a penny. The original family fortune was built up. Even his parents' home It's over, now I'm trying to borrow money every day."

"I heard that chronic leukemia is relatively easy to treat, but the acute relapse rate is very high and it is very difficult to treat."

"Why don't we donate some money to him, it's kind of a meaning."

"Okay, I don't have any opinions. It's a pity that we don't have a big boss here. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a big deal to get him more."

"I heard that Yang Qing in our class is well-off now. I heard that he started a company in Jinshi and made a lot of noise. He even bought a villa in our county."

"Really? But he's not with us. He hasn't been to class gatherings in the past few years."

"The big boss, how can he be as busy as us, but if he can help, Zhang Yuzhu might be able to slow down."

"This disease is difficult to cure! It's not the same as cancer. Rich people with cancer have special medicines. Even 1.2 million pills can save their lives. For this disease, you can only count on bone marrow transplantation. If it recurs, it's nothing. There is not enough money.”

Yang Qing quit the group chat, thinking silently.

Zhang Yuzhu naturally remembered that he had a good relationship with him and often played together, but after graduating from high school, he didn't go to university and went straight to the army.

In their small county town,

Being a soldier is a kind of benefit. Because of the urban hukou, after returning from the army, they will be arranged to work. Although they are all public institutions, they can still be counted as an iron rice bowl. This is also considered an urban hukou, the last bit of benefit.

A two-year conscript, after leaving the army, he entered the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, was responsible for driving, and soon got married.

When Yang Qing and the others had just entered their junior year and were still thinking about where to find a girlfriend, they were already married, which really made people a little envious and jealous.

After marriage, he had a daughter who was already six years old this year.

During the Spring Festival two years ago, he had seen this child once. He was cute and cute, and he was dressed up like a little princess.

No one thought that she would contract such a serious disease in just two years. When he thought of the sight of those chemotherapy patients, he felt a little numb in his heart.

Yang Qing tilted her head up and leaned on the pillow. She had a decision in her heart, but she still couldn't make it.

If it's just a matter of money, Yang Qing doesn't care, his money is enough for the rest of his life, even if he can live for a long time.

The problem is that even if money is given, it may not be able to save the little guy's life.

If he wanted to save his life, he had to do it himself. After all, under his spiritual consciousness, there was no lesions that could escape, but in that case, there was a risk of exposure.

Although Yang Qing is not indifferent, but when he lives long enough and sees life and death too much, he will naturally become indifferent.

You must know that he is only one person after all, and there are more than a million terminally ill patients in the world, one or two is fine, and he simply cannot keep up with any more.

Unless there is a certain kind of medicine that can be mass-produced and treated directly, in fact, Yang Qing has long discovered that his spiritual consciousness and the characteristics of observing the subtleties are very suitable for the development of medicine.

Because divine consciousness can easily observe virus-level microorganisms, it is natural to find substances that can kill viruses.

Even during the clinical trial, it can take advantage, because the spiritual consciousness can easily obtain the direct results of the clinical trial, without the need for comprehensive tests such as hematuria.

It can even be used to verify traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, to see whether they have false names or ulterior motives. The complex physical and chemical changes produced by mixing and boiling the medicinal materials, which are beneficial to the body and which are useless, will naturally be clear after the spiritual consciousness It's clear.

Then you can continue to process Chinese herbal medicines, separate them into specific components, and then process them again. It can be processed in a truly standardized manner, and the efficacy can also be standardized. There will be no difference in efficacy between wild and planted medicinal materials.

Of course, there is another way, which is to improve one's physique. Generally speaking, at the acquired stage of warriors, most of the diseases in this world cannot overcome the barrier of human immune response.

It just so happens that Yang Qing can do both of these two paths, at least he can try.

But for the time being, Yang Qing is not going to release more results, because of the exposure of the chip, he has entered or is about to enter the eyes of the world.

He already had a premonition that he would have a lot of trouble, but as long as he didn't go out casually, it wouldn't be to the point where someone wanted to kill him.

But if it is announced again that he has conquered cancer, then he will really become a favorite, at least there are many organizations that want to kidnap him and coerce him to study.

And what does the other way mean? That is a powerful fighter that surpasses all human beings in the world. The speed of 100 meters will not exceed five seconds, which is a little worse than that of a cheetah. The strength can exceed 500 kilograms. A few people with sharp minds have a strong premonition of threats and can hardly be defeated. Sniping, in a sense, apart from not being able to fly, an acquired martial artist is a little superman.

Unless such a person is setting an ambush, using random guns with intensive firepower, or bombing with heavy firepower, it is difficult to kill.

And Yang Qing's ability to mass-produce such fighters, what does it mean? It shows that his threat is so great that even Hua Guo himself is not at ease.

Because he can manufacture such fighters for China, he can also manufacture them for foreign countries.

However, the mass production of Houtian warriors is a part of Yang Qing's plan, because only at this level can he adapt to the complex environment of weightlessness and overweight in space, and can conduct investigations on alien planets, so as not to be taken away by bacteria from alien planets. life.

After thinking so much, Yang Qing actually had only one choice.

Then quietly go to see the child, and if there is a chance, quietly heal her.

Not for anything else, just not wanting the child I had seen to die so young.

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