The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 215: eternal question

In the second half, in the Celtics' first round, Bird made the first three-pointer of the night from beyond the three-point line.

For the Lakers, this is a very bad signal.

Because Bird's three-pointer felt bad at the start, the Celtics' unfavorable No. 1 system and No. 2 system did not go well, which allowed Thomas to use his personal ability to break the game.

In the second quarter, the No. 2 system revolved around Bird's personal ability, and the Lakers relied on Magic's explosion to not let the Celtics lead too much.

Now Bird makes a three-pointer as soon as he comes up, putting the sending proposition back into the hands of the Lakers coaching staff.

"Are you still going to let your master shoot a three-pointer?"

When Bird scored a three-pointer, his wild and unrestrained expression made Louis really want to take a picture of him and put him at home to ward off evil spirits.

59 to 54

The Lakers' starters in the second half were Magic, Sterling, Cooper, Wilkins and Abdul-Jabbar.

There is no orthodox 4 position, although Wilkins has a height of 206 cm, but his style of play is completely a small forward.

Let him play power forward, but also to use his athletic ability to sweep the restricted area.

His defensive awareness and skills are very poor, but as long as his body is used properly, his talent will naturally find its place.

In order to improve their defense, the Lakers have also tried their best to line up.

However, the other issue they have to deal with now is the offense.

The Lakers, who had the league's first effective field goal percentage, passed the ball to Magic, who, as always, broke through the middle.

The Celtics' pincer attack locked him in the paint as fast as lightning.

Magician has seen a lot of closed-door tactics. Like the Celtics, it is the first time to see his teammates on the left and right flanks as empty routines.

Magic passed the ball to Wilkins.

In the open position, he had to shoot if he didn't want to.

His shooting action is fairly normal, but the shot feels very stiff, obviously a bit unfamiliar, and he is used to it on weekdays, and his shooting feel is not good.


Although he entered, Louis trusted his senses.

He's seen a lot of players who shoot well, and a lot of players who shoot badly.

Not to mention a talented pitcher like Jamal Wilks, who shoots with another dimension of space.

With sharpshooters like Bird, their shots tend to be very fluid.

Wilkins just made that shot, and there was no sense of fluidity.

Louis signaled the player to continue to let go, and Wilkins couldn't always make shots.

Moreover, Magic must also want to take care of Sterling on the outside.

The Lakers have tried their best to put together a lineup that can open up space for both Magic and Abdul-Jabbar to play easily.

From the first encounter in the garden, Louis had a feeling.

The Lakers' coaching staff also appears to be testing certain playstyles.

They were supposed to find a way to open up the offense, but Louie saw them trying to find the most defensive lineup against the Celtics.

They are not good at defense.

Even if there is an elite defender like Cooper, it is prepared to wipe the magician's ass.

Jerry Buss likes the ShowTime fast break that makes everyone happy. Defense, hand-to-hand, counter-attack. That's the way some teams in the East even hate their own fans. It shouldn't belong to the Lakers, it shouldn't be in Los Angeles appears.

Trying to limit the Celtics with defense, the Lakers quickly ran into problems.

Instead of standing in the bottom corner, John Long cuts in.

Because the Celtics played a four-corner attack.

The Celtics' four-corner offense can open up four shooters to reassure Thomas, and can also follow the traditional way of playing, with the ball rushing and the corner players cutting in.

In order to put more defensive pressure on the Lakers, the Celtics chose traditional play.

Defending Lang was Sterling.

His defense is actually pretty good, but the Celtics have screens along the way, and it takes just one hit to push him away.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's defense is far from what he was when he was young, and when he turns around, Long's ball has been wiped.

61 to 56

"That's the secret of the Celtics going 52-5. They have two players that the Lakers can't handle, but they don't rely on them."

"Even John Long could be the key gentleman in this game."

Tom Heinsohn had just finished speaking, and the magician, who was double-teamed, passed the ball to Sterling.

Outside, Sterling made a three-pointer.

59 to 61

Louis told the players to calm down and proceed as originally planned.

They had an unshakable trust in Louis, and since Louis asked, they complied.

Although Louis was young, his strategy never failed.

Louis was convinced that it was still luck.

Byron Scott, the gift of the PY trade between the Lakers and the Clippers behind the scenes, as long as he is not in the Lakers and Celtics, he can go to most teams to start.

But he was only the seventh man in the Lakers.

The reason why Louie dared to put his three-pointers is because he has averaged 0.5 three-pointers per game so far this season, hitting 0.1 goals, and the shooting rate is 23%.

With ultra-low output and ultra-low efficiency, how can people believe that the goal he just scored wasn't due to luck?

Played the No. 4 system last round and attacked from four corners.

Coming back, the Celtics switched to the No. 2 system.

Bird supported from a high position. He held the ball and suddenly turned his back, so he should not be able to see the movement of his teammates.

However, when Sampson set a solid screen for John Long, and then ran back to the basket, Bird seemed to open an eye behind his head and saw all the movements.

Otherwise it's hard to explain, how his ball found someone.

Bird's passing looks very casual, but the route of the ball is fatal to the Lakers.

The ball flies from the high post to the right short corner.

Sampson took the ball, wiped the board, and scored.

The No. 2 system and L tactics are a match made in heaven, and Sampson relies on this to score more than 10 points every game.

The biggest reason why the Celtics' offense can reach the top two in the league is that they never rely on the performance of a single player.

Bird and Thomas, always the east is not bright and the west is bright.

Even if they don't light up at the same time, the Celtics can temporarily trust Sampson.

Perfect tactical system, diversified offense.

The foundation that Louie built at the beginning of the season is maturing, and even a formidable opponent like the Lakers can beat them tactically.

In contrast to the Lakers, staffing is at the other extreme.

Replacing Norm Nixon with Dennis Johnson would have given away another engine on the team.

Hemp can help Magician wipe his **** when Cooper is away, and he can also wipe with Cooper, but for the Lakers, it is only a secondary part of the game.

ShowTime is their soul.

However, they only have the magician who can run ShowTime perfectly.

After Nixon was sent away, the Lakers' ShowTime became the magician's game every night. Without Magic, the Lakers could still play star ball, but that wouldn't be ShowTime. Therefore, Magic is unique and irreplaceable for this team.

That's why, Louis wanted to design him.

If you can limit Magic's running the team with pockets in the paint area or close-door tactics, can you completely lock out the Lakers' offense?

This time, the magician was pinched on the flank.

It was Bird and John Long who were double-teaming.

They let go of Michael Cooper and Sterling for that.

The magician decisively went to Cooper.

Then, Sampson rotated to fill the position.

Because Cooper is the most consistent three-pointer for the Lakers, he can't let it go.

Sampson's help gave Wilkins a chance to take off. Cooper passed the ball in, and Laimbeer was haunted by the basket. His presence made everyone in the forum panic.

Wilkins made up his mind to dunk.

But he didn't expect that before he jumped up, someone behind him knocked the ball off.

Wilkins looked back, and it was Bird who blocked the shot. He was still double-teaming Magician, and in a blink of an eye, he had already rotated to the penalty area.

"Did I say it? Even elementary school students can predict your attack!"

Bird's remarks were no longer able to stimulate Wilkins compared to the "monkey" in the first half.

The Celtics' counter-attack was done beautifully.

Although they don't have a magician, the counterattack is no less interesting than the Lakers.

The three connected, and then ended with a dunk by John Long.

Unlike Magic's solo dance, the Celtics are more team-based, with four people participating in a counterattack and three touching the ball.

Louie's distaste for the big core with the ball came from a previous life.

The CBA is a league with a big core holding the ball everywhere. The third-line ball-holders eliminated by the United States, as long as they have the ability to ride their faces and pull out, come to the CBA and all of them are Harden in 2019, and scoring 50 points is the same as playing. The strong can also take the team to the playoffs, but not very far.

You don't need to know much about the ball and know that you can't win by yourself.

Magic is not a small foreign aid in the CBA, nor is he a big ball-handling core like Harden that integrates offensive organizations. He is more like John Stockton of the Lakers, who has to take care of everyone by himself.

This will damage his autonomous offensive ability, and he will only take the initiative to develop his own offense when the Lakers need him to attack. From this point of view, Bird's progress is far ahead of him.

With the Celtics' flanking tactics on Magic unfolding smoothly, the Lakers' offense is no longer so comfortable.

Magic's rhythm Both Wilkins and Sterling had rounds with no spots.

The Lakers' coaching staff hesitated for only a few minutes before the Celtics extended their lead to 11 points.

Louie threw one of the easiest, yet hardest, questions to Pat Riley.

On how to get players to throw open balls.

There are too many fouls and you can take the player off. The defense is not good, and the defense is good. If the tactics are wrong, change tactics.

The question of being able to "change" is not a problem for coaches.

But what if you can't even get into the vacancy? How to be good?

This is the eternal question of all basketball coaches.

"How do you get your players to throw the ball in?"

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