Zhao Yuxi quickly took out the banana notebook from his bag, turned on the notebook, and pushed it in front of Yang Qing.

Yang Qing typed a few times on the keyboard, which actually woke up Xiao Ai and asked her to list the income of the overseas version of Hongxin Translation Software and the tax payable in each country, and list them on the form one by one.

"Ms. Li, this is the income and expenditure of the overseas version of our Hongxin translation software. Since we partially operate on our own platform, we are faced with the problem of tax declaration. My design is like this, where the download comes from. If you file taxes in the country where he lives, you can see if there is any legal risk in this way.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Qing pushed the notebook over.

Li Hongjin took the notebook and carefully looked at the data on it, but after all, she is not an accounting major, and she doesn't understand complex reports very well, and she can only look at one total, but she was very surprised by just one total .

So far, the overseas sales of Hongxin Translation Software, excluding the downloads of several common platforms, have exceeded 26 million yuan, which is more than 116 million Chinese yuan. She couldn't help being surprised Taking a breath, no wonder Yang Qing didn't care about the loss of two small domestic targets. Compared with the unfriendly domestic environment, foreign countries are the deep sea of ​​Hongxin translation software. If you add a few mobile apps With the paid volume in the market, its income is likely to be doubled several times.

"I don't understand the issue of accounting statements, but if the overseas version is also operated by Honghuang Technology, I suggest that you should establish a branch abroad as soon as possible, preferably a subsidiary controlled by yourself, and hand over the distribution of the overseas version to Subsidiary, try to cut off the connection with the mainland company, so as to avoid many risks!"

Yang Qing nodded. In fact, he had such a plan before, but it was difficult to get distracted to deal with it. The most important thing was of course because he had no money. At that time, apart from the numbers on the accounts, the money he could control Not many, even going abroad is more difficult.

"If you were given the job of going abroad to establish a subsidiary, would Ms. Li be able to do it? Of course, the cost will be settled favorably. As you can see, we are not short of money!"

Li Hongjin frowned slightly. She came here, which was actually a different kind of interview, but she never expected that the first job would be to establish a subsidiary company abroad. To be honest, she was not mentally prepared, but this job was actually not Trouble, it's just that the time spent outside may be a little longer.

"Actually, you can find an agent to handle overseas subsidiaries. However, if you want to handle account transfer, the division of shares will be a little more troublesome. I don't know where Mr. Yang wants to establish his own subsidiary?"

"Anywhere is fine, preferably a place recognized by all countries, so as to avoid trouble in the future!"

"If we say that the best place to start a company in the past is the Virgin Islands or the Cayman Islands, most of the high-tech companies in the world are registered here, and they can use the laws here to legally avoid taxes. Successive crackdowns have made them less attractive, but the threshold for registering a company there is low, only 50,000 yuan, and if you don’t operate locally, you don’t have to pay corporate income tax. You only need one director and shareholder, and the director and The shareholder can also be the same person, and the identity of the shareholder is kept secret, such a condition is very advantageous now."

In fact, Xiao Ai is already collecting information on these things, and what she has collected is much more comprehensive than what Li Hongjin said. There are both pros and cons, and they have been directly transmitted to the screen in front of Yang Qing.

"Then the Cayman Islands. Anyway, most domestic companies are registered here. Although I don't expect tax avoidance, the whole world recognizes that is the key."

The Cayman Islands can be said to be a springboard for Huaguo companies to enter the US stock market. Due to the difficulty of listing on the Huaguo stock market and its relatively closed characteristics, it is difficult for those high-tech companies that urgently need to raise funds to go public in a short time.

So they turned to the largest stock market in the whole blue star, the Nasdaq and Jones index in the United States.

The United States has been the leader of the world economy for decades. It has become the financial center of the world. Here you can meet funds from all over the world, and financing is relatively easy. This is the reason why Huaguo companies have listed here.

"Okay then! There are agency companies that handle Cayman registration in China. After their procedures are completed, I will go there at most. The procedures are almost done. I will contact the agency company immediately to see what documents are needed. Get ready again!"

"Then I will trouble you!" Yang Qing said politely.

But at this time, what Yang Qing was thinking was that it was time to urge Weihua. If the cooperation was negotiated earlier, what would the profit of the translation software be?

It's a pity that they left Weihua at noon yesterday. In just one day, even though Yang Qing knew that giving them a year, they might not be able to research anything, unless Weihua also developed a real strong artificial intelligence. I can't unlock the encryption of Xiaomei's avatar, but Weihua doesn't know it!

So now he can only wait and give Weihua some time to prove his failure.

Li Hongjin accepted the task and went out to call the agency, but Zhao Yuxi sat down and continued to enjoy the comfort brought by the aura.

Yang Qing looked at Zhao Yuxi, who was so comfortable that he was about to close his eyes and fell asleep, feeling a little upset. After all, he said he was looking for a professional manager to do chores for him, but when the professional manager came, the work he did Nothing was missing, so he tapped on the table.

"Mr. Zhao, the company plans to enter the VR field next step. Do you have any comments?"

The drowsy Zhao Yuxi woke up instantly, and she couldn't help repeating a sentence.

"VR? The company wants to do VR?"

"Yes! VR virtual reality is the trend of the future, and the company's future depends on it!"

"However, Mr. Yang, the concept of VR on the market is quite hyped, but if you want to play VR, the VR headset alone costs at least 10,000 yuan, not to mention the help of a universal treadmill and pressure-sensitive clothing. , the whole set costs about 100,000 Huayuan, such a threshold is too high, and it is difficult to popularize at all!"

"The company has been confident that the price of the VR headset will be reduced to about 2,000 yuan. At this price, with some simple peripherals, you can play some first-person online games. For flat games on the monitor Definitely a shock, have you forgotten the technology we gave Weihua?"

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