The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 718 817 Banknote Pass

Li Chunfang said that the system established by the Xuande Dynasty was actually a policy formulated by Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty after Zhu Zhanji pacified the Han Dynasty to resolve the covetousness of the imperial family members for the throne.

In order to prevent the princes from using marriage to expand their sphere of influence and endanger the stability of the imperial power, strict restrictions were imposed on members of the royal family to enter officialdom and get married.

Lumi, who later made generals and lieutenants, was also a way to appease the clan whose interests were harmed.

In fact, although hundreds of officials keep saying that the ancestral system is immutable, since Zhu Yunwen's death, the system set by Lao Zhu has been continuously modified since Zhu Yunwen, and today many of them have changed.

The system in the middle and late Ming Dynasty actually gradually stabilized during the Xuande period.

Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty, did several major things during his reign. One of them was to depose the Han King Zhu Gaoxu and the Jin King Zhu Jiyi, suppressing the covetousness of the royal family members for the throne.

The second was to seize the escorts of the vassal kings from various places, and completely castrate the Ming vassal princes from the princes who guarded the country's borders into useless wood who only knew about pleasure.

Later, an edict was issued, confirming that the descendants of the clan were prohibited from entering official positions and marriages to the royal palace were not allowed except for the conferment of Beijing positions.

This series of decrees to stabilize the imperial power aroused great dissatisfaction among the princes, and they had to use "preferential treatment" to the clan to quell this dissatisfaction.

Does Zhu Zhanji see the crisis brought about by the reproduction of the clan?

This is unknown, but if he were in his position, his top priority would definitely be to ensure the stability of the imperial power, so his choice was to treat the headache and the pain.

After all, it was too short a time before Chengzu Zhu Di rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor. Encouraged by his success, many vassal kings were indeed ready to make a move at that time.

Wei Guangde knew that Li Chunfang's support for his Lumi quota for each vassal prince's palace and the "salary reduction" idea proposed by Zhang Juzheng had already been supported by Li Chunfang, and judging from the attitudes of Chen Yiqin and Yin Shizhen, they seemed to be very moved as well.

But it's strange that none of them have quotes to express their attitude.

Just when he was planning to leave the office later and ask them about it, Chen Yiqin said at this moment: "Shandai and Shuda's method can definitely alleviate Lumi's problem, but in the end it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

On the contrary, it would be good governance to let the Ministry of Rites card one card, exchange money for titles, and reduce the number of people in the clan as much as possible.

I think that before implementing the method of philanthropic loans, it is best to try it first to see how many clan members are willing to transfer their citizenship, and then introduce the distribution of Lumi according to grades, and finally let the Ministry of Household Affairs set a quota.

Only in this way can the drag on Lumi's finances be minimized. "

"There are tens of thousands of people in the clan now. Even if we pay according to the salary of civil servants, if we really count, the expenditure on Lumi is an expense that the court cannot bear."

Yin Shizhen finally spoke.

Obviously, they all support the method of reducing Lumi's expenditure, but considering the huge number of people in the clan, they feel that it should be done step by step.

Especially if the number of clans can be reduced by half when calculating the quota, it can save the court a lot of money.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Juzheng's method is more mature and can be quickly written down after cabinet and ministry discussions.

After all, the grades corresponding to clan titles are clearly stipulated by the imperial court, but some of them treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The biggest problem of the clan is that it reproduces too fast, and the Ming Dynasty's annual income has not changed much.

"My uncle's method will definitely be opposed collectively by the clan, and we will have to find ways to appease him. But what kind of preferential treatment can the court give?"

Chen Yiqin also said, "That's why I said that this matter needs careful planning. All things considered, it is unlikely that many people will be sent to Fengyang."

"Then when everyone goes back, think again about what was proposed today, and it would be best to write a charter.

We will discuss this matter in a few days, check for each other's omissions and fill in the gaps, and report to His Majesty after the plan is completed.

Before the final charter is finalized, please be careful not to reveal even half of what happened today. "

Li Chunfang finally said.

Today's cabinet discussion about the clan is actually due to chance. The opinions of Wei Guangde and Zhang Juzheng are both reasonable to a certain extent, but implementation is another matter.

Of course, such a big policy change cannot be written down in a short while.

It's better for everyone to think about it again, improve a few things and then come together to discuss it.

When Wei Guangde left the cabinet, Chen Yiqin and Yin Shizhen soon appeared beside him.

"Shandai, if your method spreads, the people in the clan will scold you to death."

Chen Yiqin smiled.

He said this, but there was no trace of nervousness on his face. In fact, they, the senior officials of the imperial court, really didn't take the clan members seriously.

In other words, princes and princes can make them more polite because they are closer to the emperor.

The generals and lieutenants below are just like that.

Although he also has the right to submit memorials, the emperor usually doesn't pay much attention to them.

"Haha, the good loan is also for the imperial court. Your Majesty will understand."

Yin Shizhen just smiled and said casually, "But I probably scolded you more for your uncle's suggestion.

We still have to compromise on our small salary. It is estimated that many clans will not accept it, and there may be a lot of trouble. "

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Yesterday you went to Beijing Camp to watch the drill. What was the result?"

Chen Yiqin changed the topic and asked about the parade drill.

"Brother Zhengfu, are you planning to ask right here? Should you set a table for me so we can talk while drinking?"

They had already reached the palace gate and were about to leave the palace. Wei Guangde asked with a smile.

"Okay, come to my place and let's talk while drinking."

Chen Yiqin was not pretentious, it was just a banquet, and he usually did this kind of thing. The three of them took turns being the host, chatting about business while drinking.

"It's strange that His Majesty didn't ask Shandai to ask about this matter today?"

Yin Shizhen said.

Wei Guangde was actually surprised. Emperor Longqing should have announced that he would come to the palace today. Emperor Longqing's attitude towards Dayue was very positive.

"In the morning, Duke Cheng Guo entered the palace. I guess Your Majesty already knew something from him."

Chen Yiqin said, "I heard what the Supervisor of Ceremonies said, but I don't know the rest."

On the second day, Wei Guangde came to the cabinet from home to start working. Not long after, he was announced by the palace eunuch to go to Qianqing Palace to see him.

Unsurprisingly, Emperor Longqing summoned him to see him today for the rehearsal of the previous parade, and he was obviously repeatedly asking about some of the details.

Wei Guangde knew that the emperor probably got the general idea from Zhu Xizhong yesterday. It was estimated that there were some issues that Zhu Xizhong didn't quite understand, so he couldn't explain them clearly, so he summoned today.

After he answered Emperor Longqing's questions and was about to resign, Emperor Longqing suddenly picked up a memorial from the imperial desk and handed it to him.

"Shaloan, take a look."

Wei Guangde was curious, but he still took the memorial from the eunuch.

This was reported to Zheng Dajing by the Li Ke, and it was through the channel of the Six Kes, so it did not go through the cabinet, but was sent directly to the emperor by the Chief of Ceremonies.

As for the content of Zheng Dajing's memorial, Wei Guangde just frowned and said nothing more, because what he discussed in the memorial was the Ministry of Household affairs.

“Our country is prosperous with trade. Wherever goods and ships can pass through, customs and taxes are set up, and ministers are sent to supervise them.

The delicacy of merchants was used to benefit the state, and the idea of ​​emphasizing the basics and suppressing the weak was also carried out in this process.

Over the years, ministers who have been in charge have always been those who clean themselves up, do business and benefit the country, and there are also those who abuse the power for personal gain and flout the law and discipline.

Each bank and customs merchant does not have enough annual income to pay taxes, but they are all entrusted to one person in charge. It is easy to take advantage of their interests and power with unscrupulous intentions."

After reading the memorial, Wei Guangde looked at the emperor with some confusion. He didn't know what he was doing by showing this memorial to him.

Bring it back to the cabinet and let the cabinet ministers discuss and come up with a charter or what?

"I often hear among officials that you are good at managing money. On this money-related matter, the first thing I thought of was asking your opinion."

After Emperor Longqing finished watching Wei Guangde, he spoke to him.

Wei Guangde felt nervous. Emperor Longqing asked him if this was not easy to accept.

This is because Zheng Dajing's memorial is about discussing matters. In fact, it means that the imperial court set up currency customs in various places to collect taxes, but the merchant ships carrying a lot of goods, and many of them were valuables.

As for the customs taxation, one principal is responsible for judging the value of the goods, and then taxing them accordingly. It is very easy to be greedy and disregard the national law.

Wei Guangde himself had taken a merchant ship and led a caravan on an official ship, so he was well aware of the shortcomings of Chaoguan.

What Emperor Longqing just said, Wei Guangde cannot help but think about it. Is this an attempt to beat him?

"Your Majesty, I feel that the problems mentioned in this note are exactly the shortcomings of the currency exchanges in various places."

Wei Guangde thought about it before replying, some things cannot be fooled by pretending to be confused, and Emperor Longqing was not easy to fool Emperor Chongzhen.

At the very least, Dongchang and Jinyiwei of the Long Qing Dynasty were still working conscientiously, and the gangsters in Chaoguan could easily find out everything.

"So, you also think it is inappropriate for the Customs and Excise Department to rely on one person in charge to judge commercial taxes?"

Emperor Longqing asked again.

"Your Majesty, what is mentioned in this memorial is true. However, the arrangement for the local government to elect an official to supervise each other's travels can only be said to be suitable for Chaoguan in Jiujiang, Suzhou, Yangzhou and other places that are relatively close to the capital. .

As for advocating that the imperial court appoint people with clear hopes and talents to supervise customs and collect taxes, it is also debatable. Clear hopes and talents are difficult to judge, and many people took advantage of the opportunity and took advantage of loopholes. "

Wei Guangde replied.

"What if I send internal officials to various places to supervise banknotes?"

When Emperor Longqing heard this, he immediately told him the method of supervision he thought of.

However, when Wei Guangde heard the words, he couldn't help but feel shocked. If the internal officials went to various checkpoints to supervise, who knows how many troubles would arise.

You must know that wherever money is made, the emperor will want to get involved and save money for the inner court. Chaoguan is the place where taxes and silver from merchants traveling from south to north are collected, which can be said to be a mountain of gold and silver.

But in the past, to be precise, it was before the 27th year of Jiajing, the emperor would have sent internal officials, but the situation is different now.

Perhaps out of fear of poverty, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang came up with Ming Bao Banknotes to replace gold and silver to fill the national treasury. Therefore, from the official level, the legal tender of the Ming Dynasty should actually be Bao Banknotes.

But this thing has long been turned into waste paper due to random printing, and the people have reused gold, silver and copper coins.

However, at the beginning of the establishment of Chaoguan, because treasured banknotes still had some status, the tariffs levied were on gold, silver and treasured banknotes in a certain proportion, hence the name Chaoguan.

Even now, Chaoguan will collect a certain proportion of Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes. This is a system established earlier and is also to maintain the dignity of the court. Otherwise, Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes will really become the straw paper to wipe the butt.

Because merchants need treasure banknotes to deduct taxes at banknote customs, they can exchange them for something more or less.

Initially, the Chaoguan was managed by the Chaoguan Yushi specially set up by the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It was only transferred to the Ministry of Household Affairs during the Zhengtong years. Each Chaoguan was managed by the chief officers sent by the Ministry of Revenue, and most of the tax money collected by the Chaoguan went into the emperor's internal funds.

However, in the Jiajing Dynasty, the Ministry of Revenue was financially tight, so after many arguments with Emperor Jiajing, they finally reached an agreement in the 27th year of Jiajing, which was to divide the income from banknotes in half.

However, from beginning to end, Chaoguan was managed by civilian officials, and the inner court did not intervene.

As for the management of banknotes, everyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a cash cow, especially the Suzhou banknotes, which is the familiar Xushuguan. It has become the highest tax bank in the country, and has become a cash cow for the Beijing Ministry of Household Affairs.

In the late Jiajing period, whenever the officials in the capital could not pay out their salaries, they would have to pay for their money. Sometimes they even had to temporarily borrow the money that should be included in the internal funds and then return it later.

Although it has now reached the Longqing Dynasty, the imperial court's finances have not improved, so if the emperor sends his ministers to supervise it, it will be difficult to misappropriate the banknotes.

"Your Majesty, when the Bank of China was first established, it was always managed by the Ministry of Revenue, and it was managed well. I'm afraid there is no need to send ministers to supervise it.

Regarding what Zheng Dajing reported, I thought that the "Censor of Chaoguan" could be re-established in the Metropolitan Procuratorate to supervise Chaoguan in various places. On weekdays, local prefectures and counties can send people to supervise. "

At this time, Wei Guangde could not care less about the distance between Chaoguan and the county. If local officials were working hard, it was the first priority to dispel the idea of ​​the emperor sending ministers to intervene in Chaoguan.

"That's it."

Emperor Longqing said casually, "Then you take this memorial back to the cabinet, and the cabinet will convene the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate to discuss it, and then submit the regulations."

After Emperor Longqing finished explaining, he asked Wei Guangde to withdraw from Qianqing Palace if nothing happened.

Watching Wei Guangde leave, Emperor Longqing sat on the throne for a long time before giving instructions: "It's been reported that Chen Hong came to see me. He said he was tinkering with something fun. Why hasn't it been delivered to him after so long?"

Of course Wei Guangde didn't know what happened after he left. Even if he did, he would never know the emperor's thoughts because he never mentioned it to anyone.

Wei Guangde took the memorial back to the cabinet. Instead of returning to his room, he went directly to the Chief Assistant Li Chunfang and informed him in detail about what Emperor Longqing had told him.

After reading Zheng Dajing's memorial, Li Chunfang frowned.

Wei Guangde knew that he must have the same thoughts as him, complaining that Zheng Dajing was too meddlesome and sent him directly to the emperor for whatever he was playing.

If before the emperor saw it, they could still tamper with the ticket to cover it up.

But now the emperor took it out to talk to him alone, obviously noticing this.

"I guess His Majesty was dissatisfied with the misappropriation of customs duties by the Ministry of Revenue at the end of the year, so he made the plan to dispatch ministers."

Wei Guangde said bluntly that he knew that today might make the emperor unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it because he was a civil servant.

"How do you think it's appropriate?"

Li Chunfang did not immediately summon others to discuss the matter, but asked.

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