The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 732: Transshipment!

Kamijou Touma clenched his right fist and rushed forward.

In fact, he was the first to act, but with a mortal body, his athletic ability is still at the level of a normal high school student. Even if he runs at full speed, his speed is just that.

So much so that Brunhid and Kanzaki Kaori, who started to act later, passed him one after another, and fought against the enemy for several rounds. When the winner was decided again, he was still halfway.

Seeing the ups and downs of the battle ahead, before he could be happy that Kanzaki Kaori cut the enemy, he saw the scene of them being trapped in the "Water Prison Technique".

Seeing this scene, Kamijou Touma roared angrily, desperately squeezed the potential of his legs and ran forward.

Water 0 in the back glanced at him, but didn't take it seriously, but concentrated on controlling the water pressure of the "water prison", trying to make the two saints lose consciousness as soon as possible without killing them.

Kamijou Touma didn't care too much, and threw his body forward, running forward in an unstable posture that was almost touching the ground, and plunged headlong towards the big water ball that wrapped Kanzaki Kaori and them.

Water 0 in the back also didn't expect that he would dive into the "water dungeon" by himself-this was specially set up by him to imprison the saint. Under the huge water pressure, the water polo body is almost as hard as steel.

What this young man is about to meet is not drowning and suffocation, but first of all, bleeding from head to toe, right?

But before that, Kamijou Touma swung his right fist first, hitting the water polo with all his might.


The "Water Prison Technique", which was enough to restrain and imprison a saint, suddenly collapsed, like a punctured water polo, turning into a large puddle of clear water and falling on the ground.

Kanzaki Kaori and Brunshid also broke free from it.

Kamijou Touma howled and rushed through the water curtain, and continued to rush forward without stopping.

"Fantasy Killer..." Zhishui 0 behind finally recognized the true identity of the "ordinary person" in front of him.

—It should have been thought of long ago, this person is the real target of Youfangzhihuo, even if it appears here, it is not surprising.

But now in the back of the water 0 only remembers Ling Xingye, the "enemy of life and death", but completely ignores other important people.

And Kamijou Touma himself is also very deceptive, except for the right hand, he looks like an ordinary person at all, not eye-catching at all.

When Mizu 0 in the back reflected in astonishment, Kamijou Touma had already broken through the water curtain, came to him, and skillfully swung his right fist.

"Are you kidding me, don't pretend Mr. Kamijou doesn't exist!"

A punch hit Zhishui 0's face in the back.

The boxing that has been practiced for a long time showed good power. The water in the back was beaten so that his body fell back, and he staggered and almost fell...

Looking at his shocked expression, one can imagine that the psychological impact of this punch is far stronger than the actual lethality.

But that's all.

After all, under normal circumstances, Kamijou Touma is at best a high school student who is good at fighting, and it is a bit difficult to expect him to knock down a strong man in his prime with one punch.

What's even more unfortunate is that even without magic or other abilities, Mizu 0 of the Rear Area can beat Kamijou Touma just by relying on physical fitness and fighting skills.

After receiving a punch, Water 0 swung out "Ascalon" reflexively.

Kamijou Touma exclaimed suddenly, and quickly fell to the ground, dodging the vicious slash.

The huge steel sword blade was blowing overhead with a golden wind, causing goose bumps all over Kamijou Touma's body.

He didn't dare to stay longer, and instinctively rolled to the side.

Sure enough, there was the sound of metal falling from the position just now.

"If you suffer this, you will definitely die!"

Kamijou got up with his hands and feet numb, and faced the enemy again.

But it was impossible for flesh and blood to stand against a steel greatsword—at least not for Kamijou Touma.

Clenching his fists, Kamijou Touma felt that the giant sword in the enemy's hand really didn't look like a product of magic or superpowers. I'm afraid it wouldn't fall apart if he touched it?

Kamijou Touma stared at the enemy's movements, and dodged before his movements - the only way to save his life.

In this regard, Kamijou Touma, who has experienced a series of purgatory-like battles, has a lot of experience, and successfully dodged several times in succession.

Finally, Mizuno from the back became impatient, and the "Ascalon" flashed a yellow light—the jigsaw drew an arc, and attacked Touma Jojou from the side.

Kamijou Touma didn't expect this move, and when he came to his senses, it was too late to dodge it!


Suddenly sparks splashed, and the wire saw stopped one meter away from him.

The steel wire extending from the side blocked the trajectory of the jigsaw—Kanzaki Kaori reached out in time.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the yellow light on the jigsaw soar, cut off the steel wire and continued to attack him!

Kanzaki Kaori hurriedly deployed more steel wires to stop them, but all of them were cut by the wire saw.

Kamijou Touma finally realized that he was about to run away, but just as he took the first step, he felt that his feet were empty, and he stepped on a small pit on the ground, and his center of gravity lost his balance, and he fell forward.

At this time, the enemy's jigsaw had already broken through all the lines of defense and slashed towards him.

"Unfortunate!!" Kamijou Touma wailed in despair.

Just then, the jigsaw was blocked again. Another type of wire, different from steel wire, joins the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, two figures galloped from afar.

Although he still hasn't been able to see who is coming, Kamijou Touma has already guessed it.

"Starry night!" Kamijou Touma shouted emotionally, "Great, I'm finally going to change my luck!"

Among the people Kamijou Touma knew, Ling Xingye was definitely the most powerful and reliable one. More importantly, every time Ling Xingye was present, his bad luck of seeing a ghost would be dissipated a lot.

Although it's not enough to become good luck, just "normal luck" already makes him very satisfied.

Kamijou Touma couldn't help thinking, if Ling Xingye was there in England before, maybe he wouldn't have worked so hard, right?

Although strictly speaking his crisis has not been resolved, but just seeing Ling Xingye's appearance, he is already at ease enough to think about other things.

In fact, Mizuno Zero in the back did not continue to entangle, and simply abandoned Kamijou Touma and turned around.

"Ling Xing Ye!!" As if his whole body was on fire, Zhishui 0 behind him roared and rushed forward.

The clown was the first to meet him, holding up a cannon barrel removed from an abandoned tank by the side of the road.

The two heavy weapons collided in the air, making a thunderous bang.

After a night of rest, Ling Xingye recovered to a full state, and immediately opened fire.

Countless silk threads were released from the hands, tightly entangled with the wire saw, completely sealing this function.

"Come on, let's have a showdown!" Ling Xingye also responded loudly.

After a lapse of one day, Ling Xingye and the Water 0 in the back fought again.

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