The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 1130: It's time to look forward

The rest, only noise

Jerry West learned of Divac's trade on TV.

"In one day, Los Angeles sent Vlade Divac, Cedric Ceballos, and Green. The familiar Lakers only have David Robinson, who will be reimbursed for the new season."


West cursed.

His wife Karen said, "Jerry, don't keep swearing."

"Why is that guy acting so fast, does he never think about the consequences when he does things?" West cursed, "We're **** up!"

Karen asked in confusion, "Who are you talking about?"

"Who else?" West yelled. "That **** Louie! He thinks he's the president and can do whatever he wants, but I can't stop him, not only can't stop him, I have to help him clean up!"

At home, West can say a lot of things that can't be said outside.

Soon, the call interrupted his anger.

"Jerry, it's me."

West heard the other party's voice, it was Divac's agent Mark Fry.

"Is something wrong, Mark?"

West knew exactly what to expect.

"Jerry, I'm not making this call to catch up, but to convey the wishes of my employer," Frye said directly and clearly, "If the Lakers and Rockets trade is not cancelled, my employer will retire protest."

"Don't be impulsive, we'll take care of this."

West comforted each other.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!"

Hanging up the phone, West went directly into a runaway state.

"Damn Louie! I told him a long time ago, Divac is not a **** joke!" West yelled at his wife. "He's really going to retire!"

Karen said dissatisfiedly: "No matter how big this thing is, you shouldn't be so gaffe."

"Damn, this shouldn't have happened!"

"Since it happened, let's think about how to make up for it."

"From the time that **** announced that **** not-for-sale list, it was doomed!" West yelled, "that **** did it on purpose! He deliberately broke up the team this way, and then he could do his own thing. He wants to form a new Lakers, that's what he thinks!"

Karen is far wiser than her husband.

"Isn't that why you invited him here?" Karen's words hurt her husband's heart. "Your method doesn't work, so you need a new person to change the original order."

West was silent for a while.

"You might be right."

West reluctantly called Louie.

"I hope you called me at this time, not to say good morning to me."

On the other end of the phone, Louis's tone was flat as always.

"I'm not in that mood."

"Especially recently, your complexion has obviously deteriorated."

Who the **** is that because of!

West told himself not to be angry.

He needs to tell Louis what just happened.

"Vlad wants to retire, he is serious." West thought Louis would take this matter seriously. "His agent just called me to make it clear."

"Oh, that's it."

Oh? Is he listening to me?

"What do you think?" Louis asked.

West reiterated: "He's serious."

And I **** told you already!

"Then please go and persuade him, don't be impulsive, say something if you have something to say, think about your family, he can still play for many years, it would be a pity to retire now."

Do you **** know how soft it is now?

West's mental activity fluctuated greatly.

Mainly, Louie annoyed him too much.

"Let me persuade him, is this your way?" West asked through gritted teeth.

"Could it be that you want me to persuade?"

Louie wasn't being rascal.

On the contrary, he actually seeks truth from facts.

"Please, even if I want to persuade him, I don't want to listen. He didn't even answer my phone before. If he hears my voice now, I'm sure he will greet me in a bunch of ugly hometown dialects. There is no way between us. Harmonious chat, this matter can only be done by you." Louis said at the end, not forgetting to remind West who is in charge, "You can talk to him on my behalf, and try to make him change his mind, if he really decides If you are determined, you don't have to force it, let him retire if it's a big deal, and we won't lose anything."

Losing an All-Star center for nothing is nothing to lose?

Elgin, Elgin, what kind of **** have you been partnering with all these years!

"I'm going to talk to him, but I don't know if it will work out."

"I said, any result is acceptable. If he really retires, remember to tell him a happy retirement. He doesn't show manners, so I can't be polite."

West finally couldn't help hanging up Louie's phone.


West's rudeness finally angered his wife.

"If you talk too much, just sleep alone tonight!"

"I really hate that bastard. I can't think of him. What does he think of me, fire chief? Why should I help him put out the fire?!"

"Because you don't want Vlad to retire?"

fuck! That's really a reason.

West can only adjust his emotions.

Unexpectedly, Louis called again.

But this time, West's wife picked up on the extension in the living room.

After only chatting for a while, Karen walked to the bedroom and said to her husband, "Coach Lu asked why you hung up on him just now. Isn't it rude?"

West roared: "Fucking polite!"

"Jerry, you sleep in the living room tonight!"

West had to face Divac alone.

He didn't call.

Divac would be very courageous if he said it on the phone.

Only face to face can West be sure to persuade Divac.

To make it happen, West drove to Divac's house.

On the way, West recalled the behind-the-scenes stories that happened before they chose Divac.

The Lakers discovered Divac through preseason games with the Celtics and the Yugoslav national team, but all the scouts on the team were against picking him in the draft because he wasn't tested in college basketball, and European basketball. The level is low - this will be proven wrong again and again in the future. European basketball is indeed not as good as the NBA, but it is definitely better than college basketball.

West fell in love with Divac because the opponent's IQ was extremely high, and his arms were long, like a spider's web when he stretched out his hands.

When Divac came to the United States, West personally picked him up at the airport.

Recalling all kinds of things over the years, West is more and more reluctant.

Divac must have a lot of grievances to complain, but West is no longer the one making the decision.

For the first half hour at Divac's house, West was mostly a listener.

Divac spoke fondly of his love for Los Angeles, his pride in being a Laker, and his strong desire to die here.

At the end of the day, the seven-foot-tall man had red eyes and wept.

Tell the player he's good, and encourage him to keep going, just not with the Lakers.

This is West's most hated He, like many old-school executives, advocates paternalistic management.

When he has to give away a player he really likes, the heartbreak hurts.

"Vlad, I know what you think, I really want you to keep playing in Los Angeles, but this is not something I can decide." West's eyes were also red, "I don't want to do this, But I'm representing the entire front office today and I'm begging you not to retire and let the deal get done. You've got a lot of good years left and you can keep playing and you'll always be a Laker whether you're in LA or not, just now, We decided to turn it around."

Both West and Divac were emotional, and they knew things couldn't be undone.

Divac insisted on retiring to give Louie a taste of the failure of the deal.

West's mission was about to fail, and in the end it was Divac's wife who came out to help persuade him.

The player's career is short, and he should cherish it no matter where he plays, and there is a family waiting for him to support.

Wife wakes Divac.

Compared with the family's spirit, the personal spirit is not worth mentioning, he figured it out.

West's mission was also successfully completed.

On the way home, West kept cursing Louie.

However, when he put himself in Louis's place, he was painfully aware that he would make the same decision.

Some people, some things, should be passed, and they have to be passed.

It's time to look forward.

1 In reality, Divac's trade for the Hornets' 13th pick also almost failed. Divac wants to retire just like the text, and his loyalty to the Lakers is unquestionable.


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