Chapter 6 Shinji's Kaleidoscope Eye Art

  From Shion's surprised eyes, Shinji knew that the other party must have witnessed the fierce battle between him and the hand ghost.

   In other words.

  His "Susano" has been exposed, and the secret of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is hard to hide.

  Shion didn't notice the entanglement in Shinji's heart at all, she looked Shinji up and down, her eyes were full of admiration.

   "Do you want to silence"

   Shinji couldn't make up his mind at all.


   As if sensing a trace of killing intent from Shinji, the little bell hanging on Shion's chest suddenly burst into dazzling light.

"This is.?"

   Feeling threatened, Shinji took a step back.

  Others may not know, but he knows the details of witches in the kingdom of ghosts.

  The little bell on Ziyuan's chest is a very powerful magic weapon.

  It seems to be protecting Ziyuan, but in fact, its real function is to seal Ziyuan's priestess power, so as to prevent the young Ziyuan from using the priestess power indiscriminately to hurt people around him.

   To put it bluntly, that thing is a restraint disguised as a body protection magic weapon!

   If you want to kill Shion, you must first destroy the bell, and once you destroy the bell, you have to face the unsealed ghost country maiden.

   Shinji gave up the idea of ​​silence.

   It's true that Ziyuan is a rookie shrine maiden now, but why isn't he a rookie ninja?

  He is not sure whether his 'Susanohu' can block Shion's sealing technique. You must know that the witches of the country of ghosts have the ability to seal tailed beast-level monsters.

  But it's obviously not okay to just let it go.

  So he thought of illusion, fixed his eyes on Ziyuan, activated the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and implanted a psychological suggestion into Ziyuan's heart through the power of his pupils: "You haven't seen me."


  Shion's expression froze, and unconsciously followed Shinji and said slowly: "I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it"

   "Did it work?"

   Shinji observed for a while, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, Ziyuan is now sealed with the power of a witch, and the time she spends with herself is extremely short. Otherwise, it would be difficult to complete this period of implantation of psychological hints with his half-baked kaleidoscope Sharingan illusion.

  Even so, he didn't feel very secure.

  If he meets Ziyuan again in the future, there is still a high chance that Ziyuan will recall this memory.

  Fortunately, Zi Yuan, as a priestess of the ghost country, will not leave the ghost country easily, so the probability of them meeting in the short term is very low.

  At this time, a fire was reflected in the distant night, it seemed that a large group of people were holding torches and rushing towards the palace in a hurry.

   Obviously, these are the ghost country guards who came from other places for reinforcements.

   And when Shinji was worried about how to return to Muye Village, his figure disappeared out of thin air with a 'swish'

   Looking at the familiar room, Shinji realized that he was back.

  At this time, the wall clock on the wall showed that he had left for about thirty minutes.

   This time happened to be the time when he witnessed the hand ghost slaughtering the guards, and he killed the hand ghost.

   That is to say, he was instantly teleported to the area where the hand ghosts invaded, that is, the palace of the witches in the kingdom of ghosts, and then teleported back instantly after the end.

  It is somewhat similar to the 'Flying Thunder God Art'.


   There was a sudden stabbing pain in both eyes.

   Enduring the severe pain, Shinji hastily closed the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the scarlet eyes quietly returned to black.

   After a while, the stinging pain in the eyes gradually subsided.


  He let out a foul breath, and his face was a little ugly.

  Successfully blocked the invasion, he received a gift from the Ninja World, the amount of Chakra in his body has indeed increased by nearly double, but Chakra is Chakra, and the pupil power of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is pupil power.

   Simple to understand.

  Chakra is synthesized and refined from physical strength and mental strength, and can be recovered through rest.

   is renewable!

  The pupil power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is a very high-quality Yin escape chakra.

  Its total amount has been fixed when the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is awakened, and it can be used as little as possible.

  Until it has the ability to convert ordinary chakras into high-quality escaping chakras, the pupil power consumption of Kaleidoscope Sharingan cannot be replenished.

   "Opening Susanohu this time, consumes too much, if I do it a few more times like this, my Kaleidoscope Sharingan will be useless!"

  Before it was a critical moment of life and death, he didn't think too much when he activated Susano.

  The severe pain in his eyes just now made him realize the indisputable fact that 'Kaleidoscopic Sharingan is a consumable'.

   Resting his forehead with his hands, Shinji sat down on the bed.

   The one who invaded the ninja world this time was an oni from Oni Slayer, so the probability of it being an oni next time is very high.

   Can deal with ghosts, he is not professional!

   He used the most stupid method to eliminate the hand ghost just now.

  After smashing the hand ghost with 'Susanōhu' for the first time, he confirmed through the detailed insight of the kaleidoscope Sharingan that the recovered hand ghost was smaller than before.

  So he confirmed that although ghosts can continue to recover, they still need to consume some kind of flesh and blood power.

  As long as the ghost is dealt multiple devastating blows in a short period of time, and the ghost cannot be replenished with flesh and blood, the ghost will also lose its ability to recover due to excessive consumption.

   But this method is suitable for bloated hand ghosts, but not necessarily for other ghosts.

   If next time you encounter an Oni with high agility and strong tactical ability, it will be very difficult for Shinji to repeat this victory.

   "We must find a way to truly restrain ghosts!"

   It is undoubtedly the easiest way to cut the neck with a Japanese knife, but Shinji is not sure if there is a special ore for forging a Japanese knife in the ninja world.

   He had never seen wisteria flowers in Konoha.

   As for sunlight, oni obviously don't invade the ninja world during the day.

   "If ghosts are afraid of the sun, will the 'Amaterasu', known as the flame of the sun, work on ghosts?"

  Shinji suddenly thought of the pupil art of 'Amaterasu', a kaleidoscope sharingan.

  'Amaterasu' black flame has the characteristic of burning everything and never going out.

  So even if it can't have a special restraint effect on ghosts like the Sun Wheel Knife, it can still be attached to the ghost's body, so that the ghost will be wiped out in endless burning.


   Shinji's Kaleidoscope Sharingan does not have the pupil art of 'Amaterasu'.

  He scratched his head when he thought of his kaleidoscope writing sharing eye pupil technique.

  His left and right eyes have the same pupil technique, named 'Susa Zun Lamp'.

  As the name suggests, this is a pupil technique based on the 'Susano'. If you want to activate the 'Susano Lamp', you must first activate the 'Susano'.

  Different from common ninjutsu and illusion-type pupil techniques such as 'Amaterasu' and 'Tsukuyomi', 'Susa Zun Lamp' is a relatively rare functional pupil technique

When "Susano" and "Susano Lamp" are turned on at the same time, Shinji's "Susano" phantom face will have a second pair of eye sockets, a pair of empty eye sockets that can accommodate another pair of eyes !


  The ability of the "Susano Lamp" is to make his "Susanohu" control the second pair of eyes!

  From a certain point of view, the birth of this pupil technique may be the spiritual portrayal of Sharingan's synthesis of the original owner and him, the traveler.

  In Shinji's opinion, this pupil technique is actually very powerful.

   It's just that he doesn't have a second pair of eyes to control, so right now his kaleidoscope Sharingan is just a blank slate, and the only pupil technique that can be used is 'Susanoh'.

  Compared to the kaleidoscopic pupil techniques such as 'Amaterasu' and 'Tsukuyomi' that can be cast with one eye, the burden on the body and the consumption of pupil power of 'Susano' are much greater.

  If he used 'Susanoh' to fight every game, he wouldn't be able to last a few games at all.

   Shinji sorted out his thoughts and pondered a solution.

   There are actually ways.

  The most simple and direct way is to find a pair of kaleidoscope sharingan of close relatives, and evolve your own kaleidoscope sharingan into eternal kaleidoscope sharingan.

   No matter how bad it is, I still need to get a second pair of kaleidoscope sharing eyes that can be controlled by the "Susa Zun Lamp", and have more pupils that can be used.

  Following this idea, he calculated how many pairs of kaleidoscopes Sharingan currently have in the ninja world: "Not counting mine, there should be four pairs of kaleidoscopes in the ninja world."

   Obito's kaleidoscope, one is on Obito himself, and the other is on Kakashi.

   Of Shisui’s kaleidoscopes, one was taken away by Danzo, and the other was collected by Itachi.

  Itachi's kaleidoscope is on himself.

   These three pairs of kaleidoscopes are all held by the strong. With Shinji's current strength, he doesn't even think about it.

  The only thing that can move your mind is the pair of kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes of the late Uchiha patriarch Uchiha Fugaku.

  The reason why he can move his mind is mainly because Fu Yue never revealed the secret of having a kaleidoscope sharingan until his death.

  So although the village confiscated Fuyue's Sharingan, it probably didn't know that it was a pair of kaleidoscopes.

   In this way, the guard level of those eyes will not be too high.

  After all, in the morgue that night, Shinji saw with his own eyes the medical team remove the Sharingan from the corpses of the Uchiha people and put them into nutrition jars.

   Having harvested so many Sharingan at one time, the preciousness of Sharingan will inevitably be weakened.

  Therefore, among the four pairs of kaleidoscopes in the ninja world, Fuyue's pair is the least difficult to obtain, and it is also the pair that Shinji is most likely to succeed.

   "However, we must first find out where the village has sealed the Sharingan."

  Although it is very urgent, Shinji knows that this matter cannot be rushed and must be considered in the long run, because if one is not careful, it is very likely that the kaleidoscope will not be obtained, and he will also get into it.

  In addition, improving his body and ninjutsu as soon as possible is also his top priority.

  Thinking about it, he gradually became sleepy. After the passion of the battle subsided, exhaustion struck.

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  (end of this chapter)

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