The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 615: Belt of Time and Space

Time belt, Tan Ya's equipment, Cai Ruichen didn't remember until this time, Tan Ya seemed to have no time belt.

And the compressed space in the white ivory and ebony magazines actually came from that space-time belt. If it weren't for the explanation of the base, Cai Ruichen would have thought that there are really such awesome people, and they actually have the technology to compress the space.

Unfortunately, the two weapons do not have the ability to return to five seconds ago like the belt of time and space.

However, a person who can participate in the development of the Sigma Coordinator is enough to show that his is not simple.

As for who Chen Mingzhi was, Cai Ruichen didn't even think of what he wanted to break.

And the Sigma Coordinator, in Red Alert III, is also considered a famous one. It can suspend the enemy's time and is simply a super weapon among super weapons.

Unfortunately, in the base super weapon, there is no such thing, and I don't know if the base will produce such a sky-defying thing in the future.

According to the data, Sigma Coordinator is still a product of Future Technology Company. Is Chen Mingzhi the important person of the Future Technology Company in the Red Alert expansion?

In this regard, Cai Ruichen also opened up his mind and quickly put it aside.

Fortunately, he had been excited for a long time, and found out that this was just an orphan, a powerful base, and there were things that could not be done.

This also makes Cai Ruichen feel relieved, at least some people are better than the base, right?

Of course, after this kind of comfort, it is more of a deep regret. Seeing that a powerful technology is in front of him, it can only be used in two pistols.

However, two pistols capable of carrying six hundred rounds of ammunition were placed in Tan Ya's hands, and combined with Tan Ya's abilities, who could stop such a woman.

What's more, there are four magazines such as white ivory and ebony wood, and the other two magazines are inserted into two holsters.

In other words. Tan Ya, who seems to be simple with only two pistols, and nothing else, is actually a mobile ammunition depot. She carries 1,200 rounds of ammunition at any time.

According to Tan Ya's ability, even if he encounters two battalions of enemies, he does not need to finish all the bullets on his body. You can wipe out the enemies of both battalions.

And Tan Ya's role was not to kill those little soldiers, if he went straight to the headquarters of others. Coupled with Natasha's ultra-long-range sniper killing, one is responsible for assault, and the other is responsible for long-range sniper protection, then can the world still stop the existence of the two of them?

Putting it in the wasteland, such a combination is definitely to meet the gods and kill the gods, and the Buddhas to kill the Buddha, because even the head of a fourth-level mutant may not be able to stop the bullets of white ivory and ebony wood.

The direct effect of Tan Ya's appearance is to make Cai Ruichen's high-end combat power. Strength greatly increased.

As a man, Tan Ya is also a super seductive girl.

As if the weather outside became better, Cai Ruichen's mood also became happy.

"Eat breakfast together and go out with me later." Cai Ruichen, who was in a good mood, turned and walked out of the study as he said.

The moment he turned around, his eyes also caught the book that Tan Ya had read before, "Red Alert: The Republic of China." The moment he saw the title of the book, he was a little puzzled, is there this book in his study?

However, he hasn't read every book in the study, nor has he cared about such small problems.

And I started a day of training with some excitement.

On the breakfast table, naturally there is an extra pair of tableware. And it is long-term.

Tan Ya's room has also been sorted out by the machine butler, and he can move in at any time. The location is beside Cai Ruichen's room, with Natasha.

The room was originally arranged for Yuriko, but Yuriko has never entered her room, and has always been with Cai Ruichen, so this aspect. It was given to Tan Ya.

As for the uncle bald, he originally had his own room on the third floor of the base, but Cai Ruichen arranged it far away from his own room, and I am afraid that the uncle bald would not have the opportunity to return to the base to rest in these two decades.

Other heroes are naturally not eligible to have their own rooms on the third floor of the base. If necessary, they can live in rooms on the first and second floors.

However, the current ordinary heroes all live outside, and most of the offices are also carried out outside.

It's the same with meals. At the base table, unless Cai Ruichen invited them, there are usually only superheroes, and of course the generals and Qianhe.

Fortunately, Chizuru, who had never dealt with Yuriko, had nothing to do with Tanya.

Like Natasha, Tan Ya also seemed to like Qianhe very much. The three women at the dinner table soon laughed.

All harmony is the most important thing. Cai Ruichen saw this and was relieved. He was most worried about the disharmony in the base. Now it seems that only Yuriko and Chizuru are not dealing with each other, and everything else is fine.

As for these women, Cai Ruichen is too lazy to think now that everything is focused on career, not when the children are in love.

At 8:30 in the morning, one hour after breakfast, Cai Ruichen’s convoy drove out of the base, through the gates of the walls, and finally through the west gate of the future base that runs through Mozabi, and headed for Mosul. Wait until, go all the way.

After passing through the Mocha safe area that he had dealt with before, it has now become a ruined railway station, and then turned all the way to the north. When bypassing Mosul, the convoy stopped.

Cai Ruichen, who got off the bus on the wide national highway in the south of Mosul at, stared at the quiet city in the distance, with a little heaviness in his eyes.

Mosul in the distance also has some smoke and traces of war. As the most important oil base during the war, Mosul was not less exposed to airstrikes by NATO coalition forces during the two years of the war. The oil refinery outside the city, It is still a battered look.

The city at this moment is so quiet that it is unavoidable to be a little scared. Mosul, which is larger than Erbil, had at least two million people before the catastrophe.

Now, these two million people have become the guarantee for the base number of mutants. According to the normal conversion probability, the number of mutants in Mosul City is almost 1.2 million, or even more.

And now, there is still half a month before the completion ceremony of the current Future Technology Group headquarters. In this half month, Cai Ruichen is also considering whether or not to fix the mutants in the city before him.

He was also worried that half a month's time, plus the time for preparation, would be too anxious. If the tail is too big, it will be in trouble. To be continued.

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