Fan Zijin looked at her contemptuously, "You won't betray us, why waste that time?"

"...How do you know I can't?"

Fan Zijin said firmly, "Your whole family is in our hands."

Mu Yangling turned around and left without talking to them.

Seeing that she was finally angry with Fan Zijin, his body immediately became healthy and comfortable, with a comfortable and happy smile on his face.

Qi Haoran gave him a contemptuous glance, "Childish." He turned around and went after Mu Yangling, saying straight: "I said this in front of you because I trust you, really!"

Just when Mu Yangling was about to believe him, Qi Haoran asked again: "Do you have time now? Come with me to the school grounds for a fight."

Mu Yangling walked faster after a pause.

It took Qi Xiuyuan half a month to finally divide the territory of the five battalions.

There are five battalions, four battalions have leading generals, only the fifth battalion is empty, and Qi Xiuyuan handed it over to Qi Haoran to take care of it.

The other four generals had no opinion at all, because Qi Haoran's fifth battalion was a motley crew, and those who were injured, those who failed to meet the standards, those who were weak, those who sneaked, raped, and old people were all thrown into the fifth battalion. The general even felt that the general was trying to make trouble for the young master.

When the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion saw Qi Haoran, they all collectively called him Little General, and the four generals also called him together, even more loudly.

The camp area of ​​the fifth battalion is in Mingshui County, and besides the fifth battalion, half of the camp area of ​​the third battalion is also in Mingshui County.

Poor Song Zhi faced a big problem when he became the magistrate. More than half of Mingshui County has become a military region, and he can only manage the remaining half.

The Mu family was placed under Qi Haoran's subordinates, and the whole family moved out of the General's Mansion after the land was allocated.

The other villagers in Linshan Village were scattered and classified into other camps. Among them, Liu Daqian and Liu Erqian's family were in the third camp, not far from them, but Liu He's family was sent to the first camp, which is now Xiying. territory.

The Mu family was allotted a total of 180 mu of land, of which 100 mu was military farmland, 80 mu was Yongye farmland, Mu Shi had 40 mu of land, and Shu Wanniang and Mu Bowen also got 20 mu each.

The newborn Mubose was not counted because he was under three years old.

In ancient times, the survival rate of infants was low. Only when they lived past the age of three could they barely stand still, and they could be classified as minors. Mu Yangling, she was a girl, and was never considered a "minor" by the country. Poor Mu Yangling , now it doesn't even count as an individual

All the villages in Mingshui County were destroyed by the barbarians. Few survived. They were taken care of by Qi Haoran. They were lucky enough to be allocated a thatched cottage in Chenggu Village not far from the city of Mingshui County. It is now renamed It's called Chenggutun, because the whole area has become a military settlement, and the camp of the Fifth Battalion is at the foot of Luocong Mountain not far away.

This area belongs to Luocong Township. Under the county seat, it is a very honorable thing to be the head of Luocong Township, and the head of Luocong Township has always been re-elected by the He family. Shocked, he dismissed the position of mayor, Song Zhi was so happy that no one restrained him, Qi Haoran rarely forced a smile.

And Qi Haoran admired his courage to defend the city alone, and was even more polite to him. The two had such a miraculous conversation and had a good time, quite a feeling of forgetting their friendship.

This is Mu Yangling's feeling, but Qi Haoran and Song Zhi don't think so.

Qi Haoran felt that he was an adult, and that he and Song Zhi were equals.

Song Zhi felt that he was only twenty-seven, and that he and Qi Haoran could be called brothers. Regarding this, Fan Zijin just bowed respectfully when he saw Song Zhi again, and called "Uncle Song."

Qi Haoran: "..." The brother really used it to cheat.

Song Zhi: "..." Bear kids are not good at all, so don't play with them in the future.

"Hahahaha..." This was the laughter of Mu Yangling who heard Qi Haoran describe the whole process.

Mu Yangling lay down on the kang, laughing so hard that he hammered the kang, the stones on the side of the kang fell down, Mu Yangling was taken aback.

Mu Bowen jumped up and shouted: "Sister, you have beaten our kang to pieces."

"How is it possible?" Mu Yangling was stunned, "I have controlled my strength." Since she was five years old, Mu Yangling has gradually controlled her strength, and will never accidentally break a stool or kick a kang. The situation is gone.

Both Qi Haoran and Fan Zijin stood stiffly looking at the falling stones.

Mu Yangling smiled awkwardly, touched the edge of the kang with his hands, and said, "It must be that it is not strong..."

Mu Yangling looked at the stone in her hand and was speechless. She swore that she really just touched it lightly just now, without any effort at all, and the stone fell into her hand by itself.

Fan Zijin took two steps back, feeling safe, and then said insincerely, "Maybe."

Mu Yangling raised his eyes and stared at him.

Qi Haoran stepped forward and broke it vigorously, but Kang Yan didn't respond at all.

Mu Yangling's face froze completely, Qi Haoran rubbed his head, puzzled and said, "Could it be that your strength has increased again? Bowen, has your sister's food suddenly increased in the past two days?"

Xiao Bowen thought about it seriously, shook his head for a while and said, "No, I still eat three bowls of rice as before."

With his mouth half open, Fan Zijin turned around and went to Mu's kitchen to take out a bowl, and asked, "A bowl like this?"

Xiao Bowen nodded with his usual expression, "Yes, this is my father's and my sister's bowl."

Fan Zijin and Qi Haoran set their eyes on Mu Yangling's stomach together.

Mu Yangling covered his stomach and shouted: "What are you looking at? I eat a lot and do a lot. Try it. Who goes hunting in the mountains more than me?"

Qi Haoran and Fan Zijin looked away together, and after a while, Qi Haoran comforted: "It's good to eat, so you're not picky about food, so you can feed yourself."

Mu Yangling got angrier and stared at him.

Qi Haoran rubbed his head and looked at Fan Zijin at a loss, "How about I help you try to see if your kang is strong or not." Before Mu Yangling could react, he raised his foot and kicked it up , The heels just touched the kang, and the four of them saw the kang bed burst into cracks, and then collapsed under the gaze of the four.

Qi Haoran turned around stiffly to look at Mu Yangling who was stunned, he chuckled, and said, "This kang does seem to be a little weak."

"Ah—" Mu Yangling shouted, "My kang—"

Qi Haoran turned around and ran, not forgetting to grab Fan Zijin.

Mu Yangling ran out of the village in pursuit, pinched his waist and shouted: "Qi Haoran, you'd better not appear in front of me again."

Fan Zijin was out of breath by Qi Haoran, and shouted: "This is your fault, why are you dragging me? What does this have to do with me?"

"We are in the same group, are you still my brother?"

Fan Zijin said resolutely, "One person does one thing and one person does it."

Qi Haoran pretended not to hear it.

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