The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 754: The script has been decided

As soon as Ling Xingye opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange place. Surrounded by strangers...

Not all of them, at least one of them is still known - the fire of the right.

For a moment, Ling Xingye wondered if he was dazzled, or he hadn't woken up yet, but he quickly grasped the status quo.

Air fortress "Star of Bethlehem" - he was brought here.

"Should I say it wasn't him?" Behind him, the second child in the trio muttered, "It's all the big brother's mistake."

"But, he really doesn't have a puppet!" The boss also retorted in a low voice.

puppet? Only then did Ling Xingye notice that the clown was not around.

"Go and bring him back," Youfang Zhihuo ordered with a blank expression, "There is no third chance."

The trio's back felt cold, and subconsciously straightened up: "Yes, I understand!"

Then, the three of them formed a circle and disappeared from the spot.

On the huge air fortress, only Ling Xingye and Youfangzhihuo were left.

After being silent for a while, Ling Xingye spoke first: "Do you want to catch Kamijou?"

"That's right." Youfang Zhihuo didn't hide anything.

"You are looking for the wrong person." Although the other party already knew, Ling Xingye reminded him again, "So..."

Youfangzhihuo laughed, "Forget it, it's all right."

"We have no direct conflict." Ling Xingye said again.

He didn't want to fight the leader of the magic side who started World War III at all, but the other party didn't seem to want to just let him go.

"It's true that my subordinates are useless, and I caught the wrong person." Youfang Zhihuo shrugged, "But I don't care about these small omissions."

"So..." Ling Xingye stood up and distanced himself slightly, "I'll go first..."

"You misunderstood, puppet master." You Fangzhihuo sneered, "What I mean is—no matter who it is, it will be defeated by this uncle, so it's all right!"

He stretched out his right hand and waved towards Ling Xingye, and an invisible force swept across.

Ling Xingye had been on guard for a long time, and quickly took advantage of the situation and fell to the side, scrambling to avoid the blow.

"Tsk, you really won't let me go?" Ling Xingye said mockingly, and glanced at his surroundings again.

The "Star of Bethlehem" is roughly in the shape of a cross. Unfortunately, Ling Xingye is in the center at this time.

So if you want to escape, you need to run a long distance no matter from which direction.

And the attack range of Right Flame is astonishingly large, Ling Xingye is really not sure that he can escape under such conditions.

"Are you really going to stop thinking about it?" Ling Xingye shouted, "You won't get any benefit from fighting with me!"

"It's true that there is no benefit," said Youfangzhihuo, "but it won't be too much trouble—it's just a matter of convenience."

"Really! No trouble?" Ling Xingye sighed briefly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes."

Facing Ling Xingye's warning, Youfangzhihuo smiled disdainfully, and then responded with a more violent attack.

The Fire on the Right didn't take Ling Xingye to heart from the very beginning. Although Ling Xingye appeared in front of him due to an accident, Youfangzhihuo still did not waver, nor did he intend to let anyone go. Instead, he immediately decided to kill Ling Xingye as a "warm-up activity".

—Because in the new world after being saved, there is no need for automatic puppets, and there is no place for "silver"!

"What a conceited guy!" Ling Xingye commented.

Although he had just uttered harsh words just now, the actual situation hadn't improved at all—he could only run around in embarrassment, avoiding the unreasonable attacks of the enemy.

When he woke up, the absence of the puppet and clown gave him a headache.

"But to be honest, this kind of enemy, even if the clown is present, can't help it?" Ling Xingye said with a helpless smile.

Even though they are all members of the "God's Right Seat", the fire on the right is obviously not at the same level as the other three.

In front of the fire on the right, Ling Xingye had the illusion of facing the Archangel Gabriel.

Even... the Flame of the Right, who can control its own power with ease, is even more terrifying.

This made Ling Xingye wonder if that guy was human.

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear that." The buffoon—Ling Qianji's voice suddenly came from next to my ear, "The only one who can't do anything about him is you, don't drag me into it."

"Hey, are you finally here?" Ling Xingye saw the clown appearing in another direction.

Youfang Zhihuo also saw the clown, but found that the puppet was just standing still, so he ignored it and continued to attack Ling Xingye.

"You can't beat him." The clown didn't intend to make a move at all, but just sent his voice to Ling Xingye's ear, "Only the real 'Silver' can defeat God's Right Seat."

"Now I am Baiyin!" Ling Xingye said.

"No, you are not." Ling Qianji corrected, "The puppet master and the puppet together are the silver."

Ling Xingye smiled wryly: "Hey, you won't come out like this at this time, right? This is taking advantage of the fire!"

"It's just taking advantage of the fire." Ling Qianji admitted without hesitation, "It's time to give up, Xingye; leave the rest to me."

Ling Xingye yelled while dodging: "You bastard, why don't you give up? Didn't we have an agreement before?"

Fortunately, the place was big enough and there were many buildings as cover, Ling Xingye was able to avoid the fire from the right again and again.

The fire on the right also seemed to be wary because it didn't want to destroy the "Star of Bethlehem", so it didn't really use its full strength, leaving Ling Xingye with a chance to breathe.

"There is such an agreement." Ling Qianji continued to watch from the sidelines, "but it's meaningless—because the script has been determined from the beginning. The little episodes in the middle are completely irrelevant to the direction of the plot."

"That's why I temporarily compromise with you, because everything will return to normal after all." Ling Qianji continued, "It's just to make you happy."

"Are you really so confident?" Ling Xingye asked in surprise.

"I'm telling the truth. Because your strength is limited, as long as you go all the way, you will inevitably encounter enemies that you cannot defeat. Only by leaving it to me—Ling Qianji, can you continue walking!"

"Everything has already been decided, the only difference is how long you persist."

"Boring script!" Ling Xingye said, "Even if I love drama..."

The movement paused for an instant, and Ling Xingye looked in Ling Qianji's direction: "Who decided the script?"

This momentary pause was caught by the fire on the right The attack hit the red heart!

Ling Xingye used phase fulcrums to form a barrier, but was still injured by the aftermath of the attack.

"How dare you be distracted from fighting with me?" Youfangzhihuo hit Ling Qianji with a backhand.

The latter also quickly dodged.

Youfangzhihuo originally thought that the clown was just a puppet manipulated by Ling Xingye, but since it hadn't moved, it didn't take it seriously.

But it was later discovered that Ling Xingye was actually communicating with his own puppet—the opposite party was obviously not a pure silk puppet, so he included it in the attack range.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xingye even felt a little refreshed.

Ling Qianji, who was suddenly attacked, was also very upset, but he had expected this, so he quickly calmed down and continued the previous conversation.

"You ask who wrote the script?" Ling Qianji said, "Of course it is the will of 'Bai Yin'!"

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