Mu Yangling took a bunch of rabbits down the mountain, and when he returned home, he was surrounded by several enthusiastic children. Mu Yangling smiled, and handed the rabbits that were either fainted or dead, and said: "We will eat one at night, and give it to everyone." The uncle and the second uncle each have one, and the rest are collected and sold in the county tomorrow."

He also gave Bowen and Xiulan the two rabbits that were still alive in his hands, "here, I'll keep them for you, and raise more at home, so that you don't have to beat them if you want to eat meat in the future."

Mu Yangling picked two big and fat ones for Liu Lang to take back, "Hurry up and go back too, be careful on the road, I'll get you some more when you come tomorrow."

Liu Lang and Liu Lun agreed happily, and took their mother's hand home.

Ma Liushi was also very happy, and picked out the fainted rabbit and stuffed it into the cage, saying: "Tomorrow my aunt will hurry to sell it early, you go to the field first."

Mu Yangling is not in the mood to pay attention to these now, so it is optional to agree.

Seeing that Mu Yangling was unhappy, Xiuhong leaned close to her and asked in a low voice, "Cousin, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Yangling sighed, "Our land is too close to the mountain, and there are many wild animals in the forest. I'm afraid the crops will be ruined in the future."

Xiuhong's eyes were full of doubts, "What wild animal will come down the mountain? Wild boar?"

"I'm not afraid of wild boars. I can block them by digging a few traps outside, but I'm afraid of rabbits."

Xiuhong giggled, "Cousin, are you still afraid of rabbits? I see you are very good at catching rabbits."

"Of course I'm not afraid of one or two rabbits, but I'm afraid of thousands of rabbits. No matter how powerful I am, I can't stop thousands of rabbits."

Xiuhong opened her mouth wide, "When will I have to eat so many rabbits?"

Mu Yangling slumped his shoulders, "Your focus seems to be wrong. If these tens of millions of rabbits run into our field, then we don't want the crops in our field. Besides, our field is in the south most."

Mu Yangling's worried hair is almost turning white now, and he can't think of any good way to stop the rabbit tide, keep hitting rabbits? This is obviously impossible, and the rice seedlings will start to be cultivated, and the rice seedlings will be planted at the beginning of next month, and the remaining nearly 100 mu of low-grade land can't be left unused. She is planning to plant the rice seeds in two days. After sprinkling, start plowing some low-grade land to grow wheat...

How could she have time to hunt in the mountains? How much could she hunt alone?

Mu Yangling rested his chin in worry.

Xiuhong didn't have a good solution, she sat on the side with her chin propped up, her mind was full of rabbits, and she couldn't help drooling in the end: "There are so many rabbits enough for us to grow up, cousin, if we can feed these rabbits If we catch them all and sell them, we don’t know how much money our family can make.”

"You think this rabbit is a big sweet potato, it just grows there waiting for us to get it."

"Cousin, what are sweet potatoes?"

"It's almost like a potato. It doesn't move when it grows in the ground." Mu Yangling got up and patted his butt, waving his hand and said, "Okay, don't think about it if you can't think of a good idea. Let's go eat." Mu Yangling He shouted towards the kitchen: "Auntie, the rabbit tastes best when it is braised in soy sauce."

The aunt said angrily: "I know, I know, half of it is braised in brown sauce and half of it is stewed in soup. Your mother doesn't like braised in soy sauce, so go wash your hands quickly, the dishes will be ready soon."

The next day, Mrs. Liu got up before dawn and made breakfast for them, and then took the rabbit in the cage to the county town to set up a stall.

Mu Yangling waited until it was slightly brighter outside, then got up with difficulty to wash up, and took his things to the east field after breakfast.

Passing by the wooden bridge on the canal, Mu Yangling looked down at the water in the canal. Now the ice and snow in the upper reaches have all melted, the three reservoirs are all filled with water, and most of the three canals have flowed. I couldn't help feeling rejoicing, fortunately, they had built water conservancy before, otherwise the water would have destroyed a lot of land.

Qi Haoran was even more complacent, because of this matter, he became even tougher in the army, and the regimental envoys and the commander-in-chief of the battalion below did not dare to refute his orders casually.

Mu Yangling just looked down at the water in the ditch, and then looked in the direction of Chushan.

I don't know if what the old people said is accurate. Will there be a drought this summer? If so, the rabbits in the forest will be even more hungry?

Their misery is Mu Yangling's misery.

Mu Yangling looked at Chu Shan and sighed, she just hoped that the grass inside would be firmer, at least wait for her to figure out a way.

Mu Yangling soon stopped worrying, because Mrs. Liu Zhang brought Liu Lang and Liu Lun over, and when they saw that Mu Yangling was the only one in the field, they asked in surprise, "Why are you the only one?"

"I let Bowen and the others sleep for a while, let's do it first, today's seeds have not sprouted, and the time is shorter."

Liu Lang pouted, covered his chest and looked at his mother accusingly, "Mother, when can you tell me to sleep a little longer?" He jumped behind Mu Yangling before his mother patted him.

Mrs. Liu and Zhang could only stare at him and said: "Your cousin Ah Ling is younger than you, why don't you compare with her? Your cousin Bowen is still young, and you don't feel ashamed to compare with a milk doll." .”

Liu Lang stuck out his tongue and said, "Then I didn't see you caring about me when I was five years old. Didn't you drag me out of bed early in the morning and ask me to work?"

Mrs. Liu and Zhang stared, "You peed your pants when you were five years old. I want to ask you to work. Can you do it?"

Liu Lang's handsome face immediately turned red, and his memory of being five years old is very vague. He really doesn't remember it, but based on the current situation, he thinks that his childhood was also "miserable".

Mrs. Liu and Zhang snorted sinisterly, Xiao Mian, fighting with her, she is too young, and she is not a child prodigy like Bowen, who can remember things at the age of three or four.

After they finished planting the remaining two acres of land, Mu Yangling would go hunting in the mountains again. This time, she carried a large basket and a bow and arrow.

Liu Lang was eager to try, "Ah Ling, I will follow you into the mountains."

Mu Yangling tilted his head and thought for a while, shaking his head: "No, the beasts in the mountains are hungry now, if I really encounter a beast, I can run fast alone, and I can't run away with you."

Mrs. Liu and Zhang hurriedly stopped him, so Liu Lang had no choice but to watch Mu Yangling enter the mountain with a basket and bow and arrows on his back with regret.

This time Mu Yangling was well prepared and gained even more. He didn't leave the mountain until the baskets were full. By this time, the sun had already set on the mountainside.

Mu Yangling quickened his pace and walked home, Ma Liushi had already returned, and was greeting Liu Zhangshi at this time.

Mu Yangling took six rabbits out and put them in another basket, thought for a while and threw another one in, and said to Liu Zhang, "Aunt Cousin, let me take you back."

"No, no, it's not far away."

"Let Ah Ling send it off. After all, there are two villages, and the outside is not peaceful. It's not safe for you to bring two children."

Ma Liushi said that Liu Zhangshi had no choice but to agree.

Mu Yangling carried a stick on his body, picked up his backpack and said, "Let's go."

They had just walked halfway, the sun had completely set, and only the afterglow was still shining on the earth. The four of them couldn't help walking faster. When the sky was getting dark, Liu Lun pointed to the front and shouted: "There are people over there. It seems to be father and uncle."

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