The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 439: triumphantly

The Knicks, with 66 wins, have full home-court advantage in the playoffs.

Behind them are the 64-win Portland Trail Blazers, the 62-win Los Angeles Lakers and the 60-win Boston Celtics.

There are two 60-win teams in the East and West at the same time, and they are the top four chasing the championship this year.

Ironically, the least favored team is also the No. 1 team.

There are many reasons why the Knicks are undervalued, too young, too young, the best player is plagued by injuries, the best shooter is in trouble off the court, and the two most reliable players are a sophomore and a rookie.

The Knicks' first-round opponents are interesting.

76ers from Philadelphia.

The interesting thing about this matchup is not the suspense of the series, but the players on both sides.

There are three Knicks veterans in the 76ers' set.

Last year's offseason, the Knicks sent away a number of rookies, and they all ended up miraculously coming together in Philadelphia.

In addition, there is a gimmick in the first round.

That's the endgame for "Dr.J" Julius Irving.

He has decided to retire after the season, which means that the 76ers will enter a new era.

April 24, 1987

Eastern Conference playoffs first round Game1

As always, the former Knicks 76ers came to say hello to Louie.

"Coach, you shouldn't have traded me." Tony Campbell misses the days when he was promoted to the sky with the Knicks.

"Probably really shouldn't"

Campbell's style of play and attributes are destined to become a commodity that Louis sells to the outside world.

Louie never regretted trading Campbell, and he proved with the Sixers that he really needed the Knicks' system.

He mistakenly thought the Knicks needed him too, but it wasn't.

"Coach, I won't be polite." Gerald Wilkins both appreciates and hates Louis.

Because Louie traded him.

Seeing A.C. Green, Louie's first words were: "Has the virginity been preserved?"

"Of course." A.C replied.

"Congratulations." Louis patted him on the shoulder, "Come on."

This game is also the comeback battle of Kevin McHale.

He had resumed high-intensity training at the end of the regular season and could play at any time, but Louis insisted that he rest until the playoffs before returning.

Against the Knicks, the 76ers began to have headaches from the point of view.

Cheeks vs. Stockton, Gerald Wilkins vs. Dale Ellis, Dr. J vs. Wilson, A.C. vs. McHale, Sam Bowie vs. Ewing.

"The suspense of this series eh"

CBS is responsible for the interpretation of the game's partner, the classic Barry and Russell.

Speaking of the suspense of the series, it is difficult for Barry to forcefully say that there is any suspense in this round of the series.

"The suspense is whether the Doctor can limit Benj's youthful vitality." Russell helped him out.

"Yeah, that's critical."

They have already started babbling.

Before McHale was injured, Wilson was averaging 20 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists per game.

Then, in the remaining 20 games, he averaged 25 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists per game, and abruptly increased his scoring average to 21.5 points per game.

Wilson is an almighty flank who can survive in any era, and that's the Doctor's limit.

At the beginning of the game, Wilson's running tactics easily penetrated the defense of the Doctor.

Since the beginning of the show, the doctor is very physically strong, and he wants to make things difficult for this young man with a promising future.

As a result, Wilson has become accustomed to the system's movement in the game of Ellis pulling the crotch. At this time, he took the lead, ran out of Exhange (high dynamic attack) to get rid of the doctor, received the ball, and shot.

5 to 0

These 5 points are all taken by Wilson.

The Knicks players are gradually proving why the Sixers' brothers were traded.

Wilson is far stronger than Campbell, and the scenes of him ravaging Dr. in a fancy way made MSG fans feel sorry for the visiting team.

It's too hard for a 37-8 year old comrade to be beaten like this by a young man.

Wilson started off with a spark, followed by McHale's fancy 2High sun-p dislocation.

McHale, who had just come back, caught Wilkins' dislocation, Cheeks' dislocation, and the Doctor's dislocation.

Not a single possession was guarded by the Sixers inside.

At the back, the 76ers' defense was basically at the stage of throwing arms. McHale refused to come and made 5 of 6 shots. The Knicks scored 42 points in a single quarter, blasting out a chilling attack wave.

"The Knicks made good use of their dislocation advantages, but the 76ers always had gaps in their matchups, and they targeted them when they caught them. For example, in a certain round, Benj suddenly faced Mo (Cheeks), and others opened up space. , one defense so close to the rim, the 76ers are half a beat slower this time in assisting defense."

"So, it can be said that the 76ers were destroyed by the Knicks' offense, and don't think the Knicks' shooting percentage is incredible. The 76ers' matchup arrangement, defense switching, dislocation protection, and help defense rotation are all in a mess. Catch up again. The opponent's hand feels online, and his own attack lacks stability, so this game can't be watched."

Barry wanted to say it was broken, but it didn't feel right.

The words "I can't watch this game", which is actually more serious than "collapse".

Fans are used to it, and the two have been talking nonsense from the beginning.

In the next three quarters, the 76ers never saw hope.

The reason is very simple. Louie is very "lazy" sometimes. If he is sure that he has a move that his opponent will never break, then he will rush to the opponent and repeatedly torture him until the end of the game.

In the era of the weak three-point line, if the opponent is a team that is not good at shooting, he will ruthlessly let go of all long-range two-pointers and three-pointers, save the penalty area, and shoot to kill his team, so far there is no.

The players of the 76ers who were traded by Louis, especially the flanks, basically have defective range.

In addition, Dr. J himself is not much of a threat as long as he stays away from the free throw line in actual combat.

At this point, when his athletic ability was still at its peak, Louie grasped it and suggested that Bill Fitch get him with a pocket array.

In retrospect, the 1981 Eastern Conference Finals is exactly why all teams use pockets today.

If a basket rusher like Dr. J can be dealt with, how can other people who don't shoot the ball survive?

Even Magic and Jordan were forced to practice three-pointers in advance, and the situation was stronger than people.

The difficulty of the 76ers offense is visible to the naked eye. The Knicks firmly chose not to shrink back, and the pocket formation was so tight that they required the 76ers not to miss their mid-to-long-range jumpers. As a result, only Cheeks and Gerald Wilkins can shoot, but neither of them are superstars who can end the suspense of the series by this way. There is no chance on the ball and no outside threat. The limitations also determined that the 76ers could not catch up to the fourth quarter. Louie let McHale and Ewing rest and went to the inside combination of Artis Gilmour and Oakley.

I also tried Hornacek, Curry, and Rodman on the outside.

As a result, the 76ers only recovered 4 more points.

The result is doomed.

123 to 94

Game 1, the 76ers lost 29 points.

"It was one of the worst losses of my career." Dr. J forgot that there were at least two more games left in the series.

"I plan to have everyone in this series," Louie told reporters.

Then, an Asian face appeared among the reporters.

"Including Song Tao?" the other party asked in heavily accented English.

Louis knew that domestic reporters began to report to the United States.

How many years earlier than he had imagined?

In his memory, reporters from China came to the United States to follow the game on the spot, I am afraid it will have to wait until Wang Zhizhi landed in the NBA.

It's 1987 now.

It was at least 15 years ahead of schedule because of Louis.

"Coach Lu, what role do you think Song Tao will play in this series?"

A typical Chinese reporter, Louie can imagine that if D'Antoni in 2018 was asked by reporters "what role do you think Qi will play in the playoffs", it is estimated that he will have a big head.

This kind of question is of the "As long as I'm not embarrassed, it's you who's embarrassed".

"He's going to be a 'Victory' type character When he's on stage, you'll hear Madison playing the victorious ballad," said Louie. "

Louie wanted to say "Human Victory Cigar", but he was worried that the sentence would be misinterpreted, so he said it a little more mysteriously.

The other side is happy, which seems to be an acceptable answer.

Well, I finally got through it. He asked a few more embarrassing questions, and Louis would have to step on Ewing's foot and let him tell a bad joke that made everyone uncomfortable. A miserable world.

Back in the locker room, Louis did not say much, and the players would not celebrate. They knew that this game was just the beginning, and there was no need to be happy.

Their purpose is not the first round, not even the second.

The Knicks set their target on the Celtics early on. Although no one is optimistic, including Louis himself, he thinks that the time is not enough, but they have to challenge it before they can see the gap.

The Celtics in the playoffs are vastly different from the regular season.

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