The Rebirth of the Male God Starts From Playing Games

Chapter 369: 366. Marry if you are handsome

  Chapter 369 366. Marry if you are handsome

  On July 1, 2007, Apple's mobile phone was put on sale in the United States.

  Because Bomi smartphones did not enter the U.S. market (mainly stuck by related departments), as the first smart phone that Americans can use, Apple has achieved unprecedented success.

  Apple’s stock price has risen all the way from US$114 to US$126, an increase of 10%. One can imagine how optimistic about Apple’s capital.

  At the same time, they are also very optimistic about the smartphone market.

  On August 15, shortly after Bomi just finished holding the International Electronic Entertainment Exhibition, Apple held an internal company meeting, and Apple’s COO Cook was reporting to Jobs.

  In October 2005, Cook was appointed as the company’s COO and chief operating officer.

  When he recognized Cook as the COO, Jobs announced that he had noticed that Cook had “have been engaged in this work for more than two years.”

  Now, Cook’s responsibilities have been extended to iPhone sales and operations, including being responsible for negotiating with wireless operators in 51 countries that sell iPhone.

  In addition, he also served as the head of important departments such as law, finance, design, and marketing, reporting directly to Jobs.

  So after the iPhone went online this year, it was basically Cook who was managing related things.

  A few months ago, Jobs was hospitalized because of illness. Cook temporarily replaced him during this period.

After being discharged from the hospital, Jobs noticed that under the management of Cook, the company not only did not have a decline in performance but set new highs repeatedly, and Cook did quite a good job in daily management.

  Jobs knew that he did not have much time, and he is now seizing the time to train his successor, and Cook is one of them.

  At Apple’s sales meeting.

  Cook reported, “From market feedback, the iPhone produced by our company is very popular among users.

  In just one month, the sales volume of Apple mobile phones exceeded 500,000 units.

  It is estimated that by the end of this quarter, it will be able to sell about 1.5 million units. If it is not because of the limited production capacity, the sales volume should be a lot more than it is now. "

  Before smartphones have touched the ceiling of the local market, the number of regional users is far from restricting smartphone sales.

  In the Omi area, the number of mobile phone users is about 250 million people. Most users on the market still use Nokia and Motorola. If you want to reach the bottleneck, Apple's mobile phone is estimated to be sold for another 4 to 5 years.

   And when Apple cannibalize local users and occupy almost the same market share of mobile phone products such as Nokia and Motorola, it will form a user-grabbing relationship with Bomi, which is far away in China.

  So Apple is not very dependent on the Chinese market. Although Jobs also knows that the Chinese market is a piece of fat, but China is not letting it go, and Apple’s mobile phones will not be available in China for a while.

  Originally, shortly after the mobile phone was developed, Jobs had already made a Chinese version specially, just to better adapt to the Chinese market and to take a certain share.

  Now it seems that this feasibility is still in the foreseeable future.

   "Huh?" Jobs took off his glasses and put them on the table, and asked with some confusion, "What is the reason for the limited capacity?"

  After the large-scale success of Bomi smartphones, Apple is very confident in the market, so basically it is invested in the production of Apple mobile phones at all costs, and funding should not be a problem.

  Cook tapped the computer and projected the ppt onto the big screen through the projector.

  "The reason for the limitation is that there is competition from Bomi. The number of accessories produced by the top supply chain that Apple can get is relatively limited, especially in the mobile phone screen."

LG’s screen production capacity in a quarter is about 5 million, most of which will be supplied to Bomi in advance, because Bomi has signed a five-year long contract with LG, and LG is now looking for ways to expand its production scale. , Add a few more assembly lines, it is expected that in a few months, the production capacity will be higher.

  Now that Apple has sought China’s BOE as the second mobile phone screen supplier, Cook is more annoyed that it seems that before Apple finds BOE, they have signed a relevant supply agreement with Bomi.

  After listening to Cook’s narration--

   "Hmm..." Jobs couldn't help frowning.


  How does this company oppose us everywhere?

  And it's one step faster than us every time.

  But what Jobs didn’t know was--

  BOE took the initiative to find Bomi, not BOE, like them. This is still different. The difference lies in who is more active and who has the real power to bargain.

  Because of Bomi’s backing, BOE was very confident when negotiating with Apple and dared to make a price.

   even offered a price that was 1 dollar more expensive than LG.

  Because there are relatively few suppliers on the market that can produce smartphone screens, Apple has to agree.

The time for smartphones to appear is still relatively short. It has only been 6 months since the launch of Bomi smartphones. The relevant suppliers are not yet ready for mass production, so there is no alternative to the limited production capacity. .

  "Continue to find suppliers." Jobs said calmly, "Cultivate more relevant suppliers. We can't always grab the same set of supply chain as Bomi. Bomi must do the same.

  Now is the beginning of the development of smart phones, and there will be more and more related manufacturers in the future. "

  There must be multiple sets of reserves in the supply chain of large factories. For example, the supplier of screens cannot only be LG. After BOE joins, there will be more suppliers in the future.

  In fact, after the development of the smart phone industry in the future, there will be many different mobile phone manufacturers, corresponding to most of the same supply chain.

  This situation is normal.

   "Yeah." Cook nodded, agreeing with Jobs' views.

  In the previous life, Apple’s sales in the first year were only 1.4 million units.

The main reason is that because the smartphone has just been launched, many related suppliers have not kept up with the production capacity, and at the beginning, Apple did not expect to achieve such a success. The first year is still in the water test stage, so Apple stocked up in 2007 The amount is relatively small.

But because of the super good sales results in the first year, Apple only tasted the sweetness, so in the second year, it increased the stock of Apple mobile phones. In the second year, Apple mobile phones were sold directly to 1,160 worldwide. Million units.

  Directly is more than 8 times the sales volume in 2007.

   After that, it has gone all the way up, setting new sales records every year, with 20.7 million units in 2009, 39.9 million units in 2010, and almost doubled directly to 72.3 million units in 2011.

  An important reason why Apple’s sales exploded this year is because in 2011, iPhone4 opened the door to the Chinese market.

After   , it was like riding a rocket, and it reached more than 200 million all the way...

  And this time, the reason why Apple dared to put into mass production at the beginning is because Bomi smartphones have already explored the way ahead, and now there is no need to explore Apple phones again.

Moreover, Bomi smartphones developed the supply chain earlier than Apple. In fact, the supply chain has been improved by Bomi phones before Apple’s mobile phones entered the market. Companies in the corresponding supply chain are working hard to improve their own Capacity.

  This is also the reason why Apple’s mobile phone sales have been better in this life than in the previous life.

  However, Apple is also very unlucky in this life, because Bomi’s [targeting] is everywhere

  In fact, Boss Cao didn't even think about targeting them. Boss Cao was just a patriotic businessman, hoping to advance many high-tech products by so many years. This is also natural.


  Now with the popularity of Bomi smartphones and Apple mobile phones, various parts and accessories are in short supply. In addition to selling the whole machine, there are many others used for after-sales maintenance and replacement.

  For example, with the increasing sales of Bomi smartphones, various Bomi mobile phone cables on the market are also selling a lot.

  The reason is actually very simple-

  Because the Bomi smart phone uses the tail plug, and now there is no wireless charging function, it is often easy to wear at the connection between the phone line and the phone, and then just selling the data line has trained many businesses.

  Because of the short supply, the production capacity of spare parts is limited.

  All major spare parts manufacturers are trying to expand their own production capacity. It is expected that by next year, the supply chain of the smartphone market can provide at least 30 million mobile phones.

  As for how many of them will be produced by Apple, it is unknown.


  With the gradual increase in the production capacity of these manufacturers, more and more parts manufacturers have joined the supply chain of smart phones.

  On the mobile phone screen alone, many manufacturers have gradually entered the market, for example:

  Samsung in the cold country, Sharp and JDI in the East Island, Hehui Optoelectronics, Shentianma, Visionox, Xinli, Rouyu Technology in Mainland China...

  A bunch of companies took root and began to develop related mobile phone screens.

   LG, Samsung and BOE are already developing next-generation mobile phone screen products.

  The increasingly fierce competition will also push down the prices of corresponding parts.

  While Apple’s mobile phone was still worrying about production capacity, Bomi mobile phone had already taken the lead, looking for China’s supply chain in advance for the research and development of micron mobile phones. This set of supply chains will cost much less than the top-level supply chains.

  By the time mass production is possible next year, the manufacturing cost of micron mobile phones can almost be suppressed to less than 500 yuan.

  What does the cost of 500 yuan mean?

   means that Micron mobile phones can be sold directly for 700 yuan.

  This price will definitely be robbed by the market as soon as it comes out.

  Micron is the thing that can really threaten the status of the current overlords such as Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung.


  Originally, Apple's mobile phones were sold in the Omi area, and could not enter the Chinese market.

  Bomi mobile phones are also sold in countries other than the Omi region, and cannot enter the Omi market.

  Everyone does not offend the river water.

  The user groups of both sides are growing very fast, and because each other’s users currently only have their own smartphone in the local market, there is no way to compare.


  It happened to a man named Bauer Jones. This man worked in a multinational company and needed to fly back and forth between the United States and China. For convenience, he bought Apple and Bomi smartphones respectively.

  Because in the process of work, he gradually learned the difference between the two mobile phones.

  Then this person named Bower Jones uploaded a video on the tubing, which was mainly used to tell the difference between the two different smartphones and the evaluation of the two phones.

  As a result, this video quickly became popular.

  The appearance of this video caused an uproar around the world.


  In this video, Ball Jones made a detailed analysis comparing two products:

First, from the point of view of portability, Apple is slightly better, because Apple's mobile phone is relatively small, only 3.5 inches, not much bigger than Nokia now, while Bomi's smart phone is obviously much larger, with 6 inches. , Like a small brick.

  Second, from a performance point of view, because Apple’s mobile phone uses Apple’s own IOS system and a relatively mature performance model, in terms of the fluency of performance, Apple’s mobile phone should be slightly better.

  The reason why it’s so good and so lost instead of too much, one of the important reasons is because——

  At the end of last year, Bomi and Apple completed the exchange of a number of patents, part of which was related to performance optimization patents.

  So after absorbing Apple's development patents, the performance of Bomi smartphones has become quite smooth now.

  The disadvantage is mainly in the operating system.

  But because Bomi made the Hongmeng operating system open source, it is equivalent to letting programmers around the world help optimize this operating system, so now with continuous improvements and changes, the Hongmeng system has come out to the Hongmeng 1.05 version.

  The performance of this version is quite good.

Thirdly, in terms of appearance, Bomi smartphones have completely exploded to Apple. Bomi smartphones are very industrially aesthetic, made of aluminum alloy, streamlined body, and thin glass screen... It looks simple and elegant and upscale, very Perfect.

  And Apple’s first-generation mobile phone products, in fact, still have a little bit of the legacy of mobile phones from the old era.

  In addition to the lack of a keyboard and the use of touch-screen control, Apple actually has a slightly Motorola-like appearance.

  Fourth, in terms of functionality, Bomi smart phones are obviously better than Apple and have more complete functions.

  On the Bomi smartphone, the map used in China is the Gaode map. Apple has the functions of the Bomi smartphone, and you can also play more interesting games on the Bomi phone——

  For example, "Fruit Assassin", "Angry Birds", "Thunder Fighter", "Monument Valley"...

  These games are exclusively owned by Bomi smartphones.

  The games on Apple are really lackluster.

   Fourth, entertaining.

  After entering the era of smart phones, smart phones are not simply a tool for calling and sending text messages.

  It must take on more entertainment functions.

  The big screen is obviously much more comfortable than the small screen. Whether it is used for playing games or surfing the Internet, watching movies or chatting, the big screen looks much better and is better for the eyes.


  It’s normal to think about it.

  After all, Cao Yang came from 2021. What he got was the design ideas for future products, whether it was in the form of the design, the design of the operating system, or various functions, including game applications...

  Cao Yang are all future designs used.

   is equivalent to using the 2021 design to beat the 2006 Apple.

  If this battle is still defeated, it can only show that Cao Yang is really good.


  In short, this up host made a popularization to people who don’t know Bomi and Apple, or only understand one of them, through video.

   Let everyone know the difference between these two phones.

  Later, this video was posted to Tudou and ACFUN by Chinese players because it was too hot on the tubing, so the difference between [Apple mobile phone] and [Bomi smart phone] became popular on the Internet.

  With the release of the video, related discussions have become more and more heated.

   "Fuck! This up owner is a bit powerful. It is very difficult for ordinary people to own two smartphones at the same time. I was looking for some relevant information, but found that there are really few.

  I can hardly see anyone sorting out the differences between Apple and Bomi smartphones.

  I saw it this time, thank you Lord Up. "

  "From the video, I think the Bomi smartphone is better. Just thinking about the fact that you can’t play Fruit Assassin on an Apple phone is immediately unattractive."

  "That’s right. Apple really has very few applications now. I don’t know when there will be mobile game manufacturers entering.

  I think the game is really the advantage of Bomi, after all, Bomi was born in games. "

  "Bomi smart phones are really awesome, mainly because Bomi will bind these games on the smart phones.

  I’m still playing Fruit Assassin. It’s really fun, the kind that never gets tired of. "

  "As a girl, I definitely support Bomi smartphones. I play Fruit Assassins with my boyfriend every day.

  When I have nothing, this game is the best way to pass the time. "

  "The people who can make this comparison video are really not ordinary people. I don’t think I can do it with both Apple and Bomi smartphones.

  But thanks to this up master, I die of my heart for Apple.

  I have always liked Apple products, from Apple computers to iPods, because Apple represents industrial art.

  There are few products in the industry that can be described by the word [art].

  Apple is one of them, and their pursuit of design art has reached a heinous level.

  And many of Apple’s products are indeed very good, whether in terms of beauty or performance, they have reached the height of art.

  So when the Apple mobile phone came out, I was still thinking about whether to keep the money to buy one if Apple enters the Chinese market in the future.

  Or to buy Bomi smartphones directly.

  But this time, Apple was really compared by Bomi.

  In terms of appearance and entertainment, I think Bomi smartphones really surpass Apple too much.

  Thank you up, I can now make up my mind to buy a Bomi smartphone.

grateful. "


  For American users, when they watched this video, they fell into silence for a while.

  Countless people have launched a lively discussion on the Internet:

  "Fak, Fak Apple.


  Why can’t Bomi smartphones be sold in the US?

  I also want a Bomi smartphone. "

  "Yes, I found out that I was cheated by Apple. Why should I watch this video? I think people who don’t know the truth are happy. After knowing the truth, I feel very, very uncomfortable, really.

  In such a comparison, the Apple mobile phone is really bad.

  I really want to play the Bomi smartphone, and I really want to play the games inside. "

   "Yes, the games that can be played on Bomi smartphones really look so amazing, I don't know how to describe my current mood.

  I originally supported Apple. If I hadn’t seen this video before, I would think that Apple’s smartphones are the best phones in the world.

  But, now I see it.

  In China, a company called Bomi has made a mobile phone product that surpasses Apple.

  This phone is stronger than the current Apple in terms of appearance, entertainment and functionality.

  I really regret it, why should I buy an Apple mobile phone. "

   "Come on, you guys don't know that Bomi smartphones are not on sale in the U.S., so we can only take a look.

  But I think if you don’t care if you can read Chinese, or if you don’t care if you can use it to make calls or send text messages, it is also an option to use this phone as a game console.

  If it is treated as a game console, I think I can buy one. "


   When Jobs saw it, his entire popularity was not good.

   "Fakbomi! Fak!"

  He had a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time. The most important thing was to be angry. Jobs himself had to admit that he was really no better than Cao Yang in terms of design.


  But it’s actually okay, because Bomi smartphones and Apple don’t compete in the same market.

  You beat you, I beat mine.

  Even if the mobile phone users in the two countries know the difference between these two smart phone products, and more people prefer the Bomi smart phone.

What's the use of   ?

  Americans can’t buy Bomi smartphones at all.

  If you can’t buy a Bomi smartphone, shouldn’t you buy it?

  It is also possible to use Apple.

  In the future, as more third-party applications are developed, many mobile games can also be played on Apple. The only difference is that——

  Are these games well designed by Bomi?

  In fact, there are not too many people who have seen related videos. Even if they see them, they still have to live the days that should be lived every day.

  For Americans, it is good to be able to use Apple mobile phones, but it does not matter whether Bomi smartphones are used or not.

  Many Americans even published their thoughts on these two products on the Internet:

   "What is there to consider? You can't buy a Bomi smart phone in China. And I think the phone is better than Apple, simple and durable.

  For people like me who are used to Nokia and Motorola, Apple’s small screen may be more suitable for me. "

   "Yes, I don't think you need to exaggerate Bomi Company too much, and you don't need to blame Apple.

  Because Apple is a very great company after all, they have a lot of experience in technology accumulation and product development.

  Bomi smart phones have the functions, I believe that Apple phones will soon have them.

  Maybe the next Apple product will produce a large-screen mobile phone.

  As for entertainment, I don’t think Apple should be counted on to do this. This needs to be solved by many game manufacturers.

  Of course, for me, it doesn’t matter whether there are games or not. "

  "Yes, in the video, Bomi’s mobile game is just that way. Apple’s mobile phone has been developed and sold, and it shouldn’t take long for developers to make games for it.

  And didn’t the up master also say it——

  In terms of performance, Apple is better. After all, Apple's hardware technology is better than Bomi. "

   "Yes, yes, it's just a matter of time.

  I think people who want to buy a mobile phone can buy it, because even if you can buy a Bomi mobile phone, you can’t use it. So if you like smart phones, you can buy Apple first.

  It’s okay if you want to wait a while.

  The current Apple mobile phones are not very practical, like I am using Nokia now.

  It’s never too late to wait until the next generation of Apple phones matures. "


  In general, users are still very sane. For a long period of time, Bomi smartphones and Apple mobile phones will develop along their own market paths, until one day the two mobile phone markets have an intersection.

  Only then will there be a real conflict.

  And users will face real choices.

  Currently, the United States does not open its market to Bomi, and China does not open its market to Apple. Everyone has nothing to do with it.

  Let’s go our own way.


  Bomi smart phone's biggest contribution to the world market is to bring together the world's major parts suppliers to provide a complete smart phone supply chain.

  And its greatest contribution to the Chinese market is to enable China’s supply chain to follow suit.

  At the same time, it is not only the supply chain, but there are also many merchants who want to enter the smart phone.

  Mobile phone manufacturers have sprung up.

  In this year, Lei Jun, the president of Emperor Capital Kingsoft, saw a huge business opportunity in the smart phone market. There is no low-end smart phone on the market, so he believes that this market has huge potential.

  In July last year, Lei Jun saw the Bomi smartphone promotional video released by Bomi on the Internet.

  At that time, Lei Jun was shocked after reading it.

  In February this year, Bomi launched its first smartphone.

  Lei Jun immediately bought one and came back to study for himself.

  After completing the research, Rebs' brain had an idea——

  Can I do the low-end smartphone market in China?

  Or rather than the low-end market, but the most cost-effective, allowing users to buy the best mobile phone products with the least money?

When the thought of    appeared, Lei Jun couldn't sleep every night.

  Because this idea is really too urgent, and it gives him great energy and motivation in his heart.

  This thing constantly tempts him, interferes with him, and makes him careless when working.

  However, the difficulty is also a fact in front of us——

  Lei doesn’t know how to make mobile phones, and he hasn’t even made hardware.

  The biggest strength of Kingsoft Software Company lies in making software.

  But Lei Jun’s inner voice told him that you have to make such a mobile phone, and the world needs such a mobile phone.

   So in June this year, by chance, Lei Jun met Lin Bin, the vice president of Google's China Engineering Research Institute and Google's global engineering director.

  The two people talked very happily. It can be said that they met the feeling of a friend. They often ate together and slept together at night.

  Chats are all about the forefront of current technology, and they are about smartphones, future operating systems, artificial intelligence...

   Then one day, Lei Jun told Lin Bin his inner thoughts and invited him to start a business with him.

  Lin Bin was taken aback at the time. After these days of getting along, he felt that Rebs was a very far-sighted person who also knew the market well. It was really a pleasure to chat with him.

  Therefore, without much hesitation, Lin Bin agreed to Lei Jun’s invitation.

  Lei’s boss is simply overjoyed.

  This is the first employee he dug.

  After Lei Jun went back, he submitted his resignation, wanting to come out and do some business on his own. Qiu Bojun is actually very talented towards him, but he also knows that a person like Lei Jun cannot live in peace forever, and he must go out and do it alone to create a world.

  So Qiu Bojun was also very happy, so he agreed to Lei Jun’s resignation, and the two people still maintained a very good partnership.

  Jinshan invested the initial start-up capital for Lei Jun’s new company, which was 30 million yuan.

   So Boss Lei took the money, together with Lin Bin, a partner who had just been hired from Google, and started his own difficult entrepreneurial road.

  At this time, Boss Lei hadn’t figured out the name of his company.

  Because he is busy recruiting a third employee, he runs to Google China Research Institute every day, hoping to dig more talents.

  Lei Jun went on to find ten Google engineers, and some even talked about it twice or three times.

  As a result, no one wanted to join them.

  Lei Jun felt really desperate.

  This feeling of being rejected makes your self-confidence break down little by little.

Boss Cao also experienced similar things back then, but his luck was better, because after he was repeatedly rejected by senior engineers of Huawei and senior officials of Lenovo’s computer and mobile phone department, Cao Yang successfully found Ni Guangnan, and then Ni Guangnan recommended Liu Qiang to him so that this matter can proceed.

  And now Lei Jun is equivalent to starting from scratch, and he is not a hardware manufacturer. Many Google engineers heard that he is going to be a mobile phone. The first reaction is -

  Is this person's brain broken?

  After so many years of accumulation, plus chip experts like Liu Qiang, as well as the cooperation support of Huawei, it took two or three years to develop the current smart phone.

  Now, how can a person who does software at Kingsoft Corporation think of entering the smart phone market? This thing is simply difficult to carry out.

  The key is that the people at Google have no experience in developing mobile phones.

  In short, Lei Jun continued to move forward under such circumstances, maintaining the enthusiasm of never giving up.

  Until he talked about the eleventh Google engineer——


  Hong Feng is a very calm, very analytical thinking typical programmer. When he met, he asked Rebs four questions:

  "First, have you ever made a mobile phone?"

  Lei Jun replied, "I haven't done it."

  At this time, Hong Feng asked Lei Jun the second question blankly, "Then do you know the boss of Mobile?"

  Lei Jun felt the cold sweat on his back, as if he was being interviewed.

   But he soon figured this out--

  Isn’t hiring people just like being interviewed? Because I need him, not he needs me.

  So Lei Jun replied sincerely, "I don't know."

   Hong Feng frowned and continued to ask him, "Then do you know Guo Taiming?"

  Lei shook his head with difficulty, "I know Guo Taiming, but he doesn't know me."

  At this time, Lei Jun was stupid.

  The questions Hong Feng asked are very practical questions——

  Have you ever made a mobile phone?

  It is very difficult to succeed without experience in making mobile phones.

  Do you know the mobile boss? There is no mobile support to make a mobile phone, so be a shit.

  Do you know Guo Taiming?

  Guo Taiming: Taiwan's Hon Hai Group, the owner of Foxconn's parent company.

  Foxconn is the world's largest hardware generation factory, which can help assemble and process mobile phones. If you can know him, then there is a guarantee on the production line.

   Now it is equivalent to Lei Jun neither knows how to make a mobile phone, nor does he have the support of relevant departments. In this case, it is really too difficult to make a mobile phone.

   "Then do you know Cao Yang, the boss of Bomi Company?" Hong Feng then asked.

  Lei Jun’s eyes lit up, "I know. But there is only one side."

  This is true. Lei Jun knows Cao Yang. The two met during the campus job fair in Wuhan.

  "Do we hope to get the support of Cao Yang?"

   "Uh..." Lei Jun said, "I can give it a try."

  In fact, at this point, Lei Jun has already felt that he is out of play. The questions asked by Hong Feng are real and real questions. If you can't even handle these, then really, don't make a mobile phone.

  After this conversation, Lei Jun was deeply shocked. He even had such a trace of doubt as to whether he could make a mobile phone?

  Next, Lei Jun was polite, and chatted with Hong Feng for more than 2 hours.

   Just when he had given up hope and was about to leave, Hong Feng said to him, "I think, you can try."


  At this moment, Lei Jun felt that the whole world was bright.

   is Hong Feng’s sentence, I think I can try it, and let him embark on the road of making smart phones.

   And Hong Feng has also successfully become the third employee of the company.

  A few people, pulling up a dozen brothers from Jinshan, began to roll up their sleeves and do it.

  But where do you start?

  Lei Jun and the other brothers did not find a way for a while.

A group of people basically have no experience in the development of mobile phone hardware. Some of the two engineers at Google have only theoretical knowledge. Because Google has worked closely with Apple, Lin Bin will know some of them. Condition.

  But it is really very, very difficult to develop hardware.

  First of all, it is impossible to start from the chip design, unless Lei Jun can dig people like the boss of Bomi.

  Or, the easiest way is to dig people directly from Bomi.

  When it was decided to start making mobile phones from the operating system, this company was truly embarking on the road of smartphones.

  At this time, the company needs to be registered and needs an official name.

  So Lei Jun asked the employees for their opinions to see which name is more appropriate.

  In the subsequent discussion, Lei Jun suddenly thought of my favorite sentence-"Buddha view a grain of rice, as big as Mount Xumi".

  But when someone proposed to call it "rice" or "xiaomi", it was rejected by everyone.

  The main reason is-

   "This name is too similar to the naming style of Bomi," Lei Jun said, "Our company wants to be bigger. In the future, it will be called Dami or Xiaomi and people will mistake us for a certain brand under Bomi.

  As far as I know, in addition to Bomi smartphones, Bomi is already developing another mobile phone brand product called Micron.

  What we call rice, millet, it is a bit too inappropriate. "

  In fact, if it is called Xiaomi, one advantage is that——

  It can take advantage of the popularity of Bomi. Many counterfeit machines in China do this. They are called SAMSUNG. As a result, a counterfeit machine is called directly——

  SUMSUNG, it seems that there is not much difference, and it seems to be the same in recitation.

  So many people mistakenly thought that this is a Samsung phone, but when they bought it, they found that there was a letter that didn’t match.

  Others also have similar, such as Kaya, Motorola...

   is everywhere in the market.

If    is called Xiaomi, it can really catch the popularity of Bomi in the early stage, giving people the illusion that Xiaomi is a sub-brand series of Bomi smartphones.

  But over time, when you want to be bigger, this name will become the biggest constraint of the company.

  Because the world has positioned you as a subsidiary of Bomi Company from the beginning, it will be difficult to get rid of this stereotype in the future.

  So consider it, Lei Jun finally rejected the plan to use the word [米].

  The last name used is [Xiaobing].

  Why is it called Xiaobing?

  Because Lei Jun feels that the company is now in the early stage of starting a business, it can be said that it is walking on thin ice, every step must be very cautious.

  So I started an ice character to remind myself.

  Ice, not only has a cold feeling, but also makes you feel a little sweet.

  Especially when paired with small print, you will feel very kind.

  So in the end everyone agreed to this plan.


  In this world, a smart phone development company called [XiaoIce] was born.


  When he saw this news, Cao Yang almost didn't spit out a mouthful of water.

   "I rely on... Boss Lei, is this a secretary?!"

  Why isn’t it called Xiaomi?

  I named Micron, and I specially left you a Xiaomi as a spare?

  Why are you so unappreciative?

   But it’s right to think about it carefully. If he were Lei Jun, he would definitely not be able to name anything related to Mi.

  The main reason is that Bomi’s name is too loud. This Bomi has a high influence and popularity all over the world.

  When you name it Xiaomi, it’s hard not to think of Bomi.

  So Lei Jun is still very wise.

  It’s a pity that a company called Xiaomi is missing in this world.

  Cao Yang still feels a bit regretful.


   Ai Xiaomi called Cao Yang in the evening.

"Boss, there is really a person named Lei Jun in the world." Ai Xiaomi was very excited to watch the news related to Xiaoice Company on the browser, "but your prediction is wrong, the name of the company is [Xiao] Bing] instead of [Xiaomi]"

   However, Ai Xiaomi was relieved when she saw the name.

  Recall what she said to Cao Yang back then--

  If, as Boss Cao said, there is really a boss in the world who takes Xiaomi as the company's name, she will definitely marry him.

  Look at Lei Jun's appearance, it's actually not too ugly, nor handsome.

  The main reason is that they already have a wife, and I really have to be a bit unkind.

   is now called 【Xiaobing】It’s just right.

   Originally thought Boss Cao was a prophet, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

   Cao Yang should have known Lei Jun. At that time, it was just a joke to her casually.


  What should I say?

   "I think," Cao Yang said on the other side of the phone, "You shouldn't make that vow. Isn't there a company called Xiaomi in this world?"

  Do you want to marry him? "

   Ai Xiaomi choked, and then went back and said, "Yes, it depends on the situation. If you look handsome, you can marry."



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  Thank you all

See you tomorrow

  (End of this chapter)

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