The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 141 140 Examiners

We arrived at Nanchang Prefecture more than half a month in advance. At this time, many candidates from various prefectures and counties were still on their way. The fact that such a large group of candidates from Jiujiang Prefecture entered Nanchang Prefecture became an anecdote that quickly spread among the people.

Thanks to Zhu Shilong's assistance back then, after learning that he was a candidate from Jiujiang Prefecture School who came to take the provincial examination, those with a good memory naturally thought of the filial son Wei Guangde who once caused a sensation in Nanchang City.

Soon, without Wei Guangde's knowledge, his name once again became a household name in Nanchang.

After resting in the inn for a night, when Zeng Yuanshu came to the inn to look for them the next afternoon, Wei Guangde learned about the incident from Zeng Yuanshu's mouth.

I'm the center of attention.

When Wei Guangde found out, he was helpless at first, and then a little surprised.

Although he became famous inexplicably, it was a good reputation. Wei Guangde still remembered that Zhu Shilong and Master Zhu spent a lot of money to treat guests to dinner in order to spread his fame.

Zhu Shilong's lesson learned from the past made Wei Guangde feel a little lucky at this time.

Well, actually he feels now that in this provincial examination, his chance of getting on the list is only half, but after knowing that his name has spread, Wei Guangde feels that the chance is probably a little more.

At this time, the examiners of the rural examination must not have gone to Gongyuan yet. They are at home. Although they are not exposed to rumors in the market on weekdays, the servants at home talk about it and remind them of themselves.

After Zhu Shilong and Li Ke returned to Jiujiang Prefecture the year before last, Wei Guangde knew what happened at the Luming Banquet. Even almost all the examiners, including the chief examiner, personally read his papers. Many people were skeptical about the drought-fighting strategies he had written. Very interested.

Therefore, Wei Guangde was not surprised at all when news came out from the capital two years ago that officials from the two capitals were intensely discussing whether to establish agricultural supervision.

Yes, some Jiangxi officials were inspired by Wei Guangde's anti-drought policy, and natural disasters have indeed occurred frequently in the empire in recent years, but the court was unable to do anything about it.

In the past, various sacrificial activities for heaven and earth have also paid more attention to them. Whether it is praying for grains during the Spring Festival, offering sacrifices to the sky during the Winter Solstice, or praying for rain and snow, the imperial court has taken it very seriously in recent years, but the disaster has shown no signs of easing.

Is it possible that the emperor really wants to issue an edict that "I am responsible for all the crimes", or that some of the high officials of the imperial court should be brought down?


Therefore, after some officials saw Wei Guangde's anti-drought policy, after deliberation, they simply made a move that was suspected of transgression and directly handed in Wei Guangde's examination paper.

There is no other way. All the previous tricks have been used up. This time, Wei Guangde's test paper came up with something refreshing.

In the past, in order to avoid fraud in the provincial examinations, the imperial court would not only send the list of admitted candidates to the capital for preview by the emperor after the provincial examinations in each province, but also send the examination papers of successful candidates to the Hanlin Academy for verification and preservation.

What I was given was the test papers for the candidates who were on the list. Who would take care of the students who failed the list like Wei Guangde?

I just looked through Wei Guangde's test papers at the Luming Banquet. Some officials came down to discuss privately. If Wei Guangde's opinion was adopted, whether Wei Guangde would be admitted or not would be a big question.

You know, there are many officials and candidates who have read Wei Guangde's examination papers. Once the memorial to establish a new supervisory authority to specifically manage agricultural seedlings is approved by the higher authorities, what will be the result?

Well, there are still some people among the examiners who have beaten Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts. After all, it is just a memorial. Even if it is rejected, it is not a big deal.

However, the crux of the problem is that the thing you want to present is written by a candidate who has not passed the provincial examination.

No one wanted to lose the reputation of being a dove occupying a magpie's nest. Finally, after careful consideration and weighing, they simply submitted a joint petition asking for the opening of agricultural supervision and the cultivation of drought-resistant seeds. At the same time, Wei Guangde's failed test paper was sent to show the success of this Jiangxi rural examination. Selfless and aboveboard.

Of course, this memorial was eventually dismissed after intense controversy in the court.

The reason is that the imperial court has no money to invest in agricultural seedling selection and breeding.

This is the information Wei Guangde got from someone. Although it may not be accurate, it has a certain degree of credibility.

The imperial court was short of expenses and it was impossible to establish a new government office.

What's more, once a new yamen is built, a large amount of money will inevitably be invested in the follow-up. With the current revenue and expenditure of the court unable to make ends meet, it can only end the matter.

In fact, after failing the provincial examination, the development of the situation was completely beyond Wei Guangde's imagination, let alone control. He never expected that Zhu Shilong would praise him at the Luming Banquet.

Wei Guangde actually didn't lose anything in the whole thing, and his name was still known to the ruling class of this era, which was a good thing.

Wei Guangde only stayed at the inn for a few days, and then he was constantly visited by health workers who came to Nanchang Mansion from all over the country, and he had no time to rest.

Wei Guangde had to smile at this moment.

Just kidding, many of the people who came here were those whom Wei Guangde had visited in the past two years in the name of visiting friends, and his purpose was not simple.

Since they are good friends, Wei Guangde naturally wants to be the host.

Of the 10,000 taels of silver given to Wei Guangde by Mr. Wei, 6,000 taels were released last year. Now Wei Guangde still has a thousand taels of silver on hand. As for the missing silver, it was naturally spent during his travels in the past two years.

When away from home, money is indeed a bit out of control, mainly because Wei Guangde has always had plenty of money since he was in Jiujiang Mansion, so he has developed the habit of spending money lavishly.

During the visit to friends, Wei Guangde's generous side was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Everywhere he went, he would always ask his friends to invite the surrounding scholars to a banquet, and he would always choose a good restaurant to treat the guests.

The money was spent and the results were great.

The rural examination period was approaching, and while Wei Guangde continued to welcome friends from all walks of life to entertain him with food and drinks, the examiners from the surrounding provinces had also rushed to Nanchang City, preparing to enter Gongyuan to welcome the rural examination.

These inner-line officials were jointly selected by the Jiangxi Chief Envoy, the Jiangxi Inspector, and the Jiangxi Inspector and Censor in accordance with the rules, and letters of appointment and currency had already been sent to them.

The examiners had to rush to Nanchang Fucheng before the provincial examination and enter Nanchang Gongyuan to show the fairness of the imperial examination.

According to the rules, after the examiners enter the Gongyuan, they cannot leave the Gongyuan even half a step until the results of the provincial examination are released.

Today is also the day when representatives from various yamen in Nanchang Prefecture jointly host a banquet for all examiners. From tomorrow on, they will officially station in Gongyuan until the end of the provincial examination.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very good as cups were exchanged, glasses were exchanged, and compliments were exchanged.

They are all members of the officialdom. The current rural examinations and imperial examinations are not like the Hongwu Dynasty. The rural examination examiners will also choose highly respected scholars from among the people.

Regarding being invited by the Jiangxi government to take charge of this provincial examination, whether it is the chief examiner, deputy chief examiner, or co-examiner, they are all happy to come.

Who doesn't know that Jiangxi's candidates are of excellent quality, and their scores in the general examination and the palace examination have always been good. It's hard to say that one of the exams he selected will be on the gold medal list. And considering that the number one scholar came from his own family, it's not a shame to say it out loud.

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