The Princess of Northern Land

Chapter 661 Distribution (7)

"I'm here." She couldn't help but say.

"The princess is teasing me again." Chu Suifeng said slyly, "I am so embarrassed in front of so many people." There was no shyness at all on his face, he was completely proud!

When Cong Yi Hongying and others heard this from behind, they couldn't help laughing.

Lin Ziyin was ashamed and angry, and wanted to scratch him.

Chu Suifeng laughed and took her hand and walked forward, "No, Princess, I will be embarrassed in front of so many people. Even if the grape trellis at home falls down, let's close the door before it falls down."

Hongying and the others laughed even harder after hearing this. The story about the fallen grape rack was actually told by Lin Ziyin to everyone when she had nothing to do. Almost all the girls following her and the guards around Chu Suifeng had heard it.

"Chu Suifeng." Lin Ziyin was ashamed and angry.

Being interrupted like this, the sadness caused by the old lady was gone.

"Here is the list of gifts for the princess to return home in three days. Please take a look at it." As soon as he returned to the house, Bai Xian came over, holding a thick gift list in his hand.

Chu Suifeng took the gift list and read it carefully, then asked Bai Xian to add some more things, and finally handed it to Lin Ziyin, "Princess, see if there is anything missing?"

What Lin Ziyin saw was a long list of gifts, and he was very moved. Because Chu Suifeng valued her, he loved Wujiwu and wanted to give her family the best.

"Your Majesty, it's already very good, there's no need to add anything more."

Seeing that she was satisfied, Chu Suifeng was secretly happy, but he was afraid that he was not doing well enough, so he asked Nanny Qin and Nanny Lu to follow Bai Xian to the warehouse to take a look and quickly add in whatever was missing.

Aunt Qin and Aunt Lu did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed Bai Xian.

The old lady returned to the Marquis Mansion with a cart full of gifts. Marquis Li and the second son had already gathered around with their children and grandchildren. They all wanted to know the specific circumstances of the old lady's stay in Prince Ling's Mansion.

Even though the old lady only stayed there for one night, what kind of place was Prince Ling's Mansion? The most noble King of Tombs in the North lived there, so it wasn't just anyone who could live there.

"Mother, what did the prince say?" Li Houye wanted to inquire about the situation tactfully. But when he saw the old lady's impatient look, he immediately changed his mind and made a straightforward decision.

"What do you want the prince to say?" The old lady opened her eyes, "The prince promised in public that Marquis Li can thrive in the north in the future. Isn't this promise heavy enough?"

"Has the prince ever mentioned Yanran?" Seeing the old lady's impatient look, Mu finally couldn't help but ask. She was resentful towards Chu Suifeng. If Chu Suifeng wasn't so heartless, how could her daughter be in such pain.

"Grandma, have you mentioned your granddaughter's marriage in front of my cousin again? I am willing to be my cousin's concubine, even if it is a lowly concubine." Li Yanran knelt down and cried. Prince Ling's wedding was held yesterday. Her father was afraid that she would cause trouble, so he locked her up in the mansion. She did not see Chu Suifeng put on the groom's clothes with her own eyes.

But just thinking about the appearance of King Ling riding a tall horse to welcome him, Li Yanran felt extremely painful.

She couldn't bear to accept that the person she had loved for more than ten years abandoned her like that.

But what she hated most was Lin Ziyin. If Lin Ziyin hadn't caused trouble, any other woman would have had a chance to marry Prince Ling if she had been Princess Ling. Why, why did Lin Ziyin, a small and humble peasant girl, actually ask the King of Ling to be a couple for the rest of his life?

"Shut up." The old lady looked at Li Yanran coldly, with no trace of love in her eyes. "Let's find an official matchmaker to help her tomorrow."

"Mother." Mr. Li was shocked. Which daughter from a wealthy family would approach an official matchmaker to get married? Those are the ones who can't get married. If he goes to the official media, he will definitely end up being laughed at.

"Grandma, no." Li Yanran stood up because of anger.

"Mother, I don't agree." Mu was even more angry and trembling all over. If Li Yanran is approached by an official media to arrange a marriage, let alone looking for a child from aristocratic families, even the more orthodox wealthy families may not want such a daughter-in-law.

No, how could her Mu family's daughter end up like that?

Mu hated the old lady's heartlessness, and even more hated Chu Suifeng's senselessness. "Has mother ever thought about Yanran's future?"

"So, as the mistress of the Hou Mansion, have you ever thought about the future of the Li family?" The old lady asked sonorously, "If you don't agree, you should stop being the mistress of the Li family."

To be so cruel to her mother and daughter? Mu stared at the old lady in disbelief.

The people in the second room looked surprised when they heard this, but they were all very happy in their hearts. Mother and daughter, Li Yanran and Mu, usually relied on the fact that they had the power of running the house in their hands and often caused obstacles for them. But now that they have ended up like this, it is beneficial to their second wife.

"I have given the ten shops in the south of the city to the prince and the princess as a meeting gift. For the remaining ten shops, you two brothers can have five each." The old lady's more shocking move was yet to come.

Give away ten shops? The people in the second room were not calm now. The price for the old lady to stay in the palace for one night was too heavy.

"Here is the land deed. You can take it. As for the rest, whatever is rewarded by Concubine De, I will ask Qilan to send them all back to the palace. The rest, I have distributed. The list will be with Qilan. I will give it to you later. You can see for yourselves." The old lady had a tired look on her face, "I'm tired, you all should leave."

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