Xia Yitong—[You let me work in a hole in the wall? 】

Lu Yinbing's brain was full of blood and immediately chilled: "Do you think I am such a bad person to my girlfriend?"

Xia Yitong-[That must not be. 】

The smile on Xia Yitong's face could no longer be restrained, and he quickly pulled the fennel to block her a little, and replied with a straight look—[This looks like a lounge outside? What's the matter with that door? 】

Lu Yinbing explained happily in the rumbling background: "I opened up the middle. From now on, you will enter the office with your front foot and my office with your back foot."

Xia Yitong—[[Scream of the Groundhog.gif]]

Lu Yinbing—[[The Groundhog Scream.gif]]

Xia Yitong-[Will anyone find this way? [Worry]】

It was too noisy, and Lu Yinbing had to change to typing—【Will I leave a handle when I do something? Don't worry, this door is set up very secretly. It is also in your lounge. No one can see it except the aunt who cleans it. Auntie is our confidant and won't say a word. 】

Xia Yitong—[I want to see with my own eyes, why is there so long [crazy]]

Lu Yinbing-[There are still 31 days, Teacher Xia, come on! 】

Xia Yitong—[Teacher Lu, come on [Groundhog Scream.gif]]

This movie is definitely Xia Yitong’s most hard-working movie running in publicity. Except for other important events that hit the publicity schedule, she will basically be there every time, not just because of Lu Yinbing, this is her first time. A movie, related to her transformation, can be regarded as one of her most important things in recent years. Lu Yinbing also followed a road show every now and then, and his diligence made Qin Hanlin's eyes burst into tears.

The two are equivalent to seeing each other once every three chapters, although there may not necessarily be a chance to meet in private, anyhow they can solve the pain of lovesickness.

Everything about the director, actors, publicity and distribution team, etc., created a movie that earned both the word of mouth and the box office. On July 1, the first day of "Break Snow", the box office performed extremely well.

The main creative team is still running publicity outside. The crew working group in the pocket has been blown up. This group was built when the crew was first formed. It has been exactly one year. Xia Yitong is basically quiet like a chicken without talking, Lu Yin Bing directly didn't add this group, leaving her assistant to stare inside.

Starting in the early morning, Qin Hanlin sent a message-[Released [Fireworks] Box Office [Struggle]]

Hundreds of people underneath just swipe it and follow the line type—[Released [Fireworks] Box Office [Fight]]

Xia Yitong woke up in the morning and was stunned by the news. Although there are many news, the latest @全员 is the live box office, a screenshot, and the current box office real-time statistics. All the situation is clear at a glance. I saw a movie that was released a few hours ago in the early morning and has already won 30 million box office.

Before the word-of-mouth in the early stage of the movie came out, now in the market, the main box office can only be the leading actor of the movie, and the starring power determines the momentum of a movie in the early stage.

There is a kind of actor, as long as she puts her name in the column of the movie starring, it means that the movie will not disappoint. Lu Yinbing is that kind of actor. Xia Yitong posted a status in her circle of friends, setting it to be visible to Lu Yinbing.

[Love you, girlfriend. Is the movie appointment? [Heart]】

The attached pictures are photos of Lu Yinbing's set makeup with bows and arrows and majestic hair. The official blog has never published it, or she asked the photography assistant directly in private.

She thought about it, and deleted the words "girlfriend" in the middle of "I love you" and "Movie appointment?" Even if it is visible to one person, she is afraid that her hands will shake, or the system will make mistakes, and eventually change. Become [Love you, movie appointment [heart]], even if you are seen, you can say that you are a fan of the other party.

After sending it out, she swiped through the circle of friends and couldn't help but laugh.

There is a Lu Yinbing brain fan in her circle of friends. Six hours ago, she posted a picture of a movie theater with a lot of movie tickets in her hand. The hand looked like it was not her hand, fingers. It is too long, thin and white, and the nails are trimmed clean and round.

Xia Yitong left a message below: [Yo, Sister Youxuan, your girlfriend? 】

Then, as time went by, at a quarter past three in the morning, Shang Youxuan came out after watching the movie and posted another circle of friends:

[Too abuse, too abuse, too abuse, too abuse, too abuse, too abuse, too much abuse, too much abuse [泪][泪][泪][泪]]

Four o'clock.

[I went home, I can’t let go for a long time, now my eyes are like rabbits [sad]]

Five o'clock.

[It’s so sad that I haven’t slept all night, and it’s dawn now [smile]]

Six o'clock.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Suitable for the whole family to poke, in general it is very special and very beautiful! Lu Yinghou was so beautiful that she was more handsome than men and more charming than women. One ticket, two pieces of aesthetics, and even more women's ladies, waiting for you to see! 】

Xia Yitong clicked into the other party’s circle of friends and took a screenshot directly. The name was mosaicked and sent to Lu Yinbing, with the wording—[your fan [laugh]]

Lu Yinbing didn't return, and the work group started broadcasting on-demand every ten minutes.

[Photography Liu XX: 31 million. 】

[Field Affairs Li XX: 31.76 million. 】

By the time Xia Yitong went out at 7:30, there were already 35 million. Once the road show was backstage, the director, deputy director, screenwriter, and other main creators from the crew all gathered around to win the box office.

Qin Hanlin's voice was very loud and his face was flushed.

When they saw Xia Yitong, they greeted her to go over, and the group slapped their hands. Qin Hanlin said the first few words: "Break Snow" is selling at the box office!" Everyone went down and shouted: "Come on!"

Heroic dry cloud.

Even though the box office broadcast in the group made no sense of suspense, after Xia Yitong finished her work at night, Xia Yitong returned to her den after finishing her work. After taking a shower and lying on the bed, she couldn’t help but was so excited with her pillow. Face screaming.

Box office statistics before ten o'clock in the evening of the same day—

"Break Snow" has a cumulative box office of 223 million;

"Wolf X" has a total box office of 72.33 million;

"Arrow XX" has a cumulative box office of 46.87 million;

"Yu XXX" has a total box office of 21.11 million;

The cumulative box office of "Lieh XXXXX"...

The top three movies are all released today. Among them, "Wolf X" is a 3D blockbuster, but the situation is not gratifying from the box office response. Part of the reason is that the current film abuses 3D, which has not had the freshness of previous years. The audience also Don’t buy it; another part of the reason is the omni-directional squeeze of "Break Snow", which will push down the movies that may be released on other schedules and the box office may go up. On the first day of the release, "Snow Break" accounted for 40% of the film, and other films accounted for 60%. It is conceivable that after the box office leader appears, the movie lineup of the theater will be mobilized, and the box office performance will not Good can only give way to economic benefits.

Although "Snow Breaking" is also a large-scene production, Qin Hanlin did not adopt 3D technology after careful consideration. Instead, he paid more attention to the fineness of the picture and the texture of film particles. The visual enjoyment is even better than that of 3D viewing, and it is synchronized. With the IMax version, viewers who want to lick their faces can lick their faces more comfortably in all directions.

This is what Qin Hanlin told her. Of course she doesn't have time to watch it now, and now there are so many people, she dare not appear in the cinema even if she has time.

After hesitating for ten minutes in bed, Xia Yitong dared to go to the film review website to review the film reviews. Although the film review website has been invaded by the navy and sunspots this year, the score is not as objective as before, but it is not replaced by other film review sites for the time being. It is still the standard by which many people judge whether a movie is good or bad.

Xia Yitong covered one eye and quickly glanced at the score in the upper right corner: 8.5.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief. This should be a high score that is rarely seen in domestic films today. Maybe it is mixed with water, that is, fans will come to score five points before it is released. This is inevitable, but overall it should be considered more objective. , According to the actual performance of the movie, the score may drop a little later.

Xia Yitong has long known that the audience here is different from Weibo's sharp complaints, and once again prepared mentally, took a deep breath, and clicked on the 7,000 short comments that have accumulated.

[Use flow again, because the starring Xia Yitong doesn't watch it directly, it's not black, just see the director in order to get money to use these fart masterpieces of flow stars, will you die with low personal strength? No thanks for one star. 】

[One star is given to a three-hour domestic film, but when I see it, I think I’m blind? Give yourself three hours of shit. Only dogs will go. I'd rather watch the popcorn movie next door for two hours. 】

[Upstairs laughing to death, go kneel and lick your beautiful dad, don't bark around. No one knows what Qin Hanlin is. When the movie was being made, your dad TM was still watching the door in Mei Daddy's yard. Does he need to collect money? People have enough money to bury you and your father alive. I don't care who he uses, as long as he shoots me, I watch it, even if I shoot cats and dogs and fight! 】

[Dog blood has no brain abuse, I can only lie to the little girl, is Jiang Lang the screenwriter exhausted? One point is given to Lu Yinbing's acting skills and the other points are negative. 】

[Capital caters to the product of the market. I went to see it. Commercial films are commercial films. Money is undoubtedly used. Is such a high score a navy? The scores over the past two years have become increasingly unreadable. 】

[I've seen the trailer and looked forward to it. After watching the movie, I feel even more worthwhile, with high climaxes, no urine points, four stars. 】

[I just came out, crying into tears in the cinema, I will write a long film review analysis, I will cry for a while. Yes, I am a man. 】

[Lu Yinbing is so good-looking, Xia Yitong is so good-looking, and the picture is so good-looking, even if the dog cries to become a dog, he must hold high the value of justice that is the banner of justice. Full score, Amway for everyone! ! 】

[After watching it, I just feel that the screenwriter is really not a human being! ! My Chen Qing, my Jing Xiu, cry until the qualitative wall separates! The 40-meter long knife is already out, let you run 39 meters first! 】

[Lu Yinghou's acting skills are as always online, the scene is magnificent, worth the price! Is Xia Yitong the one who played Chen Qing? If it hadn't been written on the cast list, I really hadn't noticed it. I was surprised and performed well. 】

[Don’t score ok if you don’t see it? It seems that your IQ is in a hurry. I’ve been looking forward to the movie’s release for a year. When I went there, the theater was almost full, and they were all going to the movie queen. When I came out, half of them were discussing Xia Yitong. What happened to the traffic star? Can't traffic stars stand up, should they be nailed to the pillar of shame for a lifetime? I think her acting is very good and remarkable. Although there are some flaws in the handling, the flaws are not concealed. In the whole movie, the character who thinks he is the most brilliant is this character, objectively four points, and the last point is given to Xia Yitong who brings surprises! I don’t know if the actor will secretly comment on the film [laughs], if you see it, I want to say: I didn’t know you before, now it’s your acting fan, come on in the future! 】

Xia Yitong spent more than two hours turning over all the short comments from beginning to end. Some people complained about it, but most of them mentioned her performance using words such as "accident", "good" and "surprise". The heat continued to surge, and she no longer tried to suppress it, she lay on her back on the bed with the back of her hand covering her eyes, tears streaming out happily.

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