The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 504: The unexpected fairy princess

"By the way, Lord Edwin. Those elves are still in my demiplane, and I have never had a chance to deal with them. They are still locked in cages, and they seem to be wearing confinement collars around their necks."

When the matter is over, Edwin also teaches what it is time to ask for advice.

Next, it's business.

Anyway, Lin Chuan got all the benefits he deserved.

Don't wait for the superiors to ask, but take the initiative to do things well.

Since it's a chess piece, let's do the chess piece thing for now.

The kind of person who just reborn, expects to kill the boss, the second and the third, it is estimated that he will not survive three episodes.

Sure enough, Edwin's face was still very satisfied.

Edwin said: "Then you let them all out, I will solve these things."

Edwin didn't say anything about entering the demiplane.

Although Lin Chuan's level is still low, the half plane is a person's hole card, each person's own secret, Edwin still did not presume to ask to enter.

There was no mention of the half-position face-to-face.

It's better not to mention this kind of thing.

Even if it is a chess piece, it must be treated with sincerity.

Otherwise, there may be bad things in the future.

At this point, Edwin obviously did a good job.

In fact, Lin Chuan didn't care about it, he wanted to hide some hole cards. But for Edwin, it is actually unnecessary.

But since Edwin was so considerate, he wouldn't do it again.

At this moment, if he himself proposed to face-to-face in half position, it would be a bit wrong.

Lin Chuan looked around and said, "Is it here?"

Edwin looked around and found that Xingyue Pass is in front of him. Going in there is the best.

But there must be something wrong in Xingyue Pass. Edwin himself saw at least one group of soldiers responding to members of the ghost wolf group.

And this small team dared to do this kind of thing, there must be a bigger fish behind it.

He doesn't want to go in for the time being, this matter must be investigated in detail afterwards.

In fact, there is already a team of people who have teleported out from the Forest of Green Fields to the nearest city.

At this point, he was already on his way to Xingyue Pass.

This Xiongguan is the boundary between the human kingdom and the star-moon kingdom, in order to avoid being broken by the opponent's teleportation tactics.

In Xingyue Pass, an anti-transport magic array was arranged, which was an indistinguishable magic array.

In other words, if the magic circle is not disarmed, not only will the enemy be unable to teleport, but also the own person.

This can effectively avoid some spies' actions, but at the same time it also limits their own actions.

It is a setting with pros and cons, but most of the time, it is still advantageous.

After all, the elves are still not used to living in this environment. Most of the time, the guards of Xingyue Pass are not too many.

Edwin stretched out his hand, Lin Chuan didn't feel much, they disappeared from where they were.

When he appeared again, he was already in a small town.

"When I was young, I traveled around. This is one of my properties."

Edwin explained a little bit, but Lin Chuan didn't ask much.

But presumably, this place is not just a real estate when you were young.

Looking at the environment and the decorations inside, it must have been useful recently.

Edwin has never given up on the layout, thinking of the previous guess, Lin Chuan felt that there seemed to be a spark of thinking blooming in his mind.

When he arrived, Lin Chuan released all the cages from the half plane without Edwin's urging. Even Lin Chuan also took out the boxes he had obtained.

"These are all taken from the tent, they are all here."

There are no omissions, all are here.

Edwin pointed to Lin Chuan and said, "I am not going to collect your own gains."

Edwin just looked around randomly and found a lot of good things.

He said: "There are many good things in it, all of which are only available to the elves, and your territory may be used."

Even the demigods said it was a good thing, even if it was useless to the demigod, it was definitely a very good thing for Lin Chuan's current situation.

Since Lord Edwin said he didn't want it, Lin Chuan put everything away again.

Edwin stretched out his hand and pointed: "Little Slick!"

Of course, this is not a reprimand, but a way for the superior to show closeness.

Although there were some discomforts, Lin Chuan was very suitable to express his desire to approach.

Before you become strong, you still need the necessary background and background.

Then, the two people looked at these cages.

Those elves were all put on imprisoned collars, their bodies had no magic power, and their strength was almost consumed.

In fact, most of the elves are actually in a coma.

Inside, there was the elf who first spoke to Lin Chuan, but she wanted to speak, but she seemed to be imprisoned by something, and she couldn't speak.

Lin Chuan glanced at Saint Edwin quietly, looking like this man's handwriting.

Edwin looked at the collars, only chuckled.

Lin Chuanneng noticed that the pattern on the collar was very complicated, and it didn't seem to be easy to remove.

Maybe there are still some traps in it, and everyone who goes to remove the collar will be drawn into the trap.

Saint Edwin didn't have a headache, but with a wave of his hand, most of the cages disappeared.

It seems that Saint Edwin was brought into his demiplane.

Only seven cages were left at the scene, and the elf who was talking to Lin Chuan was in them.

In addition, in the second tent, that is, the tent with many boxes, the five faces have the most patterns. Lin Chuan guessed that the princess was among the five elves.

But besides that, there is another one, which does not look amazing and has few patterns on its face.

But since Saint Edwin left this elf, it represented the difference and importance of her identity.

This is a trap, the other person?

No, this fairy does not seem simple, those patterns?

Edwin laughed and said, "It seems that you also found out?"

Lin Chuan said with embarrassment: "I didn't find it before, but it was your sir that these actions reminded me."

In those previous times, there were enemies looking around. Lin Chuan doesn't have much time, everything is done according to the idea of ​​saving the elves in a hurry.

So it is inevitable that some details have not been discovered.

But at this time, Lin Chuan's careful observation revealed many flaws.

The patterns on the face, or magic lines, were false, which seemed to have been deliberately made.

Of course, this can only be seen by people who are very proficient in the magic pattern of the elves, at least those in the ghost wolf group have not noticed it.

Otherwise, there are probably more than those elves in the big tent.

Add this one.

In other words, this one is the fairy princess!

He had missed it before!

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