The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 588: I'm so hard

The NBA annual meeting is a place where you can see the quality of everyone.

A mediocre general manager/boss may just sit here, easily led by the nose, and easily fall into the rhythm brought by others.

A smart general manager/owner, even if you don't give an opinion, will stand up smartly. The principle of standing in line has nothing to do with personalities, and is entirely based on profit-seeking.

There are also people who know how to make it easier for everyone and also for their own welfare.

Louis is that kind of person.

Jerry West shook his head and laughed when he heard Louie's second suggestion. He also voted against it, but only because the proposal is unlikely to pass.

Louie didn't "benefit" the other teams.

As long as the people present think carefully, they can see that this proposal is Louis for his own convenience. It’s okay for you to make things easier for yourself. If you punish those who activate the clauses with fines, and let other “honest” teams share the fines, everyone may vote for you.

But Louie didn't do that.

Because, the league has decided to move forward with the standard rookie contract agenda.

Once the standard rookie contract is recognized by the union, the Knicks' space will not be an issue.

In other words, Louis's purpose has been achieved.

The second proposal may be a plan that he will strive to promote in the future, but now, he is not interested.

How stupid are those who don't like him to think they've frustrated Louie.

Louie got exactly what he wanted, and the Knicks came back with a full reward for this annual meeting.

West wonders whether there is a third professional sports administrator who can coach, operate and study the rules besides Auerbach and Louie in the history of the NBA.

He was about to ask Louie out for a meal when he found out that the guy was a hot guy.

It's "full" today.

Louie was invited to another banquet by Don Nelson, Pat Williams and Hornets head coach Dick Harter, as well as Jazz president of basketball operations Frank Layden.

"That guy really is a red man." Monroe said to West.

"Earl, I have a suggestion for you." West glanced at Louis and his group who were walking further and further away, "Let's have a good relationship with that young man."

Monroe, a Knicks legend, was bitter about the fact that the team never invited him to any position after his retirement.

After all, he was traded from the Baltimore Bullets back then, not a direct line of the team, but a bit of the meaning of later Durant's surrender.

"He hadn't learned to walk when I was in this circle," Monroe said proudly. "You think I'll need his help?"

West has seen many legendary players with high self-esteem in this line.

"Just a personal suggestion, please do." West left.

Nelson and Layden discuss with Louie how to beat the Knicks.

That's right, they're discussing how to beat the Knicks.

Nelson believes that the Knicks are the best defensive team in basketball history, and no second team can surpass it under the current rules.

So he decided to follow his own path and build an offense-first ShowTime-style team.

"ShowTime's gone, Don," Lydon teased. "I think it's up to us Utah to beat the Knicks. We're playing the same offense, not counting the defense, but we're more authentic, New York or something. The system is a fake attack!"

Louie doesn't think the Jazz have a chance to get out of the West.

To the rambunctious Layden, he said hilariously, "You say yes, that's what it is."

"I don't think the Knicks' offense is similar to the Jazz." Hornets coach Dick Hart, who Louis just met today, began a long speech.

He is a typical theoretician, and when it comes to discussing tactics, there is no opponent at the dinner table.

As for the actual practice... I haven't had a record in the professional field, so it's hard to say, but in college, Hart is very famous.

He took over the University of Oregon in 1971 and personally presided over an 11-man rotation that required players to attack quickly and defend with all their might.

Hart's players were dubbed the "Kamikaze Kids" because they played like they were going to die with their opponents.

Louie, who has seen video of the "Kamikaze" games, is pessimistic about Hart's NBA prospects. Because the Hornets are a new team, they need time to rot, bring in talent, and rise again.

It is Hart who is rotten, and it may not be Hart who leads the team's rise.

Moreover, can the way he uses to motivate college students work in the professional arena?

Louis doesn't like to give players chicken soup. When the coaches start to give chicken soup, it means that the team is at the end of the road, and there is no way to improve in coaching.

So Louis rarely pours chicken soup.

This dinner was a complete success.

Louie has met many coaches in the industry, except Hart, most of whom are college coaches.

When the NBA holds its annual meeting in Washington, D.C. college basketball coaches also hold their annual meeting here.

Nelson and the others took Louis to the annual meeting here.

After the dinner, Louis randomly found a hotel to stay and rest, and the next day, he flew back to New York by himself.

The expansion draft is on June 23, and the draft is on June 28.

In the expansion draft, there are only eight protected spots per team.

Under the old rules, each team would only lose at most one player in the expansion draft. However, since the 1980s, the Lakers and Celtics have each dominated their divisions, not only because they do have the best players of their time, but also because they have incomparable lineup depth.

So at last year's NBA convention, there was a proposal to remove the "no more than one player per team" rule in the upcoming expansion draft. The proposal was approved by David Stern and unanimously agreed by representatives other than Los Angeles, Boston, and New York in the voting session.

However, no one thought at the time that it would be the New York Knicks who would ultimately be hurt by this proposal.

Louie is notorious for playing long rotations, and the Knicks have excellent quality players, so the two new teams will definitely target those who are not on the Knicks protection list.

In the afternoon, Louis arrived at the Blue Palace.

At this time, except for Phil Jackson, whose contract has expired and his future is uncertain, other assistants are busy in the Blue Palace.

"Several draft picks have come, and today is very lively." Tomjanovich said.

Louie glanced at the list, Jose Hawkins, Rex Chapman, Tim Perry (TimPerryPF/C), Mitch Richmond.

These four people, all have top ten draft prospects, and the quality is really good.

"What happened?" Louis asked.

"I feel like these players are all yours." Tomjanovich laughed, "Jose Hollins and Rexa Chapman are both good at long-range shots, and Tim Perry is physical. Very good, I feel like he can play the three, Mitch Richmond is the best, and I'd be surprised if he dropped out of the top five,"

"What about Xiao Zhao's opinion?"

"His eyesight is much higher than mine." Tomjanovich rolled his eyes and said, "None of these people is what he likes."

"Richmond doesn't like it?"

"He said Richmond was good, but not what we needed."

"Strictly speaking, this is the truth."

After a while, Zhao Yuanzheng also came to report on his work.

Louie listened carefully, and soon turned the conversation to the expansion draft.

"You should all know that we only have eight protection places."

"Eight is too few." Zhao Yuanzheng shook his head.

"Yes, we will definitely lose two players." Louis took out the player card of the Knicks players from the drawer.

All but Billy Donovan had their own player cards, and Louie had each of them signed.

"Let's play a game."

Louie spreads out the player cards.

"First pick five players that we absolutely must not lose."

Wilson, Ewing, Stockton, McHale, Rodman were selected.

"Well, not bad." Louis said bitterly, "there are three more places."

But Dale Ellis, Michael Cooper, Reggie Miller, Charles Oakley, John Salley, Hornacek, Stevens, Song Tao, Brad Elliott remain on the list. Rohos.

It's so tempting.

If Louie was the general manager of the expansion team, he would have liked to trade his lottery pick for a second-choice opportunity.

"We can win the championship this year, and Dale has done a great job." Tomjanovich asked, "Keep him?"

Tomjanovich said this because he knew that if Ellis was not on the protected list, he would definitely be selected based on his performance against the Celtics in the Eastern Conference finals.

In fact, this is one of the ways to choose the protection list.

You only need to think about who will be elected if he is not protected, and you will know who to protect.

Every other team is like that, but the's so hard.

"The expedition, your opinion

Woolen cloth? ' asked Louis.

Zhao Yuanzheng said honestly: "We can't ignore Dell's problems off the court because of his performance in the playoffs, and the overlap between him and other players has not been solved until now... If it was me, I would Put Reggie on the protected list."

"Rudy, look at people, this is the roundworm in my stomach." Louie added Miller's player card to the "unshakable" list.

Tomjanovich said distressedly: "Just give up Dale like this?"

"Rudy, we must focus on the future." Louis is also reluctant to give But this decision must be made.

In this life, Ellis may have reached heights he hadn't reached in another timeline.

But under Louie, Miller's ceiling will only be higher.

Think of those fabulous Miller moments.

"I'll probably give Honey the seventh protection spot," Tomjanovich said. "He's proven himself this year that he can play one and two, and he's very reliable."

"That's right."

Louie put Hornacek's player card in the "unshakable" ranks.

So there is only one spot left.

"Coach, the last list is up to you."

Of the rest, it's too painful to keep anyone off the protected list.

The people outside the list are Ellis, Seley, Cooper, Oakley, Stevens, Song Tao, Luo Haus.

The first person to be abandoned was Ellis. The coaching staff felt sorry for this, but they all knew that it had nothing to do with his strength. Luo Haus and Song Tao should not be selected, so the remaining list is actually Cooper, Seley, Stevens and Oakley.

In terms of strength, it should be the choice between Oakley and Cooper.

But in terms of lineup compatibility, Seley and Cooper are the most important.

But with the virtue of the Knicks inheriting the bad boy army, how can there be no Oakley? how come?

It hurts him to choose a hammer and give it away for nothing!

"CTMD!" Louie said, covering his face after spitting out fragrance, "I'm so hard!"

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