The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 162: Hearty breakfast

PS: Third, it is four o'clock in the morning. Today's ten change, will not count the monthly pass and reward plus change, just to thank everyone for your support.


Early this morning, Niu Daheng and others also got up from bed vigorously under the whistle of the army assembly.

After putting on the engineering clothes neatly, a new day's work will begin.

More than 30 women among the survivors have been up since 4 o'clock in the morning. They have to prepare breakfast for the 2,000 soldiers and 300 military dogs and war eagles in the base.

However, they are only in the kitchen, helping to make noodles or washing vegetables, meat, and dishes. There is a soldier in the cooking platoon who is really responsible for the four meals a day.

It's just that everything here is really amazing for Niu Daheng and others. It's been almost a month. They can eat and fill up every day, almost as if they are dreaming.

It's no longer about eating nutrients that are difficult to swallow, or having to go hungry every day. It also requires exhausting hard work and building defenses day and night.

Four meals a day, when others eat, they can also eat with them, others can eat, and they can eat with an open belly.

Men and women under the age of 20 continue to go to school here, and only adults need to go out to work and help.

And there is no need to worry about the woman at home, one day she will be taken away as a military prostitute or sold to a cannibal.

Compared with the days in the Mocha safe zone, what is called paradise, here is paradise.

But what followed was that each of them was quite scared, afraid that such a day would one day disappear.

Delicious food, a safe environment, and a peaceful world. People who experience this kind of life again have the fear of their previous life. It is difficult to eliminate.

No one gave them any promises. Everyone here has a face and will not communicate with them. But never felt sorry for them.

and so. Sometimes Niu Daheng and others were also a little cautious.

Because up to now, he still doesn't know which **** these people are.

Just keep building roads deep in the mountains every day, and then you can see the walls around the base being built continuously.

thus. Niu Daheng and others just judged, in other places of this base. There are more people.

The world they saw was a space surrounded by walls, and they couldn't be seen outside.

And the wall of twenty meters high. It also blocked all sight, and the curiosity of each of them.

A fixed life circle every day. It is not a small town, but a construction site and a large experimental field outside the town.

The barracks assembly whistle at dawn is the wake up call. Then board the car to the place where the mountain road was built yesterday, and come back after dark. Then there are three hours of dinner and free time.

What Niu Daheng likes most is this period of time, because he is really free, except for the surrounding walls.

A new day has begun. Thirty well-dressed adults, organized by Niu Daheng, lined up outside the town waiting for the arrival of the dining car.

At six o'clock on time, a field dining truck that can often be seen in the logistics unit slowly drove over, and the closed rear compartment unfolded on the streets of the town.

A dining platform immediately appeared in front of them, and two iron stairs were lowered.

Niu Daheng and others lined up to board the bus, took the prepared dinner plate, and the breakfast began.

The daily breakfast is very rich, with rice porridge, soy milk, corn juice to choose from, staple foods include bread and steamed buns, steamed buns, fried rice and eggs, as well as various side dishes.

This kind of food is the standard of the Red Police Corps, and Cai Ruichen did not set a separate stove for these survivors to specifically control their food standards.

This is also the reason why Niu Daheng and others are afraid that these will disappear one day, because such a day can only be described as super luxury in the living environment of wasteland survivors.

In just one month, Niu Daheng and others' skinny and skinny appearances have almost turned into muscular men.

There was also a company of soldiers in the town who ate with them, and the two sides did not separate.

But Niu Daheng and others also consciously went to the side corner, because these soldiers didn't like to chat with them very much.

While everyone was eating, several trucks drove over. These trucks were used to transport people up the mountain to build mountain roads.

As usual, the team arrived on time ten minutes before the end of the meal time.

Niu Daheng and others, who were eating, also consciously accelerated the efficiency of eating breakfast.

Don't make people wait long, this is the tacit understanding shared by each of them, because they deeply feel that every day is a delicious and delicious hospitality, and they are not tired from work. I owe too much here.

However, just as they put down the tableware one by one, another convoy came from outside the town.

Six heavily armed war fighter assault vehicles, on the roof, the 7.62 mm Gate cannon looks particularly domineering.

In the middle, a black stretched car was protected by six warrior assault vehicles, followed by three armed trucks modified from armed mining vehicles.

When the convoy entered the town, the speed slowed down, and then slowly stopped next to the logistics food truck.

The flying-wing door of the warrior assault vehicle opened, and three fully armed regular troops got out of the vehicle. In the armed truck behind, the soldiers of the brigade also got out of the vehicle and lined up on both sides of the convoy as the rear door opened.

After almost two platoons of regular troops pulled the cordon around the entire convoy, Ralph got out of the car, opened the rear door of the special car, and let Cai Ruichen get out.

Niu Daheng and others who saw this scene all stood up with the soldiers who were eating.

It's just that unlike the respectful look on the soldiers' faces, Niu Daheng and others are all a little nervous.

Came here for a They haven't seen such a posture.

And in this small town, apart from their survivors in their early 100s, no one else is there at all.

The motorcade stopped in the small town, and it was naturally aimed at people like them.

The uneasy feelings about their destiny being controlled made them all nervous.

Obviously it is the rhythm of the big man's appearance, and this big man is also a figure who can control their destiny.

Not to mention the issue of life and death, but everything they are here can only listen to other people's arrangements, even if they have no right to say a word.

If someday the people on this base are unhappy, not to mention whether they are sold or killed, they will be driven out. For them, it will be the biggest disaster.

When they saw Cai Ruichen getting out of the car, Niu Daheng and others became even more nervous.

Who is Cai Ruichen? In fact, they didn't know, just from the soldiers' respect for him, they guessed it was the high-level personnel of this base. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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