Does Hongxin Translation Software involve pornography? Yang Qing was quite surprised.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand that there are not a few people who like those indescribable small movies, and some people even deliberately learn certain foreign languages ​​​​in order to understand the dialogue in them.

Now with Hongxin translation software, it can not only translate subtitles into Chinese, but also provide simultaneous voice services. Although the current Hongxin translation software only provides Chinese-English translation, compared with Dongying, which has the most film sources, Omi’s Films are also not in the minority.

With so many fans, maybe someone will contribute the translated film and download it for others.

But even if someone uses Hongxin translation software to do such bad things, it has little to do with the software itself, right?

After all, this is not the same thing as a certain broadcast back then. A certain broadcast not only serves as a player for those videos, but its download function also provides seeds for these videos. Technology is innocent, and it has convinced many people.

Of course, there is no need to talk about what happened later, Huaguo is not the country of America after all, a certain fan in the country can publish adult content in a fair manner without having to bear legal responsibility, but the boss of a certain broadcaster can only be sentenced because of the content on his own platform.

Thinking of this, Yang Qing immediately became vigilant, and she could say anything else, but this pornography-related issue is absolutely unacceptable, because when it comes to this, it is not only a matter of software being taken off the shelves, but also the possibility of being thrown into prison .

"Mr. Network Office, hello, our Hongxin translation software is just an ordinary tool software. It has only one function, English-Chinese translation, just like ordinary dictionaries. As for what users do with it, It's none of our business."

Over there, Yang Qing's attitude here was obviously expected, and he continued: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, we only contacted you after receiving a large number of reports from the public. Now we just want to inform you that we have asked all major apps to contact you. Store, suspend the download service of your translation software, and also inform you, I hope that you will also suspend the download link on the company website by midnight tonight at the latest."

Yang Qing turned around and asked Xiao Ai, and found that although the major application markets have not notified Hongxin Translation Software to be removed from the shelves, Hongxin Translation Software, which has always been at the forefront of tool APP downloads, no longer has a name. The Internet Office doesn't have that much power yet, and it's a response to let the major application markets directly remove Hongxin, but hide Hongxin's name.

"Mr. Internet Office, if you think that Hongxin is involved in pornography, please provide specific evidence. You must know that even prohibited words are implemented in China in accordance with national regulations. If you have no evidence and ask us to stop downloading, Please come up with a written notice, not a phone call like this."

Yang Qing was very upset, and probably thought of these people's routines, because Hongxin really didn't have much to criticize in terms of operations, and it was probably the only thing that could hit Hongxin and use the power of the Shangguan. kind of direction.

In the past few years, the state has paid more and more attention to pornographic issues on the Internet, and several crackdown campaigns are held every year. Using this issue to target Hongxin has really hit the spot.

After all, Hongxin translation software is a tool software. As a translation software, the emphasis is on accuracy. It is impossible for it to play around the edges, or simply delete it and not write it like an online novel.

When translating, it is inevitable that female organs will be mentioned, and these female organs, at least on the Internet, are mostly prohibited words, not to mention some imaginative actions.

If all these are removed or replaced by *, the meaning of Hongxin translation software tool software will be lost. It is as ridiculous as the online class at home for epidemic prevention in the past two years, and the teacher’s biology class will be blocked by the platform.

Since these are inevitable, it is inevitable that Hongxin translation software will be held by others.

Fortunately, the overseas version of Hongxin was launched in time. Except for a little more capital overseas, at least there is no such ridiculous problem of prohibited words, and the domestic capital strength is equally terrible.

"Mr. Yang, we are also discussing with you to solve the problem, and your problem is very big. There are many indecent words, which are directly sent out by your translation software without concealment. This will affect the body and mind of the majority of children. Health, since you want written notice, you will get written notice shortly."

Yang Qing is already tired of this kind of communication. Since we can't play according to other people's rules, it's okay for us to stop playing, right?

"No need, since Hongxin has such a big problem, let's just withdraw from the domestic market. I forgot to tell you that Hongxin's overseas version has been downloaded by 200 million people, and the download speed is still rising !"

After finishing speaking, Yang Qing hung up the phone directly, and rubbed his forehead that was a little swollen and aching because of anger.

"Xiao Ai, send a notice on the login interface of the domestic version of Hongxin Translation Software, saying that due to force majeure, the domestic version of Hongxin Translation Software will stop serving, and the time will be set at midnight on Friday. Refund, change the original monthly fee to daily, and calculate how much we need to refund."

"Are you really going to quit?" Xiao Ai's figure faintly appeared on the computer desktop in front of him.

"I really want to refund! But we don't care about the channel fee! Forget it, according to the price of the channel fee, we will provide them with a few days of service alone!"

"Currently, according to the statistics of all channels, the total charges are 312,038,450 yuan, and 296,787,399 yuan needs to be refunded!"

There was less than 20 million left. Hearing this number, Yang Qing couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. He waved his hand and said with the courage of a strong man breaking his wrist: "Retreat! It's not enough to pay the bill with rice yuan from overseas markets!"

Although the overseas rice yuan Yang Qing has no plans to bring it into the country, but the matter is urgent, let's use it to block the mouths of domestic users!

How about adding a notice that if domestic users do not apply for a refund, they can directly upgrade to the multilingual overseas version when they go abroad? In this way, there will be much fewer users who refund, and a large part of the money can be saved.

But Yang Qing thought again, isn't this causing trouble for himself?

Under the constant pressure from overseas powers, patriotism is on the rise in China, a piece of software that only supports foreign countries, but not domestic, will be called a traitor if it is properly done, and will not consider whether it cannot survive in the country.

"Those who don't refund, there are channel fees, you can simply send an offline package, let them use it offline, and delete it immediately when it expires, but when downloading the offline package, you must notify this in advance!" Yang Qing thought about it for a while and made this decision.

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