“What, why are your eyes watering?” Frank asked.

Mu, I can’t say I was impressed by the ZL.

Principal, thank you for the meal.

“Ah, no, I was moved by your precious story. Thank you,” I said.

After all, it is good, BL stories are precious.

“It may be selfish, but we, Duke Pottinger’s Faction, want to preserve James’ bloodline and leave behind the feelings that the hero carved into history for future generations,” Frank said.

“Is that what James-okina would want?” I asked.

“That’s… I don’t understand, but…” Frank said.

I remembered that cool old man who used to come to the bakery.

“There was a good-natured Jii-sama who was a regular customer of the bakery,” I said. “‘Even though it’s not about yourself, everyone is so picky about leaving achievements behind and respecting their bloodlines. Ore-sama-chan here is just struggling and having fun, and I don’t even have to think about the aftermath,’ he said while he was eating Saint’s Bread.”

“… Did that old man have red hair?” Frank asked.

“It was pretty dull, but he had red hair and his left hand was crippled,” I said.

The principal covered his face with his hands.

“James, that was… oh, James, we were…”

The principal seemed to be crying.

Huh, was that old man James-okina?

He was a good-natured, fun old man.

Come to think of it, it was about last year that he stopped coming to Hiyoko-Do

In that case, the black-haired young butler who came to help was the Poisoner Butler who was the hidden capture target.

I met him before I realized it.

“I’m not telling you to let go of House Pottinger, but could you refrain from assassinating me?” I asked. “If you don’t attack me, I won’t attack you.”

“I, I understand. As principal, I will act as neutral to either faction. Vivian might get angry, however,” Frank said.

“It’s okay to anger selfish people,” I said. “It’s strange to think that the same authority in their territory can be exercised in the academy.”

All right, I managed to persuade the principal, miraculously.

I feel like it was more like intimidation than persuasion, but the result is all right.

The academy is neutral, and I’ve taken the word from the principal’s mouth.

“It’s already about time, so you are excused,” Frank said.

“No, no, I don’t have classes in the afternoon,” I said.

“What is it? Don’t you have any training in magic?” Frank asked.

“I can only use Light magic, so no one can teach me anything,” I said. “Right now, Clayton and his son are experimenting on me.”

“Oh, so that’s Lord Clayton comes to school every day, does he?”

The headmaster stood up and held out his hand toward me.

Just when I thought it might be a handshake, the headmaster fell to the floor with a bang.



The principal is holding his right knee in agony.

“Wh-What’s wrong?” I asked.

“So-Sorry, I got struck by an arrow in my knee on the battlefield a long time ago, gununuuu,” Frank groaned.

Is it an old wound, can it be healed?

There is no loss even if I earn points from the principal.

Bianca-sama’s kodachi made a sound like ringing and bells chiming.

If you look at it, the pattern is faintly shining.

Fumu, what is it, can I use it?

I made an optical diagnosis on the knee of the principal who had just collapsed.

There’s no poison left, but is this black feeling a curse?

A cursed arrowhead, what a dirty thing to do even on the battlefield.

I try to pull out the small sword.

The blade glows white and faintly.

“I’m going to do something rough, so don’t move,” I said.

“Huh, what was that?”

I put a small sword on the headmaster’s right knee and stabbed it.

“It doesn’t hurt? What is that sword?” Frank said.

“It’s Bianca-sama’s kodachi, now I’m going to cut out the curse’s core,” I said.

I drive light magic into the cursed mass that the tip of the blade has stabbed into.

With a sizzle, the curse dissipated.

All right.

After that, pull out the kodachi and call out “Heal” on the cut.

On the floor, a piece of metal that looks like a fragment of the cursed arrowhead falls with a thud.

“It’s over, it’s okay now,” I said.

“It doesn’t hurt… the old knee injury that has plagued me for 50 years,” Frank said.

“It looks like they cast a curse on the arrowhead,” I said. “Looks like someone decided to get very dirty, huh?”

“Because it was a war, is that what they did? Was it a curse?” Frank asked.

I sheathed my kodachi.

It’s convenient for me.

Can it be used as a therapeutic tool?

The principal stood up and jumped lightly.

“My knee doesn’t hurt. Oh by the Goddess, thank you, Kimball-kun,” Frank said.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s like a Saint’s instinct to help people in need,” I said.

Alright, this buys me points with the principal.


“Thank you, how can I say thank you, I have to pay for the treatment,” Frank said.

“I don’t need it, if you’re insisting, please donate it to the Great Temple,” I said.

“Impossible, not when you’ve given me such thorough and advanced treatment,” Frank said.

I laughed and shrugged.

After making a surprised face, the principal face’s wrinkled with a tearful smile and he deeply bowed his head.

In my head, the name of Kodachi popped into my head.


I see, so it’s Kogitsunemaru since it’s a kodachi.

I wonder if an Odachi in the same series is called Oyakomaru?

Anyway, nice to meet you, Kogitsunemaru.

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