"Oil the soles of your feet! Ejection legs!"

Accompanied by the weird tone and magical rhythm of the mirrored Ace, he quickly glided backwards, turned around a few times, and left the tower along the door.

"Thanks to the magic crystal shaping and magic crystal weapon series of spells developed by Dana, I have to thank her when I go back."

Mirror Image Ace murmured.


The wall of the high tower exploded, a black broken blade with blood stains, and a broken palm on the handle, spinning straight towards the mirror image Ace.

The mirror image Ace had no time to dodge, and was smashed to pieces by the rotating blade of the black broken blade. The core of the soul fragment broke, and it was completely dead.

He marked the palm with the last magic power, and then tried to open his mouth, but he could only murmur, his lips trembling slightly, as if he heard a word.


With the desire for life and self-awareness, the mirror image Ace shattered and fell forever.

The broken soul fragments turned into a piece of information flow, followed the special track of the projection ceremony, and returned to the main body, and the remaining body turned into a pool of red liquid.

The deformed rusty steel nail of the main body felt the information flow of the returning soul fragments, and the entire soul and soul storage space trembled violently.

Unknowingly, Ace turned back into his original body, and a line of tears flowed from his eyes.

"I don't know why, but suddenly I feel a little sad."

Ace muttered to himself, he tapped the book spirit, the cloaking ability was activated, and then he turned back into a rusty iron nail.

He was going to lurk and observe for a while longer, but the blood-stained severed palm made him a little uneasy.

A series of violent explosions occurred inside the entire tower, boom!

The entire tower collapsed, and the explosion seemed to trigger some mechanism or flammable and explosive substances in the tower, triggering a larger and more violent explosion.

Ace stared at the black Broken Blade and the broken palm, and found that the index finger and middle finger of the palm were standing anthropomorphically, and the other three fingers were holding the black Broken Blade tightly, and ran away quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a spirit body jumped out from the tower, exactly the same as Hercules the Fearless.

The spirit body spun around the black broken blade a few times, and then got into the broken palm.

After the spirit body entered the palm of the hand, it began to swell and deform, and finally turned into a huge sarcoma.

The sarcoma shrinks and expands, and finally becomes the naked and fearless Hercules Milne!

Looking at the collapsed tower, he laughed wildly.

"Sad blasphemer, you are really powerful! If you were an ordinary hero, you might have killed him. Even a great hero would probably be seriously injured. But, I am different!"

"I, the Fearless, Hercules Milne, have the blood of the God of Guardian and the God of Battle. I also have the blessing of regeneration from the God of Guardian that my father sacrificed his life for. If you don't know me, just Impossible to kill me."

He approached the pool of red liquid step by step, and with a wave of the black broken blade, there was a violent wave of magic power, and the liquid disappeared completely in an instant.

"I don't like to leave hidden dangers for myself. You blasphemers are really scheming. You are just a small character who is not even a hero, but you can create a violent explosion that threatens a big hero. And the ability to fake death and create The ability to pretend to confuse me can be called exquisite."

"Although you are dead, nameless blasphemer. I, the Fearless Hercules Milne, may call you the strongest below a hero! Be grateful, you will be sung in my epic, this is your glory !"

Ace quietly looked at Hercules the Fearless, listened to his proud declaration, and secretly analyzed and recorded it.

"Analyzing from observation and listening, Hercules the Fearless should be at the level of a hero, with proficient combat skills at the hero level. The strongest is his terrifying regenerative ability. The weapon he uses, the black broken blade, seems to be is some kind of wonder,

Has cutting and destroying effects. "

"In addition, according to what he said, Nicholas of the Fire Thief League did not seem to be dead, and he killed a large number of heroes of the Punisher Organization. Destiny is really wonderful. Decades later, because of his diary, I completed the mortal to Chaofan's most important first step is to say that I am a fire thief, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"However, I will eventually be stronger than them. I will redefine 'wizard' instead of becoming a 'scholar', because I am the fire bearer, the only light in the long night, and I will open up a new way of wizard!"

"Book Elf, how about the analysis of his extraordinary fighting skills?"

The dumb hair on the top of Ace's nail swayed, and he buzzed: "There are too few battles, and I only understand less than 20%. If we want to fully analyze it, we need more observations."

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult to do this. With the strength of my body, it is impossible to fight him in close quarters. I can only find a way to lure him to the trap in the performance hall and entertain him well."

"Even if it is rebirth, if the soul is finished, or the body is completely reduced to ashes, it should not be able to regenerate.\

,"Ace is not in a hurry, as a good hearted person, he has plenty of patience.

The Fearless Hercules watched the tower collapse silently, got up and walked in.

In Ace's field of vision, he found the millstone in the tower, and chopped it vigorously with the black broken blade. After hundreds of strokes, the millstone gradually broke and shattered.

Afterwards, the black broken blade whined, and souls floated out of the shattered millstone.

Ace saw a few monster souls that had just been experimented with.

After the soul floated, a little bit of aura floated out of it, and one of the auras flew towards Hercules the Fearless, caressing him gently.


Hercules the Fearless whimpered hummingly, this giant four-meter-tall man actually burst into tears.

After a long time, he stabilized his emotions, and the black broken blade let out a cheerful cry. The aura circled around the black broken blade a few times, and then, it directly sank into the black broken blade and disappeared.

"Father, I will send your true spirit to the branch of the River Styx, where you will wash away your dirt and return to the kingdom of the gods in peace!"

The blazing fireball on the dome of the underground city seemed to have lost its support, becoming a little unstable and shaking constantly. The entire steel dome flickered, as if it had reached the end of its life.

Ace didn't wait any longer, he opened the illusion barrier, ready to interfere with Hercules the Fearless, and lure him into the trap set by the illusion of reality.

"Hercules Milne the Fearless, your time of death has come..."

The ethereal sound brought by the illusion barrier came from all directions.

The Fearless Hercules suddenly felt chills all over his body, this was his instinct, it was dangerous!


Ace inspired the Pyroblast, which had already been set in the performance hall to track the air pressure track, and followed the magic mark. The huge Pyroblast, with scorching heat and heat waves, hit the fearless Hercules.

Hercules the Fearless dissipated his arrogance, and quickly moved and jumped with vigilance.

But Pyro Explosion had the effect of tracking, and he couldn't get rid of it for a while. At this moment, several other Pyroblast bombs roared in.

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