The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 256: Dogs are man's best friend

Chapter 256 Dogs are good friends of human beings

The next day, when Louis walked out of the house, he received congratulations from many neighbors.

The Celtics' two home victories over the Lakers were a big deal for Boston, and it was precisely those silent third parties who were incited by the media.

Louie had personally heard children under ten muttering, "Fuck the Lakers," saying swear words that weren't their age, but their parents would only encourage their kids to do it.

If the Bostonians were so hostile to the Lakers, would the Los Angeles be any better?

It is foreseeable that the Celtics' road trip will face many challenges.

Louis first rushed to Lorraine's apartment.

She was four months pregnant, her belly was obvious, and she was authorized by the doctor to have sex.

Louie still couldn't face Lorraine's pregnant belly while doing that, but as long as people were still alive, they could always find a way to exploit them.

Humans have been groping in this field since ancient times.

To avoid seeing the pregnant belly, Louis has many ways to make Lorraine wear clothes, or specialize in the old man's driving method.

As a biological age is in the golden period, when the demand is the most intense, he can't wait for the stinky boy/girl in his stomach to be born to solve his own needs.

At the same time, he didn't want to be a scum who cheated on his girlfriend's pregnancy for a momentary selfish desire. Such an exciting thing, YY will get it.

Those who like to read the license plate of MISM don't necessarily do it this way in bed, do they?

Louis went to Lorraine's apartment and drove her to school, and although she was pregnant, she still had to go to language school.

Her current question is when to enroll. If she is not pregnant, she should be able to enroll normally, but if she is pregnant, there will be many inconveniences.

If it is postponed for another year, it will delay a lot of time.

Lorraine leaned gently against the car window and gave Louis a kiss that lasted for more than ten seconds.

"Baby, see you tonight."

"Malena, better call me Darling if you can."

"Don't you like the name?"

"Physically a little repulsive..."


"Because of a woman."

Lorraine suddenly became interested. How could Louis suddenly tell her about a woman?

But this matter is not suitable to say outside: "Tell me well after you go back."

"Actually, I can say it here." Since she was rushing to class, Louis didn't force it.

The reason why Louis is allergic to the name "Baby" is very simple, it is entirely because of Lu Da dark's wife. Before she became Green Dark's wife, Louie met her through the first season of Running Man. At the beginning, the impression was not bad. When she became popular through this national-level program, she began to paddle. Various movies/televisions received sour hands, but dedicated all kinds of embarrassing acting skills, cutout, and interviews. Say the "Grand Slam" remarks in the classics.

What changed Louie's opinion of her the most was the indistinguishable pornographic text message between her and a star surnamed Chen.

Since then, Louie has thought of Baby when he hears her, and if someone calls him that, he'll feel bad all over.

That level is probably similar to the physiological rejection of Milan fans when they hear the word champagne.

Louis went to the Greek Academy in the morning.

Louie allows players to go out and play, so you can hardly expect anyone to come to practice in the morning.

On the contrary, there are a few people who are the most wonderful among the wonderful. Instead of releasing their energy, they come to train.

Although there are only two, it is enough to make Louis happy.

One is Bird, who has the most reason to relax on the team, and the other is John Paxson, who is desperately climbing up like an ant.

Two white men, well water does not make river water.

Byrd was jogging around the Greek Academy when Louie arrived, and Paxson threw himself in without help.

"Why are you two here?" Louis asked.

Paxson hesitated for a few seconds, and Bird said as he ran: "Do you have to be asked why you train hard these days?"

"Of course, the two of you don't usually look like the hardest working." Louie said hurtfully.

Bird simply did not answer.

"I want to get into the main rotation early," Paxson said awkwardly.

"That way, you'll have a lot of overlap with Bill's minutes." Louie didn't know if that was what Paxson wanted.

Paxson was nominally Laimbeer's junior, but the two broke up in training camp before the season began.

Ranbir's ability to attract people's disgust can be regarded as a must.

"Isaiah doesn't like the other white guys on the team, but they can still stick together, so it's not a problem," Paxson said confidently.

At this time, Byrd came again.

His words were a bit narcissistic: "I don't think Isiah hates me."

"Run your way, idiot! Isaiah hates you the most!" Louis shouted.

Bird smiled sarcastically, obviously he knew, and Paxson knew who Thomas hated the most, but they just didn't say it. One was deliberately not saying it, but told Louis the answer with an expression, the other was afraid to say it and pretended to be confused.

Louis is used to talking nonsense, and it is normal to be questioned.

He didn't choose to continue talking about it with Bird, but gave Paxson a piece of advice: "If you work so hard, you will definitely be able to enter the main rotation in the future, so you'd better have a good relationship with Bill."

"Why?" Paxson's face was written with a million reluctance. "I don't even know anyone on the team likes him."

Louie pointed at himself with a smile: "I like him quite a bit."

Paxson admitted that Louie has a reason to like Laimbeer: "Because he was selected by you, and he was respectful in front of you..."

"You are wrong."

"I like him, not because of this. Isiah is also respectful in front of me, and Larry is wagging his tail at me like a dog every day. Do you think I liked him?"


The hillbilly from Frenchrick Town couldn't help but be rude.

"Why is that?" Paxson asked.

"Because dogs are man's best friend, can you say I don't like Bill? He's a hundred times more like a dog than Larry."

Paxson nodded nonchalantly and smiled: "That's true."

"Don't you like having a dog like this on the court? He's always barking with his teeth and grinning, and he's almost perfect at what he's good at—protecting rebounds, defending, shooting, making opponents hate him." Louie smiled lightly. "Maybe Bill has more flaws in life than Larry, but you can't dislike him on the court, just like Larry, as long as they're still playing, I don't take anger at them for the little things in life. , As a human being, you still have to be generous, and you can't care about dogs."


"Look, I never bothered with him," Louie complained. "This hillbilly is a dog, and his quality is extremely low."

Give Paxson ten courage, and he does not dare to agree.

Before leaving, Louis encouraged him and walked to his office.

As soon as he sat down in the office, he was informed that Auerbach was invited.

"Mr. Jane, what's the matter with the old man?" Louis looked at Jane Walker who came to invite him over.

It's hard to imagine that Auerbach doesn't have any other assistants besides Volcker, so he's the one who does the notification, as long as Volcker is around.

Can't you make a phone call?

However, it seems that Volker has been waiting in Louis's office for a long time, and it is estimated that no one answered the phone.

"Good thing." Walker laughed.

Instead, Louis laughed at Volker: "I think you are the best thing to do, Mr. Jane."

Walker smiled modestly, denying Louis's words.

Auerbach's general manager contract is about to expire, and if he wants to renew his contract, it should have been renewed long ago.

There is only one reason for not renewing the contract. It is time for Volcker, who has followed Auerbach for ten years, to take the place.

Although the decision-making power is still with Auerbach, the position of general manager still requires a young man who can handle most of the tedious affairs.

Auerbach is not young after all.

When Louie arrives at Auerbach's office and sees the refrigerator, muscle memory fires.

He casually opened the refrigerator and saw that there was no Coke in it.

"Reed, are you still an American?" Louie said disappointedly. "There isn't a bottle of Coke in such a big fridge?"

I saw two bottles of Coca-Cola on Auerbach's desk.

Louis sat down with a smile and picked up a bottle: "I knew you understood me."

"You're on your way." Auerbach snorted and took out a stack of documents from the drawer, "Look at it, Coach Lu."

Louis took a sip of Coke and asked, "Which media is scolding me in the newspaper?"

"Not a newspaper."

Louis picked it up and found that it was a contract extension.

"The season isn't over yet," Louie said.

Auerbach smiled: "Yes, but your ability is obvious to all. Whether you can lead the team to win this season, we will renew your contract with you."

This is a smart move, and once Louie has successfully led the team to the title, the jump-out clause can be activated.

At that time, he jumped out to become a free man, and the Celtics were passive.

The media turned Louis into charcoal, but the managements of the league were not fools.

Louie has brought to life the stagnant water left by Bill Fitch, and, with 72 wins in the regular season and 13 wins and 1 loss in the playoffs, this is not something any coach can do.

Auerbach offered Louis a lucrative deal.

1.2 million in 4 years, of which 1 million is guaranteed, and the remaining 200,000 can be obtained as long as the reward clause is activated.

Even if it's not the biggest coaching contract in the league, it's one of the biggest.

Louie looked at the contract carefully, lest one detail be missed.

"What are you looking at? Can I harm you?" Auerbach didn't expect his character to be so insecure in This is my habit, don't mind. "

Louie doesn't necessarily have to sign this contract, he just wants to see if Auerbach has his hands on the contract.

In his previous life, when he dug Zhou Qi from Liaoning to Xinjiang, before the two sides signed the contract, he specially asked the club to add a clause to the contract: if Party A's NBA draft pick is lower than the first round, the club has the right to delay A. The date that Fang landed in the NBA.

This clause played a key role in Zhou Qi's accidental fall to the second round, laying the foundation for the Xinjiang team's first championship in history.

From another perspective, he dragged Zhou Qi for a year.

Therefore, every time he signs a contract with someone, he must read the contract clearly. He didn't want to sign this new contract. Taking it so seriously is a test of Auerbach's character. Maybe he should find a professional agent. It's not a problem to always play by himself.

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