"The governor Yingtiandu Procuratorate, Youqiandu Censor Hai Rui, was replaced by the former governor of Nanjing Grain Reserve, and he was promoted to the governor of Baoding, Youqiandu Censor Zhu Daqi, and he was replaced by Youqiandu Censor."

In the cabinet, Wei Guangde glanced at the official approval. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, when he saw the candidate to replace Hai Rui, he still couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye.

Although Zhu Daqi is not familiar to Wei Guangde, he is not unfamiliar either. He sees him every year.

Because Baoding Mansion is close to the capital, as the governor of Baoding, Zhu Daqi would go to the capital to meet the emperor every year. When he arrived in the capital, he would inevitably invite Wei Guangde, Zhu Heng and others to a banquet.

As Wei Guangde had guessed before, although many Jiangxi officials in the capital were not qualified to be promoted to governor of Yingtian, many officials outside were qualified, and Zhu Daqi was one of them.

The change from the governor of Baoding to the governor of Yingtian seems to be a flat tone, but after all, it is Yingtian Mansion, so the word "promotion" is used in the decree, while Hai Rui's "ping tune" actually means a downgrade.

And who is Zhu Daqi?

A native of Nancheng County, Fuzhou Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, he was a Jinshi in the 23rd year of Jiajing. However, Wei Guangde's relationship with him can only be said to be average, because he often heard about this "outstanding ability".

It was such a person that could be favored by Mr. Gao Ge, who always put "rectifying officialdom" first, and recommended him to Yingtian Mansion to clean up the mess left by Hai Rui in front of the emperor. Wei Guangde was naturally in disbelief.

However, Zhu Daqi is not mediocre, otherwise he would not have been promoted to such a high position as governor. That is, he still has the ability to handle government affairs. At least he can gain benefits from it, but he will not let the place get out of control and cause trouble. It can be said that The "degree" is mastered very well.

Wei Guangde also heard about the current situation in Jiangnan from Yin Shizhen. The big families in Jiangnan were panicking because of Hai Rui's actions. The main reason was that Hai Rui was still hesitant, so he never reported the matter to the court.

Of course, this is actually what Wei Guangde wants to see.

But now, Gao Gong obviously doesn't want to continue spending like this.

Wei Guangde understood this and thought that Gao Gong wanted to use his position as governor of Yingtian to attack Xu Jie. What he didn't know was that Gao Gong made the adjustment after seeing a secret report from Jiangnan from Emperor Longqing.

Nowadays, the big gentry families in the south of the Yangtze River and the official families are extremely nervous because of the Xu Jie case. They are worried that if the Xu family is convicted, the land they donated will be turned over because of the case, and they are required to return the land.

Therefore, in recent times, these officials and gentry have frequently exchanged letters with each other, and they have all secretly united to discuss ways to deal with it.

The involvement of Nanjing officials in the case was not entirely due to Xu Jie's letters, but to the efforts of the families behind these officials.

The Jin Yiwei in Jiangnan were naturally aware of the clues, but the law did not punish everyone. All they could do was to truthfully report the unstable atmosphere in Jiangnan to the emperor.

Emperor Longqing read the secret report to Gao Gong, asking him to calm down the unstable factors in Jiangnan as soon as possible.

If we really want to investigate Xu Jie, we must cut the knot quickly and quickly collect evidence to convict him. However, Hai Rui, who has been repeatedly arguing with Xu Jie and bargaining to solve the problem, will only make it more troublesome.

Since what was needed was someone who could calm the situation, Zhu Daqi naturally fell in Gao Gong's eyes.

If Zhu Daqi could do something good and calm the situation, it would be the best thing.

Of course he didn't intend to let Xu Jie go, but he had already sent people there. All he had to do was pay close attention and look for opportunities to kill him with one blow.

And if Zhu Daqi is unable to stabilize Ying Tianfu and takes this opportunity to investigate, he will definitely contact the capital to help him escape. As long as he grasps the situation properly, he may be able to obtain evidence that Wei Guangde violated national laws and directly bring about his downfall.

After all, the stain on Wei Guangde's face seems to be that he is greedy for yellow and white things. However, in his cooperation with businessmen, it can only be said that he has some moral issues, and it is not an exception for officials to do business secretly. Some people in his family also do this, so naturally It cannot be used as an excuse to attack him.

It can only be said that because of the difference in positions, Wei Guangde planned Hai Rui to fight Xu Jie to attract Gao Gong's attention, but he did not expect that although Emperor Longqing was happy to see officials fighting with each other, the premise was that he could not create instability among the people.

And once there is such a sign, he will stamp it out as soon as possible.

In fact, during the reign of Emperor Jiajing, most of the fights among officials' families were fought to the death in the court, and did not involve the wealthy families among the people.

This was also a degree controlled by Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Longqing wanted peace in the world, and Gao Gong had already prepared an ambush, waiting for the right opportunity. When the time came, whether the sword would strike Xu Jie or Wei Guangde, it would depend on which one of them was more unlucky.

Wei Guangde was thinking in the cabinet about what kind of reminder he should give Zhu Daqi so that he could properly handle the Xu family's case after arriving in Yingtian. At this time, Hai Rui, the governor of Yingtian in Suzhou, did not know that his position was about to be changed.

At this moment, he was sitting behind the desk, carefully studying the article in front of him. This was written based on his experience and experience since he took office as governor in the past six months. It is called "The Governor's Treaty". After several revisions and repeated polishes, he plans to publish it. After arriving at all prefectures and counties under Yingtian, the regulations will be implemented in accordance with the regulations.

"For the sake of taking care of local affairs, this court has made mistakes."

Jian ordered the Governor of Nanji to come to Nanji and, at the beginning of his term, all the one and two treaties were to eliminate the long-standing disadvantages and restore peace and harmony to each other.

The laws established by our ancestors do not follow the rules and remain unchanged. However, the people are in dire straits. It is impossible to cure them. For this reason, the officials of the government will follow the internal affairs of the government and transfer to their respective prefectures and counties. They will abide by them and implement them. Afterwards, the treaty will be violated.


The "Governor's Treaty" is an attempt made by Hai Rui to promote clean government during his tenure as governor, restrain and crack down on landlord tyranny, rectify official governance and eliminate official corruption. Thirty-six "Governor's Treaty" have been promulgated and implemented, covering almost All practical issues related to people's livelihood at that time.

His last sight fell on one of them. Although the autumn grain tax was implemented last year, it was not written down due to various reasons. Now that the "Governor's Treaty" is promulgated, all prefectures and counties will also implement the summer tax and autumn grain in the future. in accordance with.

"One equals the strength of the silver and two differences. The recent title is accurate. The general whip can not be used to compile the silver. It is a way to remedy the shortcomings. It is a temporary good law. The county magistrates cannot make decisions for the people. The states and counties still have a weak power. It is a deplorable name. It is regrettable that the states and counties will be in the future." When the editor is reviewed, he will ask for examples according to the title on the first day of the month. If there are those who have not been edited for three to five years, the chief editor will be the editor-in-chief for three to five years. He has several outside editors who have extra money and privileges. If they do not follow the rules, they will make people with half a liter of grain and become township officials and students. Favors and those who have been exonerated in the past and are now exempted will be questioned for their crimes."

Seeing that Junwei's silver power was poor, Hai Rui couldn't help but think of Xu Jie. Before, he had never imagined that he was such a person. He had no sympathy for the suffering of the people. In the past, he had deceived many people in the court with hypocritical benevolence and righteousness.

For the sake of one's own selfish interests, people do things like sacrifice, embezzlement, etc.

This is actually because Wei Guangde did not pay attention to the way Yingtian Mansion collected taxes before. In fact, before Hai Rui came here, Ouyang Duo and Wang Yi successively served as governors of Yingtian in the 16th year of Jiajing, and they had already governed the Su and Song Mansion. Implement a whip method.

Moreover, the whip method they used was different from that mentioned by Gui E, and it focused more on corvee.

One is to merge the projects of Lijiajunwei and collectively call them Lijiajuncuyin;

The second is to allocate the corvee silver according to the number of people and acres of land.

At that time, the Lijia uniform corvee silver was still an independent title and had not yet been merged into the tax and grain Zhese silver. Almost all prefectures and counties in the Susong area had records of how much Lijia uniform corvee silver each county needed to use every year. The number of people, the amount of silver per ding, the actual number of acres of land, and the number of silver per mu are recorded.

However, the actual number of people and the actual number of acres have different meanings. The latter already has the meaning of dividing the number of people into acres.

The whip law promulgated and implemented by Hai Rui in the "Governor's Treaty" at this time was actually very close to Wei Guangde's proposal of spreading taxes and services outside the fields and including the Ding tax.

Of course, these were not Hai Rui's thoughts, but the choices he made after seeing the methods implemented by his two predecessors, Ouyang Duo and Wang Yi, and he planned to continue using their methods.

Since he came to Yingtian Mansion from the capital, he first dealt with floods and now implemented a whipping method. As long as this method is implemented, he will feel that his appointment as governor has not been in vain.

At this moment, a servant outside the door came in to report that Lin, the head of the yamen, asked for an audience.

Captain Lin was the person Hai Rui sent to monitor Zizhiyuan. When he heard that he was back, Hai Rui knew that there should be results.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with the delay in this matter for nearly half a month, he could still understand the difficulties faced by his subordinates. After all, it would be a lot of inconvenience for him to be a secret agent rather than an open and honest person coming to inspect the matter.

Moreover, Zizhiyuan is so famous in Suzhou, so it is impossible that there are no measures to prevent theft and banditry. It is extremely difficult to sneak into it.

"Let people come in."

Hai Rui ordered.

Not long after, Captain Lin came in and reported to Hai Rui. As expected, it was the news about Xu Fan and Xu Kun.

"Okay, from now on, you will lead your men to seal Zizhiyuan tightly and wait for my order. If anyone notices during this period, Xu Fan and Xu Kun want to escape, I allow you to act as the opportunity arises.

I have only one order, and that is to keep these two people behind and not escape. "

Hai Rui got the confidence this time, so he naturally had the leverage to blackmail Xu Jie.

We already have evidence of the two of them's crimes. As long as they are arrested, we are not afraid that they will not be able to solve the case. Even if Xu Jie has three heads and six arms, he will not be able to overturn the case.

If Xu Jie wanted his own son to avoid jail, agree to the request, withdraw his land, and reduce his status, then everything would be handled as a civil dispute, and there would be no need to file a petition to arrest him.

By doing this, everyone’s faces will look better.

After everyone retreated, Hai Rui laid out the letter paper and wrote to Xu Jie again. This was also the last letter, or an "ultimatum". In the letter, Hai Rui not only made his demands clear, but also directly named Xu Fan and Xu Kun's hiding place.

It was impossible to continue to pull things off like this endlessly. Hai Rui also understood that there must be a way to vent the resentment accumulated among the people.

Then he called his servant, handed the letter into his hand, and ordered him to send it to Xu Mansion in Huating immediately.

As for the "Governor's Treaty" on the table, Hai Rui thought about it and ordered his masters to be copied on his behalf. Later, it was also distributed to all prefectures and counties in the country as a basis for collecting taxes and servitude.

Baoding Prefecture, known as Baoding Road in the Yuan Dynasty, belonged to Zhongshu Province.

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Baoding Road was renamed Baoding Prefecture in the first year of Hongwu, which belonged to Henan. In the second year, it was transferred to Beiping Province.

However, after Emperor Zhu Di moved the capital to Beijing, as the southwest barrier of the capital, Baoding Prefecture was naturally included in Beizhili.

At this time, in the governor's office, Zhu Daqi had received the documents and knew that he was going to Yingtian Mansion to take over the post of governor of Yingtian. Naturally, he was overjoyed.

The capital official didn't want to come out, but it didn't matter to him who had already left the capital.

Yingtian Mansion is the richest place in the world, and I have been promoted.

"Come here, let me pack my luggage. I'm going to Jiangnan to be an official."

Zhu Daqi arranged for his family to pack their things and prepare to go to the capital together first. When the time comes, his family will go directly to Tongzhou, and he will go to the capital to have an audience first, and then go south together.

At this moment, Zhu Daqi was in a happy mood.

Yingtianfu is a place that, if you look around, will probably make more money than here in Baoding.

Hundreds of miles away in the capital, Wei Guangde was discussing the matter with Zhu Heng, Minister of Industry.

"Shandai, what does your majesty mean by that? Do you want to do it or not?"

Although Emperor Longqing was stronger than Emperor Jiajing, he at least had to intervene in government affairs and summoned ministers almost every day. However, the six ministers did not have many opportunities to meet with the emperor, unless something big happened.

But today, the world seems to be relatively peaceful, and there is no incident of holding a royal meeting.

Therefore, Zhu Heng didn't have much time to meet Emperor Longqing. When he knew that Zhu Daqi was going to Yingtian Mansion to replace Hai Rui, all he could think of was to ask Wei Guangde.

After all, in the capital at this time, everyone who was not blind or deaf knew about Hai Rui and Xu Jie.

Wei Guangde glanced at Zhu Heng and whispered: "This is what Gao Xinzheng did. He settled the matter directly in front of His Majesty."

"Gao Xinzheng, would he be so kind?"

Zhu Heng still didn't believe it.

"Of course he has no good intentions."

Wei Guangde smiled bitterly and said, "When people arrive in the capital, remember to explain the situation in Yingtian Mansion clearly to him, so as not to make mistakes there."

"Can't you see him?"

Zhu Heng was shocked and asked hurriedly.

"If you want to meet me, I will also tell him how powerful it is, but you must also talk to him alone, lest he see you and me and take chances."

Wei Guangde just reminded, "By the way, there are no secret letters between you and him. When people arrive, remember to ask him to return them."

"Is it really that dangerous?"

Zhu Heng's heart tightened when he heard Wei Guangde's words, and then he shook his head and said: "He comes to the capital every year for an audience. There is no correspondence between me and him. In the past, he always had interviews with me."

"That's good."

Wei Guangde nodded after hearing this, "If there is no letter, then don't say it."

"Then this time I go to Yingtian Mansion, I have to give him a charter,"

Although Zhu Heng felt it was difficult, he still said to Wei Guangde.

"That incident mainly caused unrest in the Jiangnan family, so Hai Rui was replaced. He has to make his own decision on how to stabilize the situation.

After all, we are far away from the capital and are not familiar with the situation there, so he has to figure everything out by himself. "

Wei Guangde said.

Although he was suspicious at first, he had opened up some connections in the palace. He was connected with Chen Ju on the surface, but he was also connected with Feng Bao privately.

And this matter was revealed by Feng Bao.

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