The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 223: The guy with the future is wasting

Louie invited Ewing to a black restaurant near the hotel.

"Just order it, I'll pay for it." Louis laughed.

Because it is a black restaurant, Ewing is very relaxed, and he shows a rare smile: "My dad also opened a restaurant, specializing in Jamaican specialties."

"Is it spicy?"

Since the last time I ate at Bill Russell's restaurant, in Louie's heart, black food has been linked to spicy food.

"A little bit," Ewing said.

Sooner or later, Louie will know that the "a little" in Ewing's mouth is not really just "a little" to him.

He is a person who does not stick to spicy food. Because he does not like spicy food, he worked in Xinjiang for so many years in his previous life, and he has never eaten a single bite of the famous local noodles.

No way, as long as he eats spicy food, he will go to the toilet the next day and turn into a jet fighter.

Others have light when they transform, but he only stinks when transformed.

"Coach Lu, do you have anything to do with me?" Ewing is not someone who can't find anything to say.

Well, Louie couldn't really praise Ewing like Thompson did to his face.

Because he doesn't have glasses, why doesn't Yow wear white-rimmed glasses like his different father? This way he can avoid Ewing's eyes and babble.

"I just wanted to give you a piece of advice," Louie said.

Ewing asked, "What advice?"

"I suggest you go to this year's draft." That was all Louie wanted to say to Ewing.

If Ewing really listens to him and enters this year's draft, then his plan to suggest that the Blazers draft Jordan must be in vain.

The Rockets will face an extremely difficult choice.

In the end is to choose the local hero Olajuwon, or win the American hero Ewing. They would probably choose Ewing.

Then the Blazers got Olajuwon.

Although it's not Jordan, how many times is it better to take down Olajuwon than take down Powe? For Louie, it's almost the difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. One can only flush the toilet, and the other is his necessities of life—his life cannot be without Coca-Cola, just like the Canadian cannon king can’t live without electronic music, just like Guo Degang can’t live without Yu Qian, just like this paragraph can’t live without this chapter.

Ewing was stunned for a few seconds.

He became wary, and Thompson had told him that all who suggested he entered the draft early were upset and well-meaning.

He's not mature enough, he needs to continue to hone in college.

"Why?" Ewing asked. "Do the Celtics have such a high draft pick this year?"

Louie shook his head and said, "No, we don't."

Then the waiter brought Coke.

Louie started and said to the waiter, "If it's Coca-Cola, I'll tip you 10% more. If it's Pepsi, don't blame me for spilling it on your floor."

"Don't worry, it must be Coca-Cola, I swear with my life!" he vowed.

Louis took a sip, the taste was right, he was instantly elated, hummed with satisfaction, and burped unsightly.

"Is there a more satisfying experience in life than this?"

A beautiful night, although no women came to do the relaxing activity with him - note: he hasn't been involved in this activity for almost two months, thankfully he still has hands - but he has Coke, and drinks to his heart's content When the time comes, it's okay to imagine the man who looks like a gorilla in front of him as Lorraine, as long as he doesn't act rashly.

"Coach Lu, you're too ambitious." Ewing smiled sarcastically.

"The most important thing in life is desire dissatisfaction. Women's dissatisfaction often comes from the incompetence of the other half, while men's dissatisfaction has many reasons." Louis' metaphor gradually ripples, "For example, if you are dissatisfied with your size, you will Feeling inferior about your length of time, you will be angry that your salary is too low, you will lose your career, and you will find that the most satisfying thing in life is to hit a **** poster in the dead of night with the most satisfying shot of gold , but then you're still in deep boredom."

Ewing is really not a good person to communicate with. For such a "splendid literary" comparison sentence, Louis only waited for him to say: "I don't have any of what you said."

"Ow... sorry."

"Coach Lu, because it was you, the coach agreed to let me out; and because it was you, I didn't leave immediately after hearing your suggestion." Ewing's face could not see any expression, even if he could feel it. Some emotions are also indifference.

He has an unshakable belief that as long as it is determined, it will not change

"So, I wonder, why are you giving me this advice."

To this kind of person, sweet words are useless, he just wants to hear the truth.

"I used to be a scout, you know?" Louie said.

This should be known to everyone.

"Slightly heard."

"You know the last thing a good scout wants to see?"

"Can't find good players?" Ewing asked.

"No, good players don't have to find out, they will come out on their own." Louis drank all the Coke, tapped the table lightly for the waiter to refill, "The last thing I want to see is a person with a future, A man with a bright future and a certainty of his own greatness wasted his youth in a place where he couldn't help him continue to improve."

Ewing smiled ugly: "Are you talking about me, Coach Lu?"

"Your ability to catch the point is as sharp as your sense of smell in the rim," Louie praised.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come, Coach Lu." Ewing's uncomfortable smile disappeared after only a few seconds, replaced by an angry look that he often expressed on the court, "You Insulting me, insulting my coach, and insulting everyone at Georgetown University!"

Louie believed that Ewing liked everyone at Georgetown University, and it was common sense to have that reaction.

"Really? If you think I'm insulting you, maybe, I did insult your efforts over the past three years, but please don't rise to everyone, my words are only for you, others, they're fine."

Ewing said dissatisfiedly: "I am the hardest worker of all. I am the first to train every day and the last to leave. I am crawling and rolling on the court. Someone will elbow me in the head, someone will push me to the ground, and someone will push me to the ground. Will insult me, but that won't stop me! I took my team to two finals in three years, and then you say I'm wasting my youth?"

"Listening to you, I'm even more curious. Why does the hardest-working person in the championship team spend three years training from morning to night, and beat countless times in the interior, but he can't learn to get into position? He can't find a good one. Defensive position? Running around like a layman and having absolutely no will to develop an offense, your performance tonight was the same as in the final against North Carolina two years ago, if not worse."

"Enough!" Ewing got up angrily, "I'm leaving!"


He said he was going, but when Louie called him, he stopped.

"Kareem spent four years mastering the skyhook and perfecting his individual abilities; Bill Walton perfected his inside skills with the help of Coach Wooden; The guards became the best players in the country...they're new every year, and these guys, even if they're in college for five years, I wouldn't say they're wasting their time."

The waiter timidly brought a glass of Coke.

He was worried that Louie and Ewing would fight, and it was hard to say that Louie might be killed.

"And you, the faults and shortcomings of you when you were a freshman still exist today. You say you are the hardest, but I can't see where your efforts are. I believe you didn't lie to me. You worked hard, but you Not working hard to improve your flaws, you haven't improved in a few years, it's not just your fault, it's John Thompson's fault."

Louie said sarcastically: "He drives you as a mediocre player, instills anger in your mind, but doesn't teach you how to make fire, let your shortcomings continue, squander your talents at will, and you , but obey him like a loyal domestic dog, I really don't know what to say."

After Louis finished speaking, Ewing left without looking back.

Presumably, his remaining respect for Louis has also disappeared.

After Ewing left, the black food he ordered was served.

Louie took a bite, then spit it out.

He had no reason to stay here, so he checked out and left.

He actually didn't need to be so provocative to I don't know why, he just couldn't help it. He is not an Ewing fan, and he has never liked the guy with the least honor among the big four centers, but he can't control himself when he sees Ewing's situation in Georgetown.

In the past and present, as a basketball player, he likes these guys who have a future.

After the 2019 World Cup, he started to hate the idiots who killed his future.

Louis walked out of the restaurant and glanced at the night sky.

It's a pity that Ewing probably won't listen to him.

He won't think about it anymore, after all, he has already used the method of overdrafting Ewing's favor to push things to change.

If the result doesn't change, that's God's will.

Oh no, can't blame God.

Ewing himself is stupid, how can people blame Tian for being stupid?

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